Hello challenge participants! How are you? Time flies by when you are having fun, doesn't it? So how are you doing in your goals? I'm sure you are all doing your best, and even if it's baby steps, (ahem, like me) it's still progress. Every little bit works.
Here is my progress so far:
* I purchased two of the books I want to read, Bleak House and The North and the South
* For The Handmaid's Tale there is an online reading group in May or sometime in the summer, so my plan is to read along with them.
* I am being more selective in what I accept for review. If I get an offer for 5 books, I seriously consider what I would like to read; not get dazzled by the free books. The books I have accepted are all stories I'm interested in, and they help me meet some of my challenges.
* Challenges...I joined quite a few, but they all fit together. I have stopped myself from joining new ones, again trying not to get dazzled by pretty pictures. I'm doing well so far.
* Reviews...I think I'm getting better, and at least I am a little more timely. I still have a few hanging out from 2009, but they will get done eventually.
I guess my main goal, which was unrecognized at the time, is keep my book blogging fun. Try not to get bogged down with things and allow it to become a chore. Anything that becomes a chore is not how I want to spend my time. You don't like doing household chores all day, do you? That's my point. Keep it fun and simple.
So, how are you progressing with your goals? Have you refined your goals or added anything since you began? The next check in will be April 16th.
Feel free to leave it in the comments or if you like, write a check in post and link to you it in Mr. Linky. Whatever is easiest for you.
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

I honestly hadn't revisited my goals until today, but I think I am doing pretty well. I haven't gotten out of my preferred genres a whole let yet, but I've been doing great with reviews and children's books. I've been doing okay with journaling. The one thing I need to work on more is getting out there with my books more. I haven't been wasting time with books though, I quit a book for the first time since I started blogging because I just wasn't enjoying it. It's strange to be proud of quitting but I am!
I'm doing pretty good with my goals. I didn't join as many challenges as some people, but enough to keep myself challenged and still enjoy my reading. I watched North and South for the first time last month and would love to also read the novel !!
I posted my progress check on my blog and left the info with Mr. Linky. ;)
I forgot to sign up for your challenge!! Never too late is it?? I think your blog is fun and truly at the end of the day that's what it is all about!! and of course, making new friends! :)
I'm so glad you posted the update today, I was wondering how everyone was doing.my post is here.
I have surprised myself this year, I never thought I would get though the amount of books I've gotten through and still keep up with my writing. But, I'm doing both.
I plan on doing quarterly updates this year so I'll have one end of March. I joined lots of challenges but there are a few of them ending in July that I'd better pay closer attention to.
I'd love to read North and South. Have you seen the movie? I loved it. Another I'd like to reread is The Thornbirds. The Handmaid's Tale is terrific. That's another one I wouldn't mind rereading one day.
I feel the same about blogging. I want it to be fun. My blog is almost 2 years old and I can't believe how long I've been doing it. The main thing I'd like to do this year is spend more time on the friendships I've made.
You are doing a great job of keeping your blog fun :)
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Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)