Sad because she had to leave her lover, meanwhile she is surrounded by a city filled with love and clandestine meetings.
After a staying for a few weeks, like thieves in the night, Signor Montoni (our villain) packs up his people in the early morning and flees Venice for his castle in the mountains, Udolpho. I believe it is in the Apennine mountain range, which runs down the middle of Italy. I'm a bit fuzzy about the exact location.
Udolpho was an ancient castle, situated in the mountains, surrounded by dense forests and mountain cliffs. I tried to find a suitable picture, but in my mind Udolpho is dark, cold, and dank, and run down as well. It's falling apart in places. Unfortunately, this photo below was the best I could do, so picture dark and stormy like.
At some point, our heroine, Emily, will escape Udolpho and make her way back to France via Tuscany. Ah, I can feel the warmth on my skin already, just like Emily.