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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Suddenly Sunday: It's Holiday time!!
Good Morning Readers! I hope this finds you well this Sunday after Thanksgiving here in the U.S. And thus, the madness begins, of both Christmas and the shopping season. Not for me on the shopping bit. I enjoy baking, decorating, and spending good times with friends and family. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
Currently Reading: Bleak House and enjoying it. Why did I wait so long to read Dickens? The length is a bit much, but the characters, oh my they are a trip. I also started reading The Grail King by Joy Nash for a change up during Dickens. It's Nash's version of Druids and the holy grail before King Arthur. Very easy, light reading, and helps to play off the chunkster that is Bleak House. By the way, if you are currently reading Bleak House because of the read-along or just because, there are some conversations happening over at #bleakalong on Twitter jump on in :)
Knitting: Almost finished a cardigan but still need to find buttons. I will probably end up buying them online because there are no fabric shops close to me, and AC Moore sucks for buttons. I also decided to knit my dog a sweater because the weather is turning colder, and baby is short haired, so she feels it more than I do. I have some yarn that's perfect for her, and why not? I knit for other people might as well knit for my dog. Oh and here's a picture of my two best friends and I at Stitches East back in October. I'm in the middle in case you didn't know. I don't post a lot of photos of myself because I hate how they turn out.
What is Stitches East you ask? A weekend filled with yarn buying fun for knitters and crocheters. Lets just say I have enough yarn for quite some time. It was a crazy weekend and I had tons of fun.
School: Can't wait until this semester is over. Professor Jenny needs a break!
Work: I keep getting suckered into projects, however when one of the big wigs keeps looking at you when he says he needs participants, you don't say no. Smile say yes, and shit pants later. Whatever, keeps me busy.
Nutrition and Fitness: ha-ha-ha no seriously, I'm doing alright. Lost about 15 pounds, but want to lose like 10 more. Hard getting to the gym because of previously mentioned cold doggie, but at least I walk. If I didn't walk, lord only knows. Holidays will be tough, but after eating pretty decent for the past few moths, I hate to eat bad food. Sounds a bit snobby, I know, but apparently I've made changes to my eating psyche, so that's good.
And last, but certainly not least....Pin It and Do It Challenge for December: this is being hosted by the lovely Trish. I am doing the Timid Pinner at 1-3 pins. I'm always looking for recipes and I already found one to try so I'm on my way. Not sure how sucked into Pinterest I'll get, because I'm already spread thin, but some of the photos are gorgeous and inspiring for sure. So, if you are new to Pinterest like me, and curious about what it's all about, try this challenge.
I think that's enough from me for today. That was a lot! What have you been up to lately? Hope everything is well in your neck of the woods and see you around the interwebs :)
© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"
Bleak House,
Suddenly Sunday
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Suddenly Sunday: It's Holiday time!!
Jenny Girl
Bleak House|knitting|Suddenly Sunday|
blodeuedd · 642 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 642 weeks ago
bookofsecretsblog 36p · 641 weeks ago
Re: The Grail King - I read the prequel to her Avalon series a few years ago (Celtic Fire). I have the rest of the series in my TBR pile. I just need to read them!
Jennygirl73 95p · 641 weeks ago
grayskyeyes 45p · 641 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 641 weeks ago
jmchshannon 30p · 640 weeks ago
Enjoy your last week with the students!
Jennygirl73 95p · 638 weeks ago
Portion control is definitely tough, even if the food is of good quality. I enjoy the taste of food. I've made several recipes form so I would highly recommend that site if you're looking for recipe ideas.
stacybuckeye 71p · 640 weeks ago
Anyhoo, I hope we both kick these crazy sickness bugs out! It's been almost a month for me although I've had a few good days here and there. Hopefully we won't hae to wait for Santa to bring us good health.
Jennygirl73 95p · 638 weeks ago
Hope you are feeling better. My cold is gone, and now it's just the usual, cold weather, hot house stuffiness thing.
Teddyree · 638 weeks ago
Well done on the healthy eating and weight loss ... you look great btw! I love my healthy stir frys and asian-style cooking and I quite often check out pinterest for new recipes, might try the challenge if it's running again next year.
I'm expecting to see photos of your puppy's jumper lol. Our Bella is a big jumper wearer, she doesn't have much hair with her skin problems so she feels the cold too.
Take care my friend x
Jennygirl73 95p · 638 weeks ago
thanks for the compliments on the healthy eating and weight loss. Why is it, when we approach 40, we have this epiphany, and think "oh got to start eating better?" I think that's part of it, the other is to try new things. I eat things now I would have never tried before. Personal evolution i guess.
I will absolutely post a picture of the puppy in her jumper. I have done a few fittings and she loves it. Plus she knows it's hers. How is Bella and her skin? Hope she is better. Kona has an allergy to corn; makes her scratch a lot. Sad to see our babies suffer through things.
Enjoy your Sunday my Aussie sister {{hugs}}