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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Suddenly Sunday (Dec. 18)

Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week.  

Hi my friends and dear readers!  How are you?  I hope this finds all of you quite well and enjoying the holidays.  Please don't get sucked into the hype of the commercialization of Christmas.  It will just suck the life out of you.  Anyways, it's been a while since I have posted or Suddenly Sunday'ed and I'm off today, so the timing is perfect.

Last Saturday was the start of my annual cookie baking event, cookiepallooza.  This year I had the help of a food processor to make all of the dough.  I read mixed things about using a food processor, but I let the dough rest overnight, and my cookies came out awesome.  Some of my best actually.  I also finally figured out my oven.  It runs super hot, so there were a few trays of crispy cookies, but I think this will be the last year for that. Also, I made more cookies than usual this year, which was great because I gave quite a few away.  However, there are many that are being consumed by me and the Mr. and lets just say we are starting to feel it.  Next year: less cookies for sure!  I do so love giving them away though :)

In other news, I need a new laptop because the screen died on me.  Luckily I have an old 15" flat screen in storage, so I have a funky set up going on the kitchen table.  I had hoped in between cookie batches to get some posts done, catch on blog reading and commenting, but it took a few days to figure out the issue.  I admit I was freaking out there for a while with no laptop, but it was nice to get away from the web too.

As for 2012 and my reading goals, I am saving that for a post.  I have done a lot of thinking about it, and have made some decisions.  Nothing major, just changing my book sources I guess.  I have also tried writing lately, with those Flash Fiction posts I see Blodeuedd participating in.  I would like to eventually post some pieces, but probably on a separate blog.  Also, I want to look into copyrighting my work first.  I know that sounds diva like, and I am not a prolific writer by any means, but if one of my ideas or themes was "borrowed" I would be super pissed that I didn't take the time to research legalities first.

I think that's enough catching up for one week.  Hope you have a lovely Sunday and let me know what you've been up to lately.  Happy Reading :)

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Congrats on all the cookie baking!

I look forward to hearing about your plans for you 2012 reading!
1 reply · active 691 weeks ago
Thanks Amy! The baking was fun but a good job done too. My plans aren't too grand. Trust me. How about you? 2011 was so busy for you. What does 2012 hold?
I did not think about that, I would be pissed if someone borrowed me idea too. Anyway, I do hope you will join us :D
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Yea I have these thoughts that float through my head from time to time. I'll let you know when I'm ready to sharesies :)
I bet your house smelled like a slice of heaven while all those cookies were baking!! Yummy...makes me want to make some right now!! I'm with you on the book plans for 2012. Poor little tried to make it til the end of the year. Hope you're able to get a really good deal on a new one!!!
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Thanks Staci! I'm cookied out right now, but already thought about making some more at the end of January. Laptop: poor little thing has taken a beaten for sure. Just need it to hang in there a while longer.
Sorry you will be needing a new laptop, maybe Santa will bring you one. I am trying to decide which cookies to bake this week as I WILL NOT be baking as much as I normally do, so most of them will be given away!!
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Yea I went a bit overboard this year. Next year I am cutting back, because then I have to eat most of them. And the ones I like the best, I didn't get as many from the dough as I usually do. Although that's probably a good thing :)
Happy Christmas, Jenn! Your comment about the commercialization of Christmas made me smile a bit--but you're right!

I just got a food processor and have thought abuot using it to make cookie dough. Worked well huh? I've also heard people making bread dough from the processor! One of my goals in 2012 is to use my kitchen appliances more. ;)

I think it's smart to copyright your material. I've even thought about it for blogging but haven't gotten that far yet.

If I don't make it back here this week, I hope you have a beautiful holiday. xoxo
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
The food processor worked great! I did let the dough rest over night before I started the cookies, but I would have done that anyway if I would have mixed by hand. I don't have a stand mixer thingy, because I really don't bake that much.

Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas Trish :)
Welcome back. Congrats on your cookiepallooza. Too bad about the laptop. It is a little nerve racking at first when you don't have access to a computer. It seems to be the time when you really need one too. Great idea about finding out about the copyrighting. I'd be pissed too. I love reading about people's goals. Look forward to reading yours.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Thanks Bree! As for the copyrighting, I've read so many articles about regular blog posts getting stolen and I never really cared before, but I guess my fur got up :)
Hi, cookiepallooza sounds fab! I must agree, the commercialization of Christmas can really suck the life right out of you and take the joy away from the real meaning of this holiday. I freak out if Im away from the web, but then I adjust too. It's nice to get a break sometimes.
Looking forward to your 2012 reading goals post. I was just working on my 2011 wrap up post myself ;)
Happy Holidays.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Hey Naida! Hope you are well. I keep saying I"m going to do a wrap up post but I never do. It's probably because the thought of going back through my posts for the year is scary. Maybe I can make it a goal for next year....
Have a Merry Christmas sweetie!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Jen! I'm not into the whole commercial side of the holiday. We just have a quiet celebration. I bet your house smelled heavenly with all that cookie baking. I'm a cookie monster for sure. They are by far my favorite desert. I can't wait to hear about your plans for 2012.
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Thanks Darlene and hope you had a wonderful Christmas too! :)
I baked cookies on Wednesday and used a stand mixer with no problems. At least, there've been no complaints around here. Merry Christmas!
I have eaten more cookies (and red meat) in the past few days to last a year! I hope that your blogging changes only bring us fans more Jenny :)
I love the sound of cookiepallooza ... where's the photos?? Wish I lived closer, we could swap cookies for homemade Ferrero Rochers and chocolate truffles and caramel balls ... then you'd be feeling it for sure!

Hope your Christmas was wonderful my friend, filled with love & laughter and I hope 2012 is filled with health and happiness.

Hug from your Aussie Sister xx
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I didn't post photos�because�I felt like they would look like the same ones from last year. �
Next year, I'll have to send you some cookies. �I'll start saving my pennies now :)
My Christmas was good, just spent time with family. �Quiet and low key, plus I took the week off from work.

I hope 2012 brings you health, wealth, and happiness my friend :)

Hugs right back from your American sister xoxox
I've been wondering about doing the copyright thing on my blog as well. I know a number of bloggers have done that. But with personal writing, I'd definitely look into that, if I were you.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I found an article that discussed the copy right thing. �Here's the link:�

It was interesting. �With�all the stories floating around out there last year, It thought it was about time.

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