According to this article from Web MD, reading and knitting delay memory loss. Obviously we all read, but I know there are many of you out there who also knit, crochet, or craft. Being a knitter myself, I guess this means we are doubly protected. At least I'm getting some sort of exercise in :)
WebMD Article

I'm a crochet-er, so I guess I'm doubly protected, too! Though having four kids seems to wreak havoc on my memory, so it may just even out. :)
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Awesome! I should show it to my husband that claims I have a terrible memory. I believe it is he that has the bad memory. He only reads. :)
Well this is great news because I need all the help I can get in the memory department! Also gives me a reason to get back into my crochet projects again.
This is definitely good news for us. Our brains should still be going strong years from now. lol.
Good to know ... but given how forgetful I am, I'm frightened to see what would happen if I DIDN'T read! Perhaps I should take up knitting too! : )
Good to know that I have some protection since I crochet as well as read.
good to know! :)
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Outstanding... I love it. I have read this somewhere else before. And what I read said it is not too late to start in 50's, 60's and beyond.
I am an advocate for older people engaging in all kinds of mental activity to keep the mind agile and functioning well. It could be learning a new skill, reading, taking tests, solving puzzles and crosswords etc., anything that stretches and challenges our minds.
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)