What's up my Buttercups? Hope this Sunday finds all of you well and happily reading away. BBAW was two weeks ago, and although I had very good intentions, I was unable to participate as much as I wanted to. So I just cruised around to other blogs to see what they had to say. That was quite interesting and I actually discovered a few new blogs to follow. As if I needed more :) Whatevs.
As for my reading, I am currently reading four books, yes four books. It is possible my friends. I am thisclose to finishing the Handmaid's Tale. Totally enjoying it, and will definitely look at Atwood's other titles. Next up is By Fire By Water , by Mitchell James Kaplan
The third book is Very Valentine
The fourth book is Dark Moon of Avalon
After that, I have some of my last books to read for review commitments. I have been cutting back on accepting review copies, because I'll never get to the books I own or the library if I keep receiving review copies. Plus I am starting to dislike this whole schedule thing. Once in a while is fine, but all the time is starting to take the joy out of reading. I can't have that.
As for blogging, I have been writing some reviews that are due soon, but that's about it. I have also been toying with the idea of using Intense Debate for my commenting system. My Friend Amy utilizes it, and I believe Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader says it's easier for non-blogger commenters to comment. So I may give it a try. What do you think? Have you tried Intense Debate yourself? If so, was it easy to use, etc? I appreciate any feedback you could provide.
And lastly, I finally picked the winners for my 151 Followers giveaway. Everyone has been contacted, but just so you know, here are the winners:
#1 Staci from Life in the Thumb, chose A Cottage by the Sea
#2 Teddyree from The Eclectic Reader, chose The Language of Trees
#3 Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! chose Shattered Mirror
Thanks to everyone who entered, and for continuing to follow and support my blog. i appreciate it greatly.
So that's it for now. It's time for me to catch up on this week's Project Runway. Have a great week and happy reading :)

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Intense debate...well it can be kind of annoying to have to log in, and sometimes it messes with me. But it's your blog and you should have what works for you :)
Perhaps it would mean less spam, which I would love on my own blog. And it does have that abbility for me teh owner to comment directly
Wow? Four? My brain would scramble. You go girl :)
I've been considering Intense Debate too :)
I have the first book still to read, though it was featured in one of my Teaser Tuesday posts! Nice list of books! Enjoy!
I"m currently reading Dark Moon of Avalon as well (almost finished with it). How far along are you? I'll admit that it is slow going for the first 100 or even 150 pages but I thought the second half improved significantly.
4 books...you're good my dear. I'm afraid my mind just isn't what it used to be so the most I can juggle is two! I tried Intense Debate back when I used the old blogger template and it didn't work right, but I think it does great with the new template. I've been thinking about using that one again too. I can't wait for Cottage by the Sea...so tell me who do you NOT like on Project Runway right now? I don't want to spoil who got bumped off this week but I was thrilled...now I just want one more to go down in blazes because I think she's a back stabbing wench.
Great reading week for you!
I am not watching this session of Project Runway.
I have not tried Intense Debate on my blog, but have left comments using it. It is better than embedded comments. I dislike leaving comments on blogs that use embedded comments and then use word verification on top of it. GRRR! Time consuming.
You are a good girl and have the comment box pop up in a separate window. ;o).
Give ID a try and see if it works for you.
If you do decide to use Intense Debate I'm interested to see what you think of it. I can see some benefits and drawbacks. Would you lose your comments on old posts if you decided to use it?
Wasn't me!
I know some people who have switched to Intense Debate and loved it, and others who have nothing but trouble with it.
I would love threaded comments, and can only hope that the people at Blogger are working on it.
In order to make it as easy as possible for everyone to comment, I have my comments set up to allow anonymous comments etc with no word verification or anything like that.
With the improvements that have been made in relation to spam catching, I have been finding that Blogger has been catching 95% or more of the spam comments. Whilst I get an email saying that the comment has been made the spam that is caught haven't actually been showing up on my blog. I have no idea if people who are subscribed to the comments on those posts are getting the email notification of the new comment or not.
If you do decide to go ahead with Intense Debate I will be interested to see how you find it.
You have a great couple books going on - I have By Fire By Water and have not read it yet. Very Valentine was fantastic!
I did try Intense Debate ... for a few days and then I moved the whole blog over to WordPress so I'm probably not the best person to ask. But I do think it is better than the Blogger commenting system (from your end at least).
And I can only read two books at once ... not four! I'm impressed!
as a non blogger who enjoys reading the blogs for all the great recommendations i will tell you it is very frustrating to not be able to leave a comment or join a discussion because you can't leave comments....
Linda: That's what I was thinking, on the loggin in bit.
Ju-Ju-: I normally don't do 4 at a time, but these books are all so different I was able to keep them straight. I'm ususally a 1 book girl.
Book Bird: Thank you and I look forward to your thoughts on By Fire By Water
Daphne: I have about 100 pages to go. as soon as she and Trystan started on their journey, my interest began to wane.
Staci: I'll let you know what happens with ID. I'm gonna give a try. Cottage went in the mail Friday my dear.
Regarding PR, I was glad she got booted too and now Gretchen has to go. All of her stuff looks the same! Love Mondo, Andi, and I'm up in there with rest.
Nise: Pop-up boxes, woo-hoo! This season of PR is much better than last season. I stopped last season because I was bored.
Ash: Good question about losing the old stuff. I'll have to check that out. And keep you posted.
Marg: Then it must have been someone you referred to on your blog about something. Or I'm totally wacked out which is always possible. I am currently fighting a bad sinus infection :) Let you know what happens.
Sheila: By Fire By Water is a fantastic read. I adore Valentine too. Definitely a girl after my own heart.
Jenners: Oh girl don't be too impressed. The stars just happened to align perfectly for me to read all 4 at the same time :)
Diana: That's why I was thinking of changing my comments. We'll see how it goes.
I've had a hard time with DARK MOON OF AVALON, too! I think we might be the only ones. Other than one or two 3 star reviews on GoodReads, every review I've read has been absolutely gushing. I think this anticipation overly-heightened my expectations, which may be why it's been a bit of a letdown for me. I must be missing something!
YOu are in good company Allie! I though it was just me too. Ithink this one missed the mark for me, and Book 3 will be fine.
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Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)