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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Review: The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: YA
Hardback 433 pages
Source: borrowed from the library
My Rating: 97/100

In the self-contained world of young Gilded Age Manhattan socialites, Elizabeth and Diana Holland reign supreme. Or so it seems. Scratch the surface, though, and you can detect festering jealousies that threaten to topple them. Elizabeth suffers a more literal fall when her carriage overturns and she is carried away by the swift East River current. That's only the beginning of the action and suspense in The Luxe, the launch volume in a teen series by Anna Godbersen. (From Goodreads)

My Thoughts: sinful.  These are the wrods that immediately come to mind after reading The Luxe.  The plot is not difficult.  It is actually very simple and to me completely predictable.  It was however the journey in finishing the book, the delight I had while reading this book, that made it's simpleness palatable.  The basic plot is this: rich, young, gorgeous people in 1899 New York, that must marry certain people for family's sake.  They gossip, party, and waste their days away thinking how awesome they all.  Now although all of the characters sound totally vapid, there are one or two that make the story redeemable.  There is Diana Holland who tries to buck convention.  She likes to read, dress differently, and speak her mind.  There is also Henry Schoonmaker who starts out as quite a despicable character, but when he meets the woman he really loves, he changes his ways.  At least the best that he can.  His character becomes much more likable.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention Penelope the trouble maker.  She is quite a piece of work, and every story needs a villain, don't they? 

Overall, the book has the feel of soap opera, something I don't normally read.  But for whatever reason, I completely lost myself in this book.  One could say Godbersen is trying to demonstrate how women had little freedom, and family was everything, but to analyze this book in that way seems false to me. The Luxe is a guilty pleasure, plain and simple.  It allowed me to escape life and imagine being a fly on the wall in 1899 New York, and for me that is the sign of a good read.  I can't wait to get my hands on the second in the series, Rumors.  

{Previously cross-posted on Royal Reviews}

© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

Comments (24)

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Interestting! I have seen this around, some love it or hate it. Think I would love it.
1 reply · active 686 weeks ago
It's a total guilty pleasure! �sometimes we need that in life
How are you? �Hope you and the family is well :)
I enjoyed this series too!
2 replies · active 686 weeks ago
it's like candy isn't it?
It's like candy isn't it?�
Sounds fun. I keep thinking I should try this. A guilty pleasure sounds like a perfect way to describe how they appear to me.

So do they start slow?
2 replies · active 686 weeks ago
No this one didn't at all. Haven't gotten to book 2 yet, because I
got sidetracked.
Starts off with story right away, and although it was predictable, I was
curious as to how they got there, and what these characters were like in
the book.
No this one didn't at all. �Haven't gotten to book 2 yet,�because�I got�sidetracked. �
Starts off with story right away, and although it was predictable, I was curious as to how they got there, and what these characters were like in the book.
Great review. I'm adding it to my list. I love the cover. Wouldn't it be fun to wear dresses like that to parties? especially if you didn't have to pay for it.
2 replies · active 686 weeks ago
I used to love trying on dresses when I was younger. Me and a bunch of friends....the dress on the cover is gorgeous.
Thanks Bree. �I also love the dresses and would love to dress up in them. �I used to go to stores and just try dresses on but haven't done that in sooo long.
I've had this whole series on my shelf for ages and I still want to really read them. I think these guilty pleasure books are something we all need once in a while. A little escape from the daily grind is always nice.
2 replies · active 686 weeks ago
These are perfect for in between the heavy reads. Chunksters but the words are big on the pages.
Exactly. �Especially between the heavy books or the chunkster. �Although these are big, there are not that many words on the pages. �This book was like candy: fun, sweet and fast.
Sounds like a great beach read to me!
1 reply · active 686 weeks ago
Perfect for the beach. Pick it and put it down easily, especially when it's time to dip those toes.
I am sure I have read this review you...Anyway :) I do hope to read it one day
1 reply · active 686 weeks ago
You did. I originally posted this on Royal Reviews, but wanted to post on my own page at some point. You're not crazy :)
I do love some mindless escapism every now and again ... or as you put it a guilty pleasure :) Alaine has all of these, when I get past the review 'mountain' and need some guilty pleasure I'll have to borrow them :)
1 reply · active 686 weeks ago
Ugh! I hate review mountain. You need a movie "Escape from Review Mountain" I hope those arcs fly by and are at least entertaining :)
I bought this book based purely on the cover. Never actually read it!
Wow, this does sound like a great guilty pleasure book. I love the cover.
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
The dress is gorgeous isn't it? �Not something I could wear but to dream...absolutely!
Been on my wish list for quite awhile. I love a good soap opera :)

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