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By Alphonse Mucha Poster from AllPosters.com |
Why hello there! How are you? Hope you are well and if you are in the U.S. you are enjoying our long holiday weekend and thanking some troops as well.
So where the heck have I been? Did I fall off the face of the earth? I am alive and well and not falling off the face of the earth. In short, it's the job people. That's what puts bread on my table and therefore it does have priority in my life. So here's what happened.
I finished this big project in the beginning of June, and thought "Cool! Back to normal and business as usual." Not so fast my friend. A new initiative was being formed at work, went through the proper channels like fire and lo and behold, Jenny was being courted for a new job. Yes, me being courted. This has never happened to me before, but apparently I am a special snowflake and thus the perfect person for the job. There were many sleepless nights, meetings, office chatter (because that never goes away). You see, my boss doesn't like it when you leave. There's tons of reasons but he is not someone you want to piss off on your way out the door. He and I have always been good so I was hoping I was the exception to the rule.
So, after consideration and my wants being met, I accepted the new position. Yea! It's a step up for me, and I am excited about it. It combines my job (which I actually enjoy) with teaching, plus eventually all of the other stuff I've learned over the past several years. It is something unique and innovative and will be a lot of hard work. My boss....is super supportive and is proud of me for this opportunity. Eyes have watered up people. There is a first time for everything. This move does mean I won't see my best friend everyday, which sucks, seriously sucks, but there is G-chat and we plan on a standing lunch meeting every week. She is truly a rock for me and one of the people I hold most dear.
All this being said, I am struggling to turn on my laptop at home. I spend so much time at work in front of the screen, that to come home and do the same is not appealing. I am doing my best and hope to be better going forward. I have tons of reviews to write, however I see mini-reviews in my future fixing that. Also my plans of giving books away every month has to stop. So my last winners are from May and they are:
Anita Yancey - Noble Cause
Stacybuckeye - To Say Nothing of the Dog
I think I have both addresses, but if not, I'll be in touch. The remainder of my books are being given away at work and to the library for their used book sale.
I know I have also been remiss in responding to comments, and I am trying to catch up on that as well. Just bear with me if you please, pretty please.
Well that was a whole lot! So tell me, what has been going on with you? I know many are devastated by the death of Google Reader and my thoughts go out to you. But think of it as a new beginning or something! Change is always good. See above.
Love you all and thanks for your support, always {{hugs}} :)
© Jenny Girl - 2013 "All Rights Reserved"
therelentlessreader 70p · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
blodeuedd 81p · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
Staci · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
LauraFabiani 92p · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
Heather · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
extraordinaryordinarywhimsy 68p · 610 weeks ago
And congrats on the new job. That is way awesome!!!!
Jennygirl73 95p · 610 weeks ago
squeee I am super excited about the job because I really needed the change. Now make sure you remind me of this statement a few months from now :)
TriniCapini 33p · 610 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
Michelle 113p · 609 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
bookofsecretsblog 36p · 609 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
teddyree 39p · 609 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
diaryofaneccentric 73p · 609 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
Darlene · 608 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 608 weeks ago
stacybuckeye 71p · 608 weeks ago