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Be sure to scroll down the page today
Be sure to scroll down the page
There are TWO posts today...Sorry about that :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Teaser Tuesday (March 31)

She asks you to do the following:
Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given! Please avoid spoilers!
"Looking at the serene, lovely face before her, mad thoughts whirled in Catherine's brain. She wondered if she might arrange for men to enter the woman's chamber whilst she slept, and then mutilate or even murder her."
pg. 165 of Madame Serpent by Jean Plaidy
This is an excellent book and the first in the de'Medici series by Plaidy. There are three in the series. I can't believe I waited this long to read a book by her!
Teaser Tuesday 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Musing Mondays (March 30)
Do you keep track of what and/or how many books you read? How long have you been doing this? What's your favorite tracking method, and why?If you don't keep track, why not? (question courtesy of MizB)
I just started keeping track last year, because I wanted to see how many books in a year I actually read. I figured it had to be a lot, since I go through them pretty quickly and am never without a book. I started using GoodReads, and it's okay I guess. I keep my TBR list in there, and have just started copying and pasting my reviews as well. I then started to add books I read in the past, like several years ago. When I think of something, I add it.
I haven't explored Shelfari or Library Thing so I'm not sure if these are any better. However, the thought of having to re-do everything or starting from scratch is a bit unnerving. Also, Good Reads is free which enables me to buy more books or yarn. The Internet is too big not to find something that is free.
I realize, now, that since I started this book blog around the New Year, I can use it to keep track of my reading. We'll see what happens when I create the "2009 Year in Review post", if I've done a good job tracking and what not :)
So how about you? Do you keep track or not? Or are you afraid to?
Musing Mondays 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My Friend Amy's Book Challenge 2009

Amy from My Friend Amy is hosting this book challenge.
There were two options:
1) The first option is to simply buy one book and read it. The book you buy and read should be a book you have chosen for yourself for pleasure. It should not be work related and books read to your children do not count.
2) The second option is to buy one book a month and read it. I am asking that those of you who will probably already have one book read by January 2 choose this option. Books can be on your other challenge lists, it is only necessary that you buy them and read them!
I am going with option two as of March. I just joined a book club, and I will have to buy a book per month, so this fits. Wish me luck :)
List of books I have bought:
- March: The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank (review)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Review: Brida

Genre: Fiction
From HarperCollins:
This is the story of Brida, a young Irish girl, and her quest for knowledge. She has long been interested in various aspects of magic but is searching for something more. Her search leads her to people of great wisdom, who begin to teach Brida about the spiritual world. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest, who teaches her about overcoming her fears and trusting in the goodness of the world; and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world, and how to pray to the moon. As Brida seeks her destiny, she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire to become a witch. This enthralling novel incorporates themes that fans of Paulo Coelho will recognize and treasure—it is a tale of love, passion, mystery, and spirituality from the master storyteller.
My Thoughts:
As you can glean from the description, the story is about a woman who would like to become a witch and her journey to that end. Along the way story lines concerning her soul mate and past lives are injected into the story as they are a part of her journey into witch hood.
I enjoyed Brida's inquisitiveness and yearn for answers. I also liked all of the supporting characters in the story. The magical and spiritual elements of the book...not so much. I was confused. It felt over my head, and I was just not getting it. The book left me questioning what happened. Huh? What did I just read? I read and analyze government regulations and medical information at my day job, so maybe books that require in-depth analysis and possible soul searching are not for me.
Coelho is a very successful author. He has published many books and has achieved worldwide success. His book, The Alchemist, has received critical acclaim and I've been told by many this book is a must read. Maybe I should have picked up The Alchemist instead. And I will. I'll give Coelho another shot.
My Rating: 2/5
Library Challenge 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
LOST Challenege: "He's Our You"

"A twelve-year-old Ben Linus brought me a chicken salad sandwich. How do you think I'm doing?" - Sayid
This episode was chock full of Sayid and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We learned more of his past and why he is so efficient at what he does. He sees a job that needs to be done, and he does it. No questions asked. Even though the job is killing or security, it doesn't diminsh my opinion of him. He is unfortunately very good at it. And Sayid does not kill indiscriminately. He makes his jobs count, whether it's saving his friends or fighting for his country. (i.e. like Jack Bauer)
Which brings us to his last job, shooting 12 year old Ben. I don't think Ben dies, because if he does wouldn't it screw everything up? Or, is Jack going to perform surgery, thus saving Ben, and mess up the situation w/DI. You are a surgeon, and yet we have you down as a janitor or something. Hmmm....people will ask questions. Plus I think Jack would be more than happy to stick it in Sawyer's face. Jealous much?
Glad it looks as though Sawyer is trying and wants to keep his relationship with Juliette strong. Kate will probably back off. But what is up with Jin? Loyal to Sawyer, but why not Sayid?
Can't wait until next week!!!!
Lost Challenge
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This is for my Sista's!

A big shout out of Thank You Very Much to DeSeRt RoSe BoOkLoGuE for giving me this award. It totally made my day and gave me that extra special feeling. Exactly the type of things that sisters do for one another.
Here are the rules to spread the sisterhood spirit:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
As I have previously mentioned, I read many blogs and enjoy the great diversity that is this book blog community. Although I may not always be able to comment, please know i am always checking up on, the way a Sista should!
So without further ado, here is my list (in no particular order), and please make sure you check these gals out!
Beth from Beth Fish Reads
Zetor from Mog's Blog
Amy from My Friend Amy
Amy from Passages to the Past
Dar from Peeking Between the Pages
Jill of Sneaky Momma and Sneaky Momma Blog Design
Naida from the bookworm
Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading?
Keishon form avidbookreader.com
I'm sure I'm missing someone and I do apologize. Corny, but I do think of all you as my peeps, so go show each other some love!
Teaser Tuesday (March 24)

She asks you to do the following:
Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given! Please avoid spoilers!
"My cheeks burned just hearing that. Surely he knew how it sounded. Somehow I managed to meet his eyes, and oh, yes, he knew exactly what he'd just said, but he didn't intend to flirt with me, or Eva for that matter. Jesse was just provoking Chance."
pg. 163 of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre
About the book from Amazon:
- Corine Solomon is a handler—when she touches an object she instantly knows its history and its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing—which is why people never stop trying to find her. Like her ex-boyfriend Chance, who needs Corine’s gift to find someone dear to them both. But the search proves dangerous as it leads them into a strange world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies—and black magic...
This book is an ARC that I have been trying to get my grubby little fingers on for a while. As you can see I was finally successful. So far I'm really enjoying it and I haven't even gotten to the meat of the story yet. Aguirre's blog was one of the first book blogs I discovered. She blogs about other writers, life in general, and living in Mexico. She is a very genuine person and one heck of a writer. My review of Blue Diablo will be up as soon as I finish the book.
So what are you teasing about today?
Teaser Tuesday 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Musing Monday (March 23)
Today's musing is the following:
How many bookstores do you frequent? Do you have a favourite? If so, which one and what makes it so?
Although I am a big lover of the library, I do go to some bookstores. There are not that many independent bookstores in Philly, as least not to my knowledge. I mainly go to Border's, because I have a member ship card, and I like the layout of the store. Barnes and Noble charges for their club, and I think that's a bit ridiculous. You are going to charge me to join your club, to get reduced prices on books? Did you ever think I may spend more if you just had decent sales or coupons for me to use? There may be another benefit to the B&N club I am just not aware of. If so please tell me.
There is one used bookstore in particular that I will go to if I'm in the neighborhood. A sweet, old couple own it. They have a decent variety of books, and always make a little conversation with you. There is another, more well know used book store in Old City, but I have never been there. Not for any particular reason, just never think to go. It's a bit out of the way for me, however, maybe in the Sporing time I'll make a road trip there.
So do you have any special bookstores?
Musing Mondays 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Saw this over at Jo-Jo Loves to Read and just had to do it. I agree with the result. tomorrow will be my leading man.
Your result for The Classic Dames Test...
Katharine Hepburn
You scored 19% grit, 14% wit, 52% flair, and 29% class!
You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.
Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I am Faboulous Darling!

I was kindly and thoughtfully given this award by Stacy from Stacy's Book Blog. Thank you so much! I am deeply and truly grateful Stacy. I discovered Stacy from Teaser Tuesday postings.
Stacy reviews a wide variety of books, conducts author interviews, and usually has a fun quiz every week. Make sure you go check her out.
It is now time for me to bestow this award to I think three fabulous blogs. I read many blogs, and follow quite a few, some of which who have already received this award. therefore I will award this to some new blogs I have recently discovered and come to enjoy:
Chartroose from Bloody Hell, It's a Book Barage - very funny, and uncannily enough, we have a lot of the same interests, especially her band meme.
Toni from A Circle of Books - she is one of the first people I became book blog friends with. Plus she is a knitter.
Heather J from Age 30+...A Lifetime of Books - excellent blog with lots of things going and always has the time to comment
Cecilia from The Epic Rat - another person I met through Teaser Tuesdays. She is mainly into YA, and her blog is very fun to read. YA books are a must read for me every now and then.
There are so many other blogs I read and follow, and I think all of them are fabulous. I just wanted to single some of that out. Stop by and check them out also if you can. Enjoy your weekend and may you get lots of reading done!
LOST Challenge: "Namaste"

Kate...trouble maker, home wrecker, island harlot. Leave Sawyer alone. I felt terrible for Juliet. She always gets the short end of the stick.
Little Ben...I know Sayid is going to try and kill him. But maybe that can't happen as per Farraday? There are only certain events that can be altered. However, we did see a sick looking Ben a few weeks ago on the Locke episode, when Locke said, "He killed me," and Ben was laying on the bed. Hmmm...
I really enjoyed this week's episode. Sawyer being settled in the 70s with Juliet suits him, and I think he would have been just as happy staying there and never seeing the other 815ers again.
I am curious as to how everyone is going to sync up and be in the correct year together. Back to the Orchid? Guess we will have to wait and see.
Please visit the LOST Book Blog to see what others have to say, or to check out some other really great blogs. We are not all about LOST :)
Lost Challenge
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It doesn't take much

I usually knit every day on my lunch at work. It's a nice break, I get to chat with friends, and the knitting assists me in not killing anyone at work. It's a win-win situation.
However, both my girlfriends are indisposed today, so that means I making a break for the library. Yes, I have stacks of books to read at home, but the library is like a siren's call to me. I just can't resist. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting too. God I love books :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This is a book for me
From Hatchette:
Workers in Alexandria are excavating for a new building when they discover the ruins of an old tomb, and all work crashes to a halt. According to federal law in Egypt, all discoveries must be properly catalogued by archeologists and this tomb has unusual relics and representations, apparently contemporary with Alexander the Great.
Daniel Knox's first love is history and archeology, specifically on Alexander the Great. When he pisses off a local mobster on the coast of Egypt, he heads to Alexandria to an archaeology colleague's apartment to hide out for a while. He learns his friend is getting to participate on the dig for this newly discovered tomb. Sneaking in with his friend, Daniel sees signs that the find is far bigger than anyone realizes and might hold clues to finally unravelling one of the world's greatest mysteries: Where is Alexander the Great buried?
In his lifetime, Alexander was beloved as a god, and across the Mediterranean, everyone wanted to be close to him. Upon his death, there was a mad scrabbling among his former allies to secure his empire for themselves. Even now, nearly 2500 years later, Alexander is still being fought over. With the discovery of this tomb and the revelation of its relics, the race is on to find Alexander. Rival archeologists, Egyptian officials, and Macedonian nationalists all scurry and scramble, attacking each other along the way as they hunt for a glorious prize--the body of Alexander the Great.
I love anything having to do with Egypt, archeology, historical mysteries...oh the what ifs! This is definitely a book I will be checking out.
Posted by
Jenny Girl
3:00 PM
This is a book for me
Jenny Girl
New releases 2009|
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New releases 2009
Review: Mistress of the Art of Death

Genre: Fiction, Historical, Mystery
Pub date: 2007From Penguin:
In medieval Cambridge, England, Adelia, a female forensics expert, is summoned by King Henry II to investigate a series of gruesome murders that has wrongly implicated the Jewish population, yielding even more tragic results. As Adelia's investigation takes her behind the closed doors of the country's churches, the killer prepares to strike again.
My Thoughts:
It is mid-12th century and Adelia is a coroner/CSI dispatched to England to solve a series of mysterious murders. The fact that she is a woman only complicates the situation. Adelia feels more at ease examining the dead than having conversations with the living. Adelia is one of the best doctors from Salerno, Italy, where there is only moderate discrimination against women, as opposed to England, where people would accuse her outright of witchcraft and hang her for it. Adelia must be careful in all that she does on this trip to England.
Science and medicine are the devil's playground in the minds of commoners in England, not to mention the prevailing religion of the day.
Adelia is a wonderful and tenacious character who, despite various road blocks thrown up against her, seeks only the truth regardless of where it leads. When one character asks her if she will pray for the dead, Adelia gravely answers, "I am not here to pray for them. I have come to speak for them." And this is exactly what she does.
The author does a wonderful and skillful job in depicting medieval England, and the behaviors of both Church leaders and villagers. The medical and investigative aspects of the book were also written quite well. This interested me greatly since I work in the medical field.
All in all this was a good read and is sure to delight murder mystery fans. This book is the first in a series featuring Adelia Mistress of the Art of Death. I look forward to reading more of her adventures.
My Rating: 4/5
TBR Challenge 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Raw evil score: 44.44%
Found this on Desert Rose's Booklogue and just had to do it. How cute is this?
Teaser Tuesday (March 17)

She asks you to do the following:
Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!Please avoid spoilers!
My voice sounded as haughty as my mother's had the time a handyman had parked on our lawn, and I'd told her, "You can't expect everyone to know your rules." The whole weekend was like that, hating Archie and then hating myself for it.
pg. 145 of The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
My girlfriend invited me to join her book club, and this is the book for March. This book is a wee bit out of my normal reading genre, but that's what book clubs are about right? Reading and discussing things you normally wouldn't choose yourself. Broadening my horizons. We meet at the end of the month and I'm excited to hear what the others have to say.
Teaser Tuesday 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Musing Monday (March 16)
Today she is musing about the following:
We were all warned as children to 'never talk to strangers', but how do you feel about book-talk with random people? When you see people reading, do you ask what it is? Do you talk to people in the book store or the library? Why or why not? What do you do if people talk to you? (question courtesy of Dena)
It depends on the situation. If someone speaks to me in the bookstore or library, I'll speak back. However, if they are shady looking or my instinct tells me otherwise, I'll make a nice comment and then ignore them or walk away.
If I see someone reading a book, I usually don't disturb them, because I wouldn't want to be disturbed. Unless, they happen to look up and catch my eye. Then I'll say something. Most people are not that chatty on public transportation, especially the subway. There are quite a few not so nice people out there.
Now if I see someone else knitting, 9 times out of 10, I'll make a comment like"What are you working on or that's pretty." It seems more natural to make a comment with a fellow knitter than a book reader. Maybe because I don't come across too many knitters out in public.
I am a friendly person, sometimes too friendly for my own good. I'll pretty much talk to anybody. Unfortunately, in today's world one needs to be very cautious.
Musing Mondays 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Re-opening and a Huge Heartfelt Thank You
After a week of playing with code, pictures, and cursing, I am just about finished redesigning my blog. Nothing earth shattering, I know, but there was one part that I just couldn't get to work. Still can't but it's time to move on.
However, I would like give a huge heartfelt thanks to Jill from Sneaky Momma Blog Design. She writes and posts tutorials for working and sprucing up your blog. Both of her blogs are quite beautiful and professional looking. I posted a question to her and she was kind enough to help me out. We went back and forth in email, and she even tried to do what I wanted herself. Jill definitely gave up some free time on my behalf, and I am eternally grateful.

So please, go check out both her blogs and say hello. The kindness of others never ceases to amaze me. Bloggers are definitely a unique bunch as well.
However, I would like give a huge heartfelt thanks to Jill from Sneaky Momma Blog Design. She writes and posts tutorials for working and sprucing up your blog. Both of her blogs are quite beautiful and professional looking. I posted a question to her and she was kind enough to help me out. We went back and forth in email, and she even tried to do what I wanted herself. Jill definitely gave up some free time on my behalf, and I am eternally grateful.

So please, go check out both her blogs and say hello. The kindness of others never ceases to amaze me. Bloggers are definitely a unique bunch as well.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Please pardon me while I renovate

Please excuse me for not posting lately. I am currently undergoing some renovations here, and having some trouble. So until I can fix my header and such, I don't want to add lots of things back and then have to start all over again.
You know I'm glad I have a great full time job, but sometimes it gets in the way of blogging : )
Hope to have this resolved by the end of the weekend. Have a great day and thank you very much for stopping by!
Posted by
Jenny Girl
9:23 AM
Please pardon me while I renovate
Jenny Girl
Comments (0)

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sawyer's pet name for me
Posted by
Jenny Girl
10:27 PM
Sawyer's pet name for me
Jenny Girl
Comments (0)

Friday, March 6, 2009
Review: The Dark Lantern

Genre:Fiction, Historical, Victorian
From Random House:
London, 1893. Elderly Mrs. Bentley is on her deathbed, and her son Robert has returned from France. But in the Bentleys’ well-appointed home, everyone has their secrets, including Robert’s beautiful and elusive wife, the orphan maid she hires from the country, and the mysterious young woman who arrives, claiming to be the bride of Robert’s drowned brother.
Robert is quickly developing a reputation in anthropometry, the nascent science of identifying criminals by body measurements. Yet soon he is caught up in the deceptions swirling around him, for no one under his roof is quite what they seem. When an intruder enters the house and ransacks the study, a chain of events is set in motion that threatens not only the genteel, comfortable life the Bentleys have managed to secure but also their very survival.
A fascinating portrayal of a vanished England as well as an unconventional mystery, The Dark Lantern exposes the grand “upstairs” of a Victorian home and the darker underbelly of its servants’ quarters. The clash between the classes makes for a suspenseful novel of mistaken identities, intriguing women, and dangerous deceptions.
My Thoughts:
This book portrayed Victorian England well. The relationships between the servants themselves and their interactions with their employers conveyed what daily household life may have been like in Victorian England. Jane, the main narrator/point of view of the story is newly arrived to London from the country. She is the second house maid and therefore responsible for most of the scutwork "upstairs", such as cleaning and lighting the fireplaces, and the majority of the cleaning. Unfortunately, she is also taken advantage of quite often.
The attitudes of the Master and Mistress of the house towards their staff is also described very well throughout the book. All of these unspoken feelings and thoughts between the characters only heightens the suspicious elements of the story. "Is the maid spying on me or going through my things? What does she know? Who is the gentleman that she meets on her half day off?" The fact that almost every character has secrets to hide only adds to the paranoia and creates tension.
This book felt like a detective novel, and kept me guessing until the end. It was a quick enjoyable read with a few surprises thrown in at the end. The author also described a Victorian household and its workings extremely well. I know I probably would have been a second maid.
My Rating: 4/5
Victorian challenge 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
LOST Challenge: "LaFleur"

Oh no! Not back to the 70s! The hair, the clothes, at least the music was good. This episode didn't explain a whole lot, but it brings everything together or up to the speed, for the most part. I assume Locke and company are in the 70s as well, although how come Dharma hasn't discovered them yet? Is it because they landed on a different island? No transportation or reason to leave, I guess.
I am thrilled that Juliet delivered a baby on the island safe and sound. I have always liked Juliet and feel she keeps getting the short end of the stick. Doesn't want to be there, can't go home, can't successfully perform her life's work, can't get and keep a man.
Which brings me to Sawyer and Juliet getting together. I love them together. I think they are right for one another. No explanations for the their pasts, they just accept each other and move on. Complete and absolute trust. I feel Kate has been abusing both Jack and Sawyer by not picking one and going with it. And Juliet has been along for the roller coaster ride. There are no warm and fuzzies between Juliet and Kate. I hope Juliet puts her in her place.
Sawyer and Alpert. Have they been sharing secrets for three years thus keeping the peace? And where is early Ben? Would the time line get messed up if they just eliminated early Ben?
I think the majority of our questions will be answered, eventually, but not all of them. Did you forget about Libby being in the psych ward with Hurley? I didn't. And what is up with Dharma? What exactly is there initiative/purpose? Just curious is all.
Looking forward to next week :)
Lost Challenge
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Review: The Moon Opera

Genre: Fiction
The debut novel of one of China’s rising young literary talents—a gem of a book that takes a piercing look into the world of Chinese opera and its female stars In a fit of diva jealousy, Xiao Yanqiu, star of The Moon Opera, disfigures her understudy with boiling water. Spurned by the troupe, she turns to teaching. Twenty years later, a rich cigarette-factory boss offers to underwrite a restaging of the cursed opera, but only on the condition that Xiao Yanqiu return to the role of Chang’e. So she does, this time believing she has fully become the immortal moon goddess.
Set against the drama, intrigue, jealousy, retribution, and redemption of backstage Peking opera, The Moon Opera is a stunning portrait of women in a world that simultaneously reveres and restricts them. Bi Feiyu, one of China’s young literary stars, re-creates all the temptations and triumphs of the stage the world over in this gem of a novel.
My Thoughts:

This was an interesting short read. The jealousy and insecurities that can affect performers in the world of entertainment are the basis for this book. How an entertainer reacts to these feelings and others can determine their course through life.
The descriptions throughout out the book are colorful and in tune with nature. The prose is lyrical. Basically what I expect from Chinese writing. Even Yanqiu's distraught feelings are described with an air of beauty. The story also explains some of the elements of Peking Opera, which were very interesting.
Good read.
My Rating: 4.0/5
Here are some other websites with information about Peking Opera:
Posted by
Jenny Girl
8:00 AM
Review: The Moon Opera
Jenny Girl
Library Challenge 2009|
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Library Challenge 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Teaser Tuesday

Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page. Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!
Please avoid spoilers!
"A good wedding it had been, Old Benjamin said, an alliance between cash and culture, between a rich man's daughter and this young Spanish scholar of excellent pedigree whom Chaim intended to keep as an eidem afkest, a resident son-in-law to whom he would give a dowry of ten marks..."
pg. 141, Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin
I just started this book, but it has drawn me in quickly. And since I work in the medical field, this aspect of the book speaks to me as well.
Teaser Tuesday 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Musing Monday (March 2)
When reading do you read every word?
Do you ever skip chapters or skim over parts? (question courtesy of Wendy)
I'm pretty sure I read every word, although if I am in an exciting part of the story, I realize I sometimes skip words to read faster. I then go back and make sure I read them. It's like I can't wait to find out what happens, like a little kid or something.
I don't skip chapters or skim parts as a general rule. I did a few times reading Dr. Zhivago because the author was discussing all this "Russian stuff" that was boring me to death. I can't even really describe exactly what it was, because I tried to understand form the beginning and that didn't quite work out.
Musing Mondays 2009
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