Tomi Akinyanmi author of the book A Worthy Legacy, is doing an extensive blog tour whihc actually started yesterday, July 5th. Tomi will be stopping by here, on Saturday the 11th for a guest post and to answer any questions you may have. In addition we will be giving away one copy of her book, A Worthy Legacy. My review and giveaway information is here.
Below is a listing of the stops on the tour. Be sure to check out some of these very interesting blogs. A new friend could be just around the corner!
July 5
Write for a reader http://writeforareader.blogspot.com/
Merry Weather Book Blog http://www.merryweatherbookblog.com/
July 6
Drey’s Library http://dreyslibrary.blogspot.com/
Violet Crush http://violetcrush.wordpress.com/
A Bookworm's World http://luanne-abookwormsworld.blogspot.com/
July 7
Lost in books http://imlostinbooks.blogspot.com/
Book Nest Reviews http://corinnesbookreviews.blogspot.com/
July 8
Mis(h)takes http://creativitygone.blogspot.com/
A Circle of Books http://acircleofbooks.blogspot.com/
July 9
Peeking between the pages http://peekingbetweenthepages.blogspot.com/
Reading Frenzy http://lumorgan.blogspot.com/
July 10
A Book Blogger's Diary http://abookbloggersdiary.blogspot.com/
Luxury Reading http://www.luxuryreading.com/
July 11
Bella is reading… http://bfoxxreads.blogspot.com/
Jenny loves to read http://www.jennylovestoread.blogspot.com/
July 12
Belle of the books http://belleofthebooks.wordpress.com/
The Unadorned Book Review http://unadorned-book.blogspot.com/
July 13
Worducopia http://worducopia.blogspot.com/
Poisoned Rationality http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
July 14
Socrates’ Book reviews http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/
The Eclectic Reader http://teddyree-theeclecticreader.blogspot.com/
July 15
My thoughts….your thoughts http://www.beckyworkman.blogspot.com/
eBookReviewsOnline http://eBookReviewsOnline.com/
July 16
Grace’s Book Blog http://www.bibliophile23.wordpress.com/
Bookalicio.us http://bookalicio.us/
July 17
The Friendly book nook http://thefriendlybooknook.com/
Just Another New Blog http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/
July 18
I’m on a bookathon http://abookathon.blogspot.com/
Simply Stacie http://stacievaughansblog.blogspot.com/
Real page turners http://www.myspace.com/realpageturners
Booksnake reviews http://www.booksnakereviews.blogspot.com/
The Bookworm http://thebookworm07.blogspot.com/
July 5
Write for a reader http://writeforareader.blogspot.com/
Merry Weather Book Blog http://www.merryweatherbookblog.com/
July 6
Drey’s Library http://dreyslibrary.blogspot.com/
Violet Crush http://violetcrush.wordpress.com/
A Bookworm's World http://luanne-abookwormsworld.blogspot.com/
July 7
Lost in books http://imlostinbooks.blogspot.com/
Book Nest Reviews http://corinnesbookreviews.blogspot.com/
July 8
Mis(h)takes http://creativitygone.blogspot.com/
A Circle of Books http://acircleofbooks.blogspot.com/
July 9
Peeking between the pages http://peekingbetweenthepages.blogspot.com/
Reading Frenzy http://lumorgan.blogspot.com/
July 10
A Book Blogger's Diary http://abookbloggersdiary.blogspot.com/
Luxury Reading http://www.luxuryreading.com/
July 11
Bella is reading… http://bfoxxreads.blogspot.com/
Jenny loves to read http://www.jennylovestoread.blogspot.com/
July 12
Belle of the books http://belleofthebooks.wordpress.com/
The Unadorned Book Review http://unadorned-book.blogspot.com/
July 13
Worducopia http://worducopia.blogspot.com/
Poisoned Rationality http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
July 14
Socrates’ Book reviews http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/
The Eclectic Reader http://teddyree-theeclecticreader.blogspot.com/
July 15
My thoughts….your thoughts http://www.beckyworkman.blogspot.com/
eBookReviewsOnline http://eBookReviewsOnline.com/
July 16
Grace’s Book Blog http://www.bibliophile23.wordpress.com/
Bookalicio.us http://bookalicio.us/
July 17
The Friendly book nook http://thefriendlybooknook.com/
Just Another New Blog http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/
July 18
I’m on a bookathon http://abookathon.blogspot.com/
Simply Stacie http://stacievaughansblog.blogspot.com/
Real page turners http://www.myspace.com/realpageturners
Booksnake reviews http://www.booksnakereviews.blogspot.com/
The Bookworm http://thebookworm07.blogspot.com/
I'm still new to the book blog circuit, so seeing the blog tour schedule that you laid out here is useful to me. Thanks!
I'll stop by for sure:)
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Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)