Well hello! How are you all doing? Hope this finds all of you well and enjoying the day. My husband and I finally dug our car out this morning. Thank goodness because we need some groceries in the house. Plus we are getting a little stir crazy from being stuck in the house. Not that I don't love him, but you know, in all good relationships the parties involved require some alone time :)
In any case, I finished two excellent books and have reviews to write for those. They are The Black Moth by Heyer and Shutter Island by Lehane. Both books were quite different but spectacular. I enjoyed them both and to borrow a word from Sheree at The Eclectic Reader, unputdownable! I should have those reviews up later this week. Today I am starting The Scarlet Lion by Chadwick. I didn't have a chance to read the prequel, The Greatest Knight, but my understanding is they are stand alone novels. I like Chadwick so I can't wait to dig in.
What are you reading this week? Anything exciting?
Tomorrow is a check in day with those participating in my Reading Resolutions Challenge. As for my progress...ha-ha-ha. Seriously, I have gotten better with some things and focused my reading a bit, so that is progress for me.
I would also like to give mad props to my Fly Boys who won all 4 games this week. Why is this so noteworthy? Well, they were home at home series with the NJ Devils and the Montreal Canadiens. Both very tough teams to play, and they came back to win twice against the Devils. Freaking awesome people! They really needed the points before the Olympic break. I love my Flyers, and would love to see them carry Lord Stanley. No matter what happens, and they have certainly disappointed over the years, I will always be a Flyers fan. You never forget your first :)

And last but certainly not least, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you get some time with the ones you love, a significant other, a furry friend, or even just yourself. You are your own best friend. Have a wonderful week :)

Love the Charlie Brown picture! Sounds like it was a productive reading week for you, I look forward to your reviews!
Glad you are dug out!
Looking forward to your reviews.
I so love that Snoopy!!! have a great week!!!!
hahaha, will have to check out your "unputdownable" reads.
Love, love the Snoopy/Charlie Brown pic ... sooo cute!
Happy re-stocking the cupboards :-)
Glad you finally dug yourselves out Jenn. No snow here and it feels so odd saying that. lol. One thing about being snowed in, you can get lots of reading done.
Our hockey team - the Oilers- are doing miserably this year. Certainly nothing to talk about. Right now I'm completely involved in the Olympics!
I hope you had a good Valentine's Day! I'd really like to read Shutter Island - I'm sure it's quite creepy!
We saw Shutter Island at the theater yesterday and it is an almost perfect representation of the book.
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)