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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Suddenly Sunday (February 27)

Hosted by Svea from Confessions & Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog

Hello dear readers!  How are you?  I hope this finds all of you well.  Today the sun is out and about and is just glorious.  Therefore I am going to keep this short and sweet.

My Dad is doing flipping fantastic with his new kidney.  He is no longer anemic, his function tests are great, and all is well.  He has a lot more energy than before, and he is starting to sound like a new man.  He also wrote a thank you note for the donor family expressing his sincerest gratitude.  The transplant coordinator said the family may or may not want to read it, and may even want to meet my Dad some day.  The meeting part he is not so sure of, but he will think about it.  So all is good and thank you very  much for your prayers, thoughts, and support.  He also send his thanks as well.

In other news, the teaching thing is best left for another conversation.  The students are good, it's another aspect that is driving me crazy.  I'll relate that story once class is over.  I have also been asked to revamp a coding program, which means rewriting the curriculum.  Now that is pretty cool and I am excited about that.  That's due in another month from now, so busy, busy Jenny.

On the reading front, there hasn't been too much going on.  I haven't been reading as much as I would like due to other commitments.  I have a review and interview with Robert Parry, author of the Arrow Chest.  Those post on March 1st and 2nd.  After that it's Jenny's Choice!  No commitments until April!  Woo-hoo!  So, I started already with Hawaii by James Michener.  Why that?  Well it's something I always wanted to read, it's a chunkster for my chunkster challenge, and I am going back there on vacation this year.   So far so good.  I was a little worried that I wouldn't like it, but the man is a Pulitzer Prize winner for a reason.

Well I think that's enough from me for now.  Enjoy your Sunday, and have a wonderful week everyone!

What books will you be reading this week?  Anything interesting coming up? 


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Yay for your dad feeling better and everything going well!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thank you so much!
I am so glad to hear how well your dad is doing! Awesome. I love those Michener books! Enjoy a commitment free March.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I'm still reading Any Human Heart. It's a pretty long book and reading time hasn't been my priority lately. Midterms are coming and I've been watching Buffy while working on my art projects most of the time. I'm really looking forward to Spring Break and lots of reading time.
1 reply · active 733 weeks ago
Buffy! I love Buffy an dmiss her dearly. Good luck on your midterms. Hope Spring Break comes quickly :) have a great week.
Love no commitments month! I should live and learn from you :)

And I am glad to hear that your dad is doing better and better
1 reply · active 733 weeks ago
Thanks B! I very happy that March is around the corner :)
Absolutely fantastic about how great your Dad is doing!! I love these type of stories!!!
I liked Michener's books that I've read in the past. Hey, can you stuff me in your suitcase when you go to Hawaii???
1 reply · active 733 weeks ago
I read one of Michener's books in high school, but never finished it. I think I was too young for it anyway. I have big new suitcases, so you and your snacks will fit :)
I'm so glad to hear the news about your Dad - that is just awesome! I downloaded a few of Michener's chunksters the other day. I've heard his books are great. Have a great week and try to take some Jenny time in all that business.
1 reply · active 733 weeks ago
Thanks Darlene. We just bought a notepad, or some sort of light laptop, that I can use an ereader. But I am going to ease into that. I will definitely try to get some Jenny time, and hope you get some Darlene time as well.
I am so relieved to hear your dad is doing good! Wahooo!

Hawaii huh? I'm ashamed to admit, I've never heard of it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Don't be ashamed, most people haven't. I only knew of it because I knew Michener wrote these epic tales. That's what he is known for. I am 137 pages in and so far so good. HAve a great week doll baby!
What fabulous news about your father! I cannot imagine how stressful this time has been for all of you.
Thank you Kathy! You know, it all happened so fast. He had the operation on a Friday and was home by Tueday afternoon. No complications and everything was working well, so out the door he went. It's just mind blowing.
HAve a great week :)
So, so glad that you're Dad is home and doing brilliantly!! Enjoy your free choice reading in March, and looking forward to hearing the teaching story! Take care my friend :)
That is wonderful new about your dad! Yay!
1 reply · active 732 weeks ago
Thanks Jenners :)� It is so unbelievable!
Hawaii was my first Michener and I loved the fact that it was a huge read in terms of length and scope! I really need to try and find time to read another one by him soon.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Too funny!
His books are so big, they can be a little intimidating.� I find myself getting lost in the story.
I read half of the Source years ago, and plan to reread again someday.
So happy to read about your dad. Organ donation is such a gift and I think it would be cool to meet the family who made his new life possible.
Hawaii? AGAIN? Lucky Jenny :)
1 reply · active 732 weeks ago
Thanks Stacy.� RIght now he has a little cold, but the kidney is going strong.� Right now, Dad feels funny to meet the donor family, but that may change over time.
Organ donation�is the greatest gift anyone could give, but I can understand the tough decision making process behind the scenes also.

I know, my husband says the same thing about going to�Hawaii again, however he wants to go again just as bad as me.� BUT, this will be it for a while.� We need to do things to the house, and I owe him a trip to Vegas, his favorite place.

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