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Monday, January 2, 2012

Reading Goals for 2012


Seems so ominous doesn't it?  It's not.  I start every year with grand plans but half way through the year, I get side tracked.  I start accepting all kinds of review books, borrowing books from the library, and neglecting those poor books that I own.  You know, the books on my shelves, the books in the corner of my room, the books hidden in a bag in the closet.  Oh and did I mention the drawer full of books I have at work. From an empty office, I re-appropriated a nice, deep two drawer filing cabinet.  One drawer has work files, the other is books, mostly unread by me.  I have issues, I know.

Therefore, I am declaring 2012, the Year of Reading From My Shelves, or Nooks and Crannies if you prefer.  I will still read some review and library books, but am setting limitations for both categories.

Review and library books will not exceed 15 for the year, starting as of January 1, 2012.  Currently I have 7 of those spots filled, so I'll have to be super selective with the remaining 8.  An additional limitation for my library borrowing, is that any books I borrow, must be from a series I haven't finished, like the Percy Jackson series.  I've been thinking lately of how many series I have started and never finished.  I became mad at myself, because these are series I would love to finish, but if I keep accepting books, I'll never get to them.

With respect to challenges, I am saying No.  No reading challenges for 2012.  I keep signing up for these things, mainly because they have a pretty picture.  Then I forget to keep track, or don't have books that will fit, and I don't complete the challenge.  I  must stop the madness.

As usual, my yearly goals of timely reviews, improving my commenting, responding, visiting blogs, etc. is an ongoing process.  I improve every year, but could always do better.

As for personal goals, I'd really like to lose 20 pounds (who wouldn't), be a better person and more accepting of others, and try new things, like making my own bread.  I try to eat right, or at least semi-healthy, and I love my bread.  But trying to find a healthy bread option that doesn't cost an arm or a leg is near impossible.  So, I thought if I could make my own bread, like whole wheat, I would be better off.  Keep you posted on that.

I also want to explore writing.  It's not something I can do all the time, but when I'm in the right frame of mind, I can just go on and on.  I would like to explore new outlets, learn new things, and generally do whatever I want to do.  Simplify, improve myself, and be happy.

Apologies for turning this into a rambley post, but it appears these items are all related.  Books are a big part of my life, and my reading goals tend to mirror my overall general life goals. So 2012 is like a back to basics year, and I hope you enjoy the ride with me.

Do you have any specific goals for 2012, reading or personal?  I'd love to hear them :)

Book Source: © Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

Comments (26)

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I'm cutting way back on my reading challenges this year. I usually join a ton of them and then only finish one or two. I'm setting more realistic goals and really trying to meet them.

Good luck with your goals and happy reading!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Nice goals, though I would never manage the review/librayr one ;) But I will try to read more from my shelves this year too.

Too loose a tiny bit of weight would be good and I will try my hardets to refrain from being miss bitch when I have pms
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
These are great goals! I've been challenge free for a year and I still miss making the lists but I'm OK with not having to try to fit in X amount of books in different categories.

Two bloggers (Amanda and Jill/Softdrink) are carrying on a fitness challenge I hosted several years ago. The website is The goal is basically to just get moving. Hope you'll join us! ;)

My main goal for 2012 is to RELAX! Ha! Happy new year Jenny!!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
I feel ya on challenges. They are way to hard and end up feeling like homework.

Bravo on reading from your shelf!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Thankfully, I do not have too many books on my shelves that I have not read. I just don' t know if I could limit myself to reading only those books as I am such a library freak! I reduced my reading challenges by half this year. I hear you on the 20lbs.
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
I love all of your resolutions and a light bulb went on when I read that you set a number limit for review boos! Duh, why didn't I do that? Well, I'm going to now! I seriously just said to myself (after a near breakdown from trying on bras!) that I just want to lose 20 pounds! I'm going to start walking again tomorrow after work and eat better through the day. I might try WW again but I'm still not sure. I feel so liberated about the review books and such. I'm glad that well have each others back...if it looks like I'm getting out-of-control let me know! Here's to a fantastic 2012!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Hey Jenny! I have the addiction of signing up for a million challenges too - I think I signed up for 10 this year! But, I always take it with the viewpoint of "if I finish I finish, if I don't I don't". I basically just read what I am planning on and then after I finish see what challenges it fits, if any. If I wasn't accepting review copies then I would work harder to finish the goals, but I like linking up my reviews so I still do them. I would LOVE to get back to the gym, but our free one at our apartment complex is still in renovation stage after the tornado, and I really don't want to pay for the gym. I may start doing some stuff at home, we will see. Happy 2012!
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Bread is one of my food loves too! Good luck on all your goals.
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
I signed up for several reading challenges this year. I did it on purpose because most of the books already on my shelves fit the categories. I did a great job clearing off my shelves last year. The challenges are to motivate me to finish reading what I have and not purchase anymore.

I love your idea of going back to the basics. Good luck at your writing. Writing is a HUGE goal of mine this year as I would love to earn some money doing it.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Sounds like you have a plan. Good luck. If you find a great bread recipe, forget about the 20lbs. But oh how good that bread will be warm and a little dab of butter, oops got carried away there. Love bread, and I could use 20lbs. too.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Looks like 2012 will be a banner year for you! Your goals are so positive I'm inspired (well not to make my own bread, you can just mail me some of yours :)). I like the current Jen I can't imagine the gloriousness of one better!
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I have a ton of books that I wanted enough to buy but still haven't read yet! Good luck with your goals!
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
"Back to basics" is a great goal for 2012!
1 reply · active 687 weeks ago

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