Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Announcing the Bleak House Read-a-Long
Another read-a-long? Really? Yes, really, but only if you want to. This classic has been on my must read list for some time. Bought the book over two years ago, and I think it's high time I read it. Plus I got all fancy, and took the picture above for this read-a-long.
So here are the particulars if you're thinking of joining in:
Who: This idea was cooked up between me and Trish. We both want to read it and would like some company.
What: Bleak House by Charles Dickens. According to the back cover of my edition, this novel is considered to be one of Dickens'greatest works.
When: November 1st to December 31st, 2012. My copy is 881 pages, so I think 400 pages per month is reasonable.
Where: Right here at this blog beginning with an intro post on November 1st, a mid-way post on December 1st, and a wrap up post on or around December 31st. It may not be the exact date, but close enough since, it's New Year's Eve and all.
Why: This classic has been on my list for some time, and I bought the book over two years ago. Several years ago, Masterpiece Theater did a mini-series of this book, and I can't possibly watch it until I read the book. Plus I've never read Dickens. A Christmas Carol doesn't count in my book.
How: Write up a quick post saying you're joining in and leave a link in the comments so we can visit each other. You can read the old school paper back like me, listen to the audio, or go techie and read digital. Whatever works for you.
So what say you? Are you in for a right 'ole classic guv'nor?
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