Publisher: Echelon Press
Genre: Fiction, mystery
Paperback, 374 pages
Book Source: Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists
My Rating: I didn't finish the book, so that should cover it.
From Phenix & Phenix:
Too Rich and Too Thin is a fast-paced, humorous tale that follows Texas psychologist and police profiler Dr. Jessica LeFave as she searches for her husband’s killer while investigating the murder of one of his eccentric patients.
Dr. Jessica LaFave is asked to profile the killer of Bernice Jackson, an author infamous for rewriting historical events into racy novels and movies, who pushed her obsession with seeing herself as young and beautiful too far. But, more importantly, Bernice was a patient of Jessica’s husband David at the time of his death — a death that Jessica is convinced was no accident. Left to her own devices, Jessica thrusts herself into the midst of the Jackson family and its offbeat cast of characters to uncover the truth about her husband’s untimely death.
My Thoughts:
I gave this book a good college try, but unfortunately I just could not finish it. This book started out well. Dr. Jessica LaFave is called to a murder scene to help get a sense of what kind of person would commit such a brutal murder. Almost like a profiler if you will. The victims themselves may have had it coming too, since one of them, Bernice Jackson, has made a living from desecrating Texas' glorious history. Apparently, she took the story of the Alamo and turned it into soft porn, thereby making herself a tidy fortune.
LaFave is also trying to solve the "murder" of her husband and believes this case is connected. LaFave is the only one who believes her husband was murdered. No one else does, and she has apparently made a smack of herself trying to prove it a few months ago.
Hank and Ruthie, the son and daughter of Bernice are also a bit of a trip. Hank has some issues, like not being the sharpest tool in the box. Ruthie and her ex-husband also have a myriad of emotional issues, such as inadequacy, weight/eating disorder, etc. So you would think with this cast of characters, this would be a good read, plus there are these two mysteries going on. Not so fast my friend.
The writing seems a bit clunky or off. It is not smooth or flow nicely. Choppy might be a better way to describe it. As for LaFave, yes she is snarky and a bit funny, but that is only going to go so far with me. As much as I like crazy people, I did not like Jessica. And I really didn't care that her husband was killed. I also didn't care for the family of the murder victims either. I don't mind some of the characters having issues, but I have no sympathy for any of these people, whatsoever. After 12 chapters and 95 pages, I felt I gave this book enough of my time, so I moved on to something else.
For more information about the author Barbara DeShong, please visit her website.
Thanks to Amy from Phenix & Phenix for sending me a review copy.

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Hey, if the book hasn't resonated with you by page 95 and you can't even care about the characters . . .time to move on! There are too many great books out there to waste time on drivel.
Sorry it dissapointed, thanks for the honest review!
thanks indeed for your honesty. I too have decided my time is worth too much to waste on a go no place book. My question is, How do crappy books get published?
Sorry it didn't work for you.
Sorry to hear but with some books you just have to give up or you'll go insane. Good effort
And honestly that is all you can do. You tried and it just didn't work for you!! Honesty and integrity...that's what I like about you!
Hate it when that happens!
I usually give a book to the halfway mark and if it is not thrilling by then I ditch it! But it is disappointing.
It's nice that you are so honest. I tried the book as well but didn't yet finish it.
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)