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Thursday, November 1, 2012

And so it begins....The Bleak House read-a-long aka The Bleak-a-long

So today kicks off our reading of Bleak House by Charles Dickens.  For details about this read-a-long, please visit the announcement page.  You can join up at any time, or if you have read previously read this classic, and would like to add your comments please do.  The more the merrier. 

Now I admit, I started early, because as hostess I felt that I should.  Plus, I couldn't wait, to be quite honest. I  had a break in my schedule and I pounced.  I am over 100 pages in and enjoying it quite a bit.  More than I thought I would to be honest.  I like the characters, and damn you Charles, you make me smirk as I read your story.

The only insight I can provide you as you begin your Bleak-along, is to keep track of the characters you encounter.  Either make a list or print this list from Cliff Notes as a guide.  I also sensed some recurring themes, so I read up on Mr. Dickens here at PBS.  Quite interesting and confirmed my suspicions of Dickens being concerned about social injustices, which I think are important in Bleak House.

Lastly, the Chancery Court which figures prominently in the beginning and probably throughout the whole book.  Don't try and figure it out, because you can't.  The Chancery Court is a joke, and I believe that is the point.  I only mention this because it was driving me crazy, like what is it's purpose, and then I realized that is exactly what Dickens wanted me to think and feel.  Sorry if you think this is a spoiler, but I felt it had to be said.

That's all for now.  I may post some observations in two weeks, around the 16th or so, only because I have accumulated quite a few to date.  However, I don't want you to feel as though you have to as well.  I didn't want to burden participants with having to write all these posts to participate.  I just want you to read and enjoy.  If you want to do your own post, great.  Put a link in the comments.  If not, no worries, join in on mine.  All my posts will be labeled as Bleak House, so you can zero in on those.

Until then, happy reading and have yourself a cup of tea :)

 © Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

Comments (20)

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I started a tiny bit early as well (listening to the audio) but I think the way I'm going to have to tackle this one is to listen and read everything (so read what I've listened to and listen to what I've read). Double the work but so far the audio is just going straight over my head. Or maybe I just need to concentrate harder. ;)

Glad to know about Chancery Court! And I've also planned on printing off a schedule of characters as I've heard there are many. He does have fantastic characters, though, doesn't he? And their names! :)
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
The names are fantastic and make the characters easier for me to imagine. �
I can't believe you're double the "read", but�understandable�with some of the language or terms. �I looked a few words already myself. �I really like it so far, and it scares me :)
You are tempting me to join in! I love Dickens, and yet all I've read of this particular novel is the wonderful opening...fog...mud..... Maybe I'll rustle up my copy from the shelves and start to read along!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Please join in! I know this is late, but I've read almost half this book and am really enjoying it.
I have joined the party. Trish and others tempted me with the Simon Vance audiobook and I just couldn't resist. I'll officially throw my hat in the ring on my blog tomorrow. Thanks so much for hosting this. I'm loving Esther so far. :)
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Sorry for being tardy, but YEA for joining in. I like Esther too and am looking forward to watching the Masterpiece version of this.
Enjoy the The Bleak-a-long. I think this is the perfect time of year for it.
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
thanks Naida :)
Hi I just stumbled across your blog and I love it. We share so many similar tastes that I just had to become a follower of your blog. I hope you will find the time to come over and check my blog out. Hope to see you there and Happy Reading!

1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
hi Kimberlee! Thanks for your kind words. i'll be sure to stop by your place :)
I'm only a few chapters in, but it's already making me smirk. I've read some Dickens before, but I forgot that he can be really funny when he's being snarky about people. I think I will have to do something like Trish -- read/listen to certain parts to be sure I'm getting everything. Thanks for the link to the character list!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Yes! I find myself smiling on the train. I think I'm getting everything, but it's hard to remember every little detail.
Enjoy, sounds like you're already doing that. I'm not joining you but I'll be checking back in to see how you're progressing :)
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Thanks Teddy :)
Well I'm behind but I just downloaded the audio from the library so I'm going to join in. I've always wanted to attempt this one. Lol.
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
Oh yea! i hope you like it as much as I do so far
This book is much less daunting than I originally thought. It is very readable last night I couldn't put it down - don't know why I thought reading it was going to be so bleak. Thanks for the character list. There is a list in my book, but even then I can't find all of the characters on the list. Also, good to know the Chancery court is a joke, I've been feeling like I missed something.
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
I know, right? I thought it would be difficult and too wordy, but so far so good. Very hard to put down.
Re: Chancery: that was driving me crazy too, until I figured it out. glad to be of service :)
You may just convince me to read it!
A sidenote- Penner lives!
1 reply · active 643 weeks ago
I know!!! I can't believe it. I don't want to say anything and jinx him. Really good season so far.

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