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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Suddenly Sunday...and my 500th Post!

No way! Yes way!  500 posts...who would have thought?  Certainly not me.  Seems kind of fitting since my 4th Blogiversary was December 3rd.  So much has changed in 4 years, but for the better.  My reading goals, blogging, and thinking have evolved, and definitely for the better.  Enough of that though.  I'll reminisce when the blog hits 5 years.  For now, it's woo-hoo and let's carry on!

Hopefully you are all prepared for the upcoming Christmas day extravaganza, whatever that may be. For me, it's Christmas dinner with my parents coming to my place to feast.  That's it.  We have been keeping it super simple the past few years.  I didn't even decorate this year, because life has been so hectic.  I did make Christmas cookies last weekend, but made less than usual.  We don't need those evil little suckers hanging around forever.  Even though they are freaking tasty!

On the reading front, I am thisclose to finishing Bleak House.  It got a little slow there for a while, but I pushed through.  I am also reading The Midwife's Tale by Sam Thomas and boy is it a page turner.  Takes place in 1644 and I haven't read something from that time period in a long time.  I am enjoying the historical setting of the story, and Lady Hodgson is a delightful character, ahead of her time for sure.

On the knitting front, still knitting away on various projects.  Lately, I have been working through lunch at work, and then been too tired at night to knit, so not much progress.  Close to finishing a sweater for Kona, and since the weather has turned down right frigid, baby will appreciate it.

That's about it for me.  Life is speeding by, books are being read, yarn is being knitted, and blogs are getting visited, finally!

What has been going on in your neck of the woods lately?  Any good books lately?  

Take care and enjoy your Sunday everyone :)

© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

Comments (24)

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I'm currently working on my second short research paper for my class. Who makes a paper due on Christmas!?! Apparently my professor. So hoping to get it done today and free up the next two days for Christmas stuff. It's not even that exciting of a topic for me - maritime power and commerce in Ancient Greece. Wish me luck! Have a great Christmas!
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Only the Grinch makes a paper due on Christmas. �That sucks and my support is with you.
Good luck. �The topic could be interesting to an HF writer...a pirate from Ancient times, male or female.
Have a wonderful Christmas Heather :)
Yay xmas, and we have snow. it sucked last year when we did not have snow. I am waiting to start a book I will be getting ;)

1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
*waves back*
A white christmas, yea for you! �We never have snow :(

Make a snowman for me, and have fun. �Hope the book you're waiting for is fantastic.
Wow! 500 that's awesome... and I think it's doubly awesome that it lands on a Suddenly Sunday post ;) Glad to hear that The Midwife's Tale is good; I have been quite curious about that one. Lol, I know what you mean about having the cookies hanging around forever, I am usually the one who ends up eating them all so they don't go to waste. I hope you have a lovely Christmas!

Here is my Suddenly Sunday post:
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
thanks Svea. �and it couldn't have happened on a better post :)
Midwife's Tale is a murder mystery but there's quite a bit of historical information about midwives and their duties, and how this�activity�of society worked. �Quite�interesting. �I think you would like it.
Hope you also have a lovely Christmas :)
Congratulations on four years and 500 posts! It goes by quickly, does it not?

Your Christmas holiday sounds delightful. I'm still working through Christmas goodies myself. One more batch and I should be finished, but as these are the ones for Santa, I will be doing them tomorrow. My parents are in town and my brother and his family will be for Christmas Eve. The rest of the week should be stress-free and completely relaxing.

Have a great Christmas and week!
1 reply · active 637 weeks ago
Thank you Michelle.
Hope your�Christmas�was wonderful and the family visit spectacular :) �Enjoy the rest of your week.
Congrats on 500 posts and four years!

Your Christmas happenings sounds excellent. We just found out / decided that we're hosting Christmas dinner this year, which is a first for us. It won't be too big of a crowd, though, so we'll be OK.
4 replies · active 637 weeks ago
Thank you! �I hope your first time�dinner�went smoothly. �Can be nerve wracking at first, but everything always works out int he end :)
It worked quite well, thanks! Not even very stressful. :)
Oh that's awesome! �Congrats on your first you will be inviting people over all the time, making up holidays and stuff :)
Enh, I doubt that, but we'll see. We've done other holiday dinners before, just not Christmas.
I've been blogging for 4 years too! It's quite an accomplishment on our part, don't you think? Congrats on your 4th year blogoversay!
1 reply · active 637 weeks ago
Why yes it is an accomplishment and congrats to you also.
There were several times over the past 4 years I thought about giving up, but I've met too many people that I now consider friends, so that's not happening.
Here's to many more years of blogging to the both of us :)
We're visiting family and Baby Whimsy just turned 1. :)

Merry Christmas sugar!
Happy blogversary! Congrats :)
Hope your Christmas was merry. I'm reading The Midwife's Tale too. I just finished a contemporary romance called Fallen Too Far and it was really good.
1 reply · active 637 weeks ago
Thank you!
Oh are you? �I finished Midwife and really enjoyed it. �Contemporary romance has never been kind to me, but I would like to give it another try. �Probably as part of your romance challenge! �I have plenty of books that will fit that challenge :)
This is very late, but still congrats! 500 posts is a big accomplishment!
1 reply · active 636 weeks ago
And I am even later in responding :) Thank you Kim.
Life is definitely speeding by. Or slowing down when I don't want it too! Since we usually go to Columbus for Christmas I haven't been putting out all of our decorations. Maybe when Gage doesn't want to destroy them all!
1 reply · active 636 weeks ago
At least you won't have to take all that stuff down. Or keep telling Gage no sweetie, don't touch that :)
Congrats on 4 years and 500 posts even if I'm a bit late getting to it, what an achievement! I think my 5th blogoversary is Oct 2013, unbelievable we've been going that long!
Off to check out The Midwife's Tale, the book I have with that title is a different author but I love anything with a medical/midwife historical element.

I'll be keeping an eye out for the photo of Kona in her new sweater :)
1 reply · active 636 weeks ago
We 'll both be 5 in 2013. So many similarities girly.
I like the medical/historical angle too. amazes me the progress we have made.

I have the photos, but need to write the post. Kona sometimes whines to have her sweater on in the house!

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