
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Suddenly Sunday (Dec. 18)

Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week.  

Hi my friends and dear readers!  How are you?  I hope this finds all of you quite well and enjoying the holidays.  Please don't get sucked into the hype of the commercialization of Christmas.  It will just suck the life out of you.  Anyways, it's been a while since I have posted or Suddenly Sunday'ed and I'm off today, so the timing is perfect.

Last Saturday was the start of my annual cookie baking event, cookiepallooza.  This year I had the help of a food processor to make all of the dough.  I read mixed things about using a food processor, but I let the dough rest overnight, and my cookies came out awesome.  Some of my best actually.  I also finally figured out my oven.  It runs super hot, so there were a few trays of crispy cookies, but I think this will be the last year for that. Also, I made more cookies than usual this year, which was great because I gave quite a few away.  However, there are many that are being consumed by me and the Mr. and lets just say we are starting to feel it.  Next year: less cookies for sure!  I do so love giving them away though :)

In other news, I need a new laptop because the screen died on me.  Luckily I have an old 15" flat screen in storage, so I have a funky set up going on the kitchen table.  I had hoped in between cookie batches to get some posts done, catch on blog reading and commenting, but it took a few days to figure out the issue.  I admit I was freaking out there for a while with no laptop, but it was nice to get away from the web too.

As for 2012 and my reading goals, I am saving that for a post.  I have done a lot of thinking about it, and have made some decisions.  Nothing major, just changing my book sources I guess.  I have also tried writing lately, with those Flash Fiction posts I see Blodeuedd participating in.  I would like to eventually post some pieces, but probably on a separate blog.  Also, I want to look into copyrighting my work first.  I know that sounds diva like, and I am not a prolific writer by any means, but if one of my ideas or themes was "borrowed" I would be super pissed that I didn't take the time to research legalities first.

I think that's enough catching up for one week.  Hope you have a lovely Sunday and let me know what you've been up to lately.  Happy Reading :)