
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's up Wednesday?

Hi my chickadees!

How are you?  Hope this finds you all well.  It’s been a while since last we chatted.  First up is a knitting project I finally finished:

I LOVE this shawl!  The color, the yarn, the size…it’s my number one favorite knitted thing.  I started this last year on the flight to Hawaii, and just finished it over the weekend.  Other projects got in the way, plus work and reading but now it’s completed.

Next, is a Kona puppy update.  Well Kona is almost 10 months old, and over the past month or so has really come into her own.  She is getting very comfortable around the house, adjusting to our schedules and behavior, and truly becoming one of the pack.  Kona is still a cuddler, so at night she will wake you as she tries to get right up next to you to sleep.  I know that can be a puppy behavior, but I think it’s also because of the events early in her life.  She still destroys every single toy we give her, but hopefully over time that will stop.  Also, Kona is not a fan of bath time.  I had to chase her around the yard during the bathing.  She was a bit tuckered out.

As for reading, things are going well.  I am doing pretty good at just saying to no to ARCs, or at least  most of them.  I recently finished a book from my shelves (yay!) and read a little more of the Michner tome and Middlemarch.  Trish was talking about doing a read-along for The Stand, so I decided I would join her on that.  Saw the television movie years ago and I’ve always heard how the book was fantastic and creepy.  Would you like to join? You know you want to.   I’ll keep you posted.

As for other life things, work is work, and my classes that I’m teaching are almost completed, so I am super happy about that.  Went to a nutritionist last Friday and will share details on this week’s Fitness Friday.  I really want to try and keep that bi-weekly, but things happen and I don’t always have time.  But you all know how that it is.

So what’s up with you lately?  How have things been?  Anything interesting you would like to share?

Happy reading and talk to you soon :)

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