Hi my chickadees!
How are you? Hope this finds you all well. It’s been a while since last we chatted. First up is a knitting project I finally finished:
I LOVE this shawl! The color, the yarn, the size…it’s my number one favorite knitted thing. I started this last year on the flight to Hawaii, and just finished it over the weekend. Other projects got in the way, plus work and reading but now it’s completed.
Next, is a Kona puppy update. Well Kona is almost 10 months old, and over the past month or so has really come into her own. She is getting very comfortable around the house, adjusting to our schedules and behavior, and truly becoming one of the pack. Kona is still a cuddler, so at night she will wake you as she tries to get right up next to you to sleep. I know that can be a puppy behavior, but I think it’s also because of the events early in her life. She still destroys every single toy we give her, but hopefully over time that will stop. Also, Kona is not a fan of bath time. I had to chase her around the yard during the bathing. She was a bit tuckered out.

As for other life things, work is work, and my classes that I’m teaching are almost completed, so I am super happy about that. Went to a nutritionist last Friday and will share details on this week’s Fitness Friday. I really want to try and keep that bi-weekly, but things happen and I don’t always have time. But you all know how that it is.
So what’s up with you lately? How have things been? Anything interesting you would like to share?
Happy reading and talk to you soon :)
© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"
extraordinaryordinarywhimsy 68p · 673 weeks ago
Awwwww sweet Kona.
Kona was a stray right?
Some strays never stop destroying their toys.
Have you tried a soft squishy ball?
Not allot going on here.
Baby Whimsy is growing growing growing and we've started going to Baby Storytime at the library.
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
Yes Kona was a stray. Haven't found a squishy ball she hasn't destroyed in less than 10 minutes :) But we keep trying
Having a baby is busy enough, imho. Baby Storytime is a great idea. Fun for the both of you.
extraordinaryordinarywhimsy 68p · 673 weeks ago
This general kind always worked with our dogs: http://www.gogreenitems.com/Earth_Orbee_Ball_p/dt...
Thanks :) I really do have fun with her.
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
You do seem like the kind of mom that has fun with her children. �Not everyone does, unfortunately. Enjoy your evening and sunday :)
blodeuedd 81p · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
Book Dilettante · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
stacijoreads 32p · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
LauraFabiani 92p · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
As for ARCs, it is so hard, but I have to draw the line somewhere. There are a select few I just can't say no to, but they know who they are :)
Kona says thanks too!
Michelle 113p · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
Thanks for the compliment :)
Michelle 113p · 673 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
Michelle 113p · 673 weeks ago
trishsbooks 31p · 673 weeks ago
And Kona looks SO sweet in that picture. Not sure how you were able to resist snuggling with her just then.
And thinking June-July for The Stand. Will put up a feeler post in a week or so to see how long people want to spend reading the book. 6 weeks? 8? I don't know.
Jennygirl73 95p · 673 weeks ago
Let sleeping dogs lie is true for a reason. Puppies are like toddlers, so sleepy tie is quiet time for me.
June-July sounds good. Should I try and get fancy with a button or something? I'll look for some pics and send them to you. Give me your thoughts. As for weeks, I didn't get my book yet, so how many pages would that be about? We could split the difference and say 7?
stacybuckeye 71p · 672 weeks ago
I don't want to burst your hope bubble but Max continues to destroy every toy we give him (and a few Gage toys). We rescued him at about 6 months with worms and fleas and issues with men. He blossomed into an awesome dog. At 8+ it takes him longer to destroy a toy, but destroy he does.