
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Suddenly Sunday - finally feels like Fall edition

Hello!  How the heck are you?  I am fine and no I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Sorry, but activities in real life take precedence over the blog, especially when it's your job.  Got to pay those bills.  It's  struggle to juggle everything including crazy coworkers, but that's a topic for another day.  Anyways, here's me catching up:

It along: Ah no, this book was so not for me.  I got to page 300 and threw the book in the trash.  Literally.  This book reminded me why I stopped reading King.  Too long and drawn out, and sorry not frightened in the least.  There's one more King book I'll try but not until at least next year.  Maybe it was the back-to-back of The Stand and IT, not sure, but certainly didn't help.

Demise of Feedburner: Wth?  I really have been busy.  Not sure what to do about this, but I guess make sure everyone can resubscribe some way?  I assume Blogger has a gadget for that?

TV: Bit too busy for new TV shows, so going with the old standards of Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Fringe (last season sniff-sniff), Once Upon a Time.  Tried Revolution, and couldn't do it.  In the middle of episode 2, I realized I liked no one, and wanted them to all die.  That's when you know the show is not working for you.  I will say Giancarlo Esposito...I love you baby, but even you can't save this show.

What I'm reading now: Ruins of Lace by Iris Anthony, and enjoying it quite a bit.  I've read quite a few good books lately, and yes reviews are coming, even if they are short and sweet.

Future reading: I have two big classic chunksters I want to read: Bleak House and The Three Musketeers.  I was going to start Bleak House in November, and do a read-along, but I think this may be too sad for holiday time???  Whereas sword fighting and camaraderie is good anytime of the year, especially the holidays.  Plus, I know Trish has both of these on her list of classics to read.  So, let me know in the comments your choice is.  Whatever has the most votes will be read starting  November 1st.  since both are quite big and it's the holidays, the read-along will go until January 31st.  Check-in posts maybe every two weeks, or is that too much?

Well I think that's all for now, at least all that's important.  No one wants to hear about work.  Soon, I'll update you on the knitting front.  Speaking of, for any of you knitters out there, I'm going to Stitches East next weekend with my knitting posse, so if you're going to be there, drop me a line.

What's new with you this Sunday?  Hope all is well for you and thanks for hanging in there with me and my sporadic blogging and commenting.  You are da best!  Have a wonderful week and happy reading :)

(Trish, thanks for poking me.  Sorry I didn't make that Wednesday deadline.)

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