Hello dear readers! How are you? Hope the weather has cooled down and dried out wherever you may be. Here in Philly, there is a bit of crispness in the air and I love it. Now if my allergies would just calm down all would be right in my world.
September brings many things to me this year. Teaching classes this semester, which requires preparation, but I enjoy it. And my students seem like good eggs, so that's always a plus. This month at work is always crazy due to annual education there, that needs to be created and presented. I always poop my pants thinking I won't be ready, but I pull it out every year, and it's always well received.
Book Blogger Appreciation Week is this coming week (9/10 to 9/15) and although there are no awards (which I'm glad because it was driving the organizers crazy) there are daily topics to post about. Think of BBAW as a time to reflect on why you really blog, what you like, and why you continue to do it. That's my plan anyway. That and try to get some reviews done. Been trying for three weeks and have not been successful. However, on Thursday the 13th, I am a tour stop on the Written in the Ashes book tour, so will definitely be finished in time :) So if you have a minute, do stop back on Thursday and see what's up with this ancient Egyptian novel.

Labor Day weekend saw me finally finish Battlestar Galactica (the new version), and I am sad it has ended. I know you're thinking Sci-Fi, really, but this show which came out after 9/11 explores what it means to be human, and what is faith or god, really? Black is white and white is black, and the characters are all lovable and interesting. I remember people were disappointed with the show finale, because not all questions were answered, but in this post LOST era, I am much more forgiving if the show wraps up most big elements. (This doesn't mean I have forgiven LOST, because I haven't.) I think watching all of the episodes back to back, instead of at the time, week to week, influenced my perception as well. I didn't have time to dwell on minutiae. That being said, BSG is one of my all time favorite shows, and I will always rewatch it, given the chance.
I think that is enough scoop for now. So go enjoy the beautiful weather, with or without a good book, and have a fantastic day! See you all later :)
© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"
Amy @ My Friend Amy 113p · 653 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 653 weeks ago
I'm�currently�catching up on Once Upon a Time, and gotta say....love it!
irene · 653 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 652 weeks ago
I started with Longmire also because of Starbuck. �But I admit all of the characters have grown on me. �I'm eager for another season!
Thanks for the well wishes too :)
extraordinaryordinarywhimsy 68p · 653 weeks ago
B. I soooo feel you on your mention of the post Lost era. Don't even get me started on that. I'm still bitter about Lost. I feel like the robbed me.
Jennygirl73 95p · 652 weeks ago
Am I still bitter and angry...no not at all ;)
extraordinaryordinarywhimsy 68p · 652 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 652 weeks ago
bookworm · 652 weeks ago
Can you believe Fall is here so soon? Happy reading and tv show watching. I'm eagerly awaiting for The Walking Dead to return next month.
stacybuckeye 71p · 649 weeks ago