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Monday, February 27, 2012

Review: The Rogue Pirate's Bride by Shana Galen

From Sourcebooks:

Passionate, action-packed Regency romance by RT Reviewer’s Choice award-winning author Shana Galen features the swashbuckling Sebastien Harcourt, marquis de Valere, and the nautical genius heroine destined to best him. After escaping France on a privateer’s ship, Sebastian becomes the notorious privateer Captain Cutlass. His reputation as a rogue precedes him and he’s undefeated in battle, until he crosses swords with the beautiful daughter of a British admiral. Raeven Russell is out for revenge, but now she’s not so sure she wants the dashing captain to change his wicked ways.

My Thoughts:

Raeven Russell, daughter of a British Navy Admiral, is a bit of a tom boy.  Raised on her father's ship Raeven learned how to be a fine sailor and an excellent swords-woman.  It is not what her father wanted for her, but with her mother's early death, it was the best he could do.  The ship and its crew have become Raeven's family and she is fiercely loyal.  A personal vendetta has Raeven searching the seas for the elusive Captain Cutlass.  Just his name strikes fear and loathing into many a seaman, but not for Raeven.  She must strike down Cutlass to assuage her heart's loss.  Unfortunately when Cutlass and Raeven finally cross swords the sparks fly and both feel an unexpected attraction for the other that is earth shattering.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and devoured it quickly.  This story has adventure, love, and sea battles which were super easy to read.  Raeven and Cutlass both have a knack for finding trouble and admire each other's way of settling business.  I liked both characters immensely.  Raeven was strong, witty, and not one to be set aside while men took of  things.  She felt herself an equal and pitched in when needed among sailors and pirates alike.

Cutless was everything one could want in a rogue pirate.  Gallant, handsome, a mysterious past, and knew how to treat everyone as equals, man, woman, sailor, didn't matter.  Cutlass also has a vendetta he is pursuing and understands why Raeven wants to cut him down.  These two are so much alike, and that's what brings them closer together.  They have very tender scenes together and I could not help but like them more for it.

This is the third book in Galen's Sons of the Revolution series, and I liked it the most.  Galen has a way of creating exciting and interesting characters, and I would never hesitate to pick up any of her books.

My Rating: 93/100

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for a guest post by Shana Galen which includes a chance to win a copy of The Rogue Pirate's Bride

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Genre: Romance
Paperback, 352 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks

Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my review copy, way back when :)

 © Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

Comments (13)

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I really got to read the books that came before :)
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
Thanks girlie! I thought of you while I read this. Romance + adventure= Blodeuedd
This sounds right up my alley :) Nice review.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
Thanks Naida! It's an easy breezey read.
Renee Brown's avatar

Renee Brown · 680 weeks ago

I want to read this so badly I can't stand it.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
lol I know what you mean! some books we just have to have RIGHT NOW!
It's been along time since I read a sea/pirate story and I didn't realize how much I missed them until reading this review. I'm going to put this book on my to read list.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
Excellent! I don't read too many sea/pirate stories so this was nice. And he's hot so you can't go wring there!
"Cutless was everything one could want in a rogue pirate." That line made me smile and wonder what exactly I am looking for in a rogue pirate.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
Oh you know what you're looking for :) Someone to sweep us off our feet and baby us :)
I enjoyed your review, especially about the characters. The book sounds very good.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
I really enjoyed this review also. This book has been on my TBR for some time. Thank you.

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