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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Review: A Room With a View

Author: E.M. Forster
Published: Bantam Classics (July 1, 1988)
Genre: Fiction, Classic
Paperback, 264 pages

From Amazon:
A classic tale of British middle-class love, this novel displays Forster's skill in contrasting British sensibilities with those of foreign cultures, as he portrays the love of a British woman for an expatriate living in Italy. One of Forster's earliest and most celebrated works.

My Thoughts:

When I first started this book I had some trouble getting into it. The language, the conventions...I just felt like I was missing something. However, before long I became entranced by Forster's writing and the story of this young woman trying to find her place in the world and love to go with it.

Forster's descriptions and the way the story leads off, the young and old each with their own set of conventions, really sets the tone for Lucy trying to discern herself and where she fits in. When we meet Cecil and learn about his views and attitudes towards women and certain types of society, we see he is condescending, set in his ways and very conventional. He doesn't allow for free and easy thought or discussion. Cecil feels Lucy needs to be watched and schooled in the ways of "proper" society. Lucy must be taught it think and speak appropriately.

Whereas George thinks women should be on equal footing with men. Women are as free thinking and knowledgeable as the rest of the population and should be allowed to make their own decisions. Lucy should be George's equal in his eyes, but not in Cecil's.

Once home in England, Lucy begins to realize the deeper meaning of her experience in Italy. The stifling conventions and conversations at the pensione are not what she wants and expects in life. The sense of freedom she felt with George and his father exploring Italy, that is what Lucy wants. She also begins to see Cecil's true nature as he interacts with her family. This behavior is unacceptable to her. Lucy begins to finally discover her wants, needs, and feelings, thereby taking control of her own life on her terms.

This was a delightful novel and I can't believe I waited this long to read it. Forster's writing enabled me to picture the characters and their emotions quite clearly. I even chuckled to myself a few times when remarks were made in the story. I will definitely be placing the rest of Forster's novels on my TBR!

My Rating: 95/100

Challenges Met: TBR Challenge 2009, Romance Challenge 2009, Royal Reviews Romance Challenge 2009


Anonymous said...

I have always thought this as a more literary version of Pride and Prejudice.

Staci said...

Sounds like a great read!! I probably would've never thought to read this but your review was really good and I'm tossing around the idea!!

Anonymous said...

I've read few other Forster books, but not this one. It is on my shelf, so I need to get to it!

Laura Schaefer said...

Thanks for the review. I enjoy throwing a classic into the book pile now and again and I appreciate the reminder to get back into the habit!

Blodeuedd said...

I remember watching the movie when younger and loving it. Truly one of my favs then. haven't seen it for years, and I really should give a classic book a try too

Darlene said...

I've never read anything by Forster. I'll have to add this to my list. Glad you enjoyed it!

Harvee44 said...

Hi: I gave you an award, which you can pick up at my blog!

Lucy said...

This sounds delghtful! It's true that mentalities differed so much based on country of origin, in those days. I always enjoy book that show enlightenment and opinion in female characters of the past(And besides-I especially like to read books about Lucys;)Thanks!

teabird said...

This is one of the few instances where the film and the book are equally good - don't miss it!

Harvee44 said...

Jenny: You are tagged for the I Cannot Tell a Lie meme, over on my blog! Have fun!

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

Although I've seen the movie, I've never read the book. I'm glad you ended up enjoying this one. Great review!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny,
I wanted to let you know that you have an award waiting for you here.

bermudaonion said...

It always takes me a while to get used the the rhythm of the language of a book like this, but once I do, I'm totally hooked.

BurtonReview said...

Interesting.. I love finding old treasures like this. Thanks for the heads up!

BurtonReview said...

And it is now ordered, thanks to you =)

Jess said...

I absolutely loved this book, the movie is great too! Thanks for the great review.

Cialis said...

I like it when people come together and share many thoughts. Great website, continue the Excellent work!

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