Musing Monday is hosted by Rebecca from Just One More Page. Today's musing is the following:
Who, if anyone usually accompanies you to the library? Is it somewhere you go alone? Or is it a regular outing with family or friends? Which do you prefer?
Like most addicts, I prefer to indulge in my addiction of books alone. I don't have to worry if I'm taking too long, or if someone can't find me. I like to get lost in the stacks and wander around, unless I'm on a mission to find a particular book. Then it's right to that particular area.
I usually go to the main branch of my library on my lunch hour at work. It's about a 20 minute brisk walk to and fro, and not everybody likes to do that. This library is huge, so there are lots of departments one can visit. 

If someone wants to accompany me, I don't mind. I have had people in the past go with me. We usually lay down some ground rules, such as don't rush me, and I'll meet you back here, and then we're off. Not many people I know, love or like books as much as I do, so I'm usually all by myself. At least until I met you wonderful people online :)
What about you? Any library buddies?
There are times I like to go alone, but will go with anyone whenever they want to go.
Wow you have a huge library by the looks of that pic. Ours is small, and doesn't have much of anything in it. I'm better off going to their donation shop to buy books, which usually are new releases donated from local readers.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf
I'm a soloist as well. my Monday musings
No one comes with me most of the time either. Btw, your library looks beautiful :) I'd love to lose a few hours in there!
Sounds like a perfect lunch hour to me! I hope it is a pleasant walk to a fro, with plenty of beautiful scenery and lovely trees. i love trees. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Awesome library! My local public libraries looks nothing like that. Even university libraries don't look like that. Fellow loner too. :-)
Ooh, I'll come! Can I come? I'll follow the rules, I PROMISE!
You know I want to go to the library now, right?
Mwuahaha!! My work here is done!
Yes I want to go to the library now! And you can all come along with me any time!
Thank you all for stopping by. Your comments have my day :)
I like it when people come together and share many thoughts. Great website, continue the Excellent work!
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)