Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction – Zeus’ master bolt. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him. Most of all, he must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.
My Thoughts:
I tried to write an ode to Percy Jackson because I adored this book so much, but I am just not that clever. Plus, you have all probably read and finished this series already. I am uber late to this party. So let me just point out what and why I loved this book so much:
- The use of Greek Mythology is interesting and cool; and something many stories do not feature. At least not the ones I read.
- The gods and goddesses always have children with humans, and I liked how the children of the gods plays out in the books.
- Humanizing Poseidon that way...I've always liked him the least until now.
- The use of ADHD: why it's special and making it normal for the half-bloods...LOVED it!
- The themes that are in the story for children who read this series.
- the adventure of it all. This book was a page turner for me. I am so sorry I didn't read this sooner, and more sorry I haven't moved on to Book 2.
- Making Percy and his friends likable. They are young yet mature in some ways.
- All of the secondary characters, even the baddies, added to the fun of the story and I can't wait to see how they turn up again.
You guys know all this good stuff already. I just had to add my 50 cents.
The author's website:
My Rating: 100/100
Publisher: Hyperion Books
Genre: Teen/YA/Fantasy
Hardback 375 pages
Book Source: borrowed from the library
© Jenny Girl - 2011 "All Rights Reserved"
CoffeeBookChick · 689 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
Juju@TalesofWhimsy · 689 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
This would probably make a good audio. It's such a short book too.
Staci · 689 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
Trisha · 689 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
blodeuedd · 689 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
bookworm · 689 weeks ago
Happy New Year Jenny! :)
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago
Happy New Year to you and your family Naida :)
stacybuckeye 71p · 688 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 688 weeks ago