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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Suddenly Sunday: And Suddenly the End of July

Hello dear readers!  I hope this finds you all well and either happily reading, watching the Olympics (am I allowed to use the name of the event), blogging, and/or knitting on this lovely hot day.  Can you believe its the end of July already?!  I can and can't.  I am tired of the brutally hot weather, as is everyone else I assume.  I'm looking very much to Fall and not running my air conditioner.  But as much as I enjoy the Fall, the summer flying by so quickly just blows my mind.  I know we all say this every now and then, but seriously, where does the time go?

Anyway, on the reading front, I have several books going.  First is The Stand for the Standalong.  After I wrote the mid-way review post, about three days later the book just died for me.  To the point that I was going to give up.  But I didn't.  I have skimmed along and have about 30 pages left to read.

Second I borrowed Catching Fire (#2 in the Hunger Games trilogy) from the library.  I LOVE IT!!!  I would stay home form work and read all day if I could.  I should have never waited so long between Fire and Games, either.  Fire does drop bits of info from Games but I had to sit and think to remember the details.  I won't be waiting so long for Mockinjay I tell you now.

Third, I started Written in Ashes about a young girl named Hannah and her discoveries in the Great Library of Alexandria.  Only about 40 pages in but quite good so far.  Enjoying the descriptions of ancient Egypt, and Hannah is a sweet character so far.

I have a few posts to write for the blog, but otherwise all quiet on the blogging front.  I am liking this easy does it blogging thing I have going on.  Before I forget, anybody up for a Bleak House read-along? I'm thinking November to start and that's as far as I got.  I'll keep you posted on the details.  

On the home front, this weekend has been all about fussing over the puppy.  Kona was spayed yesterday and we have providing lots of TLC.  She was out of it last night from the pain meds, and today she has been sleeping most of the day, but her little eyes look back to normal, don't you think?

That's about it from me folks.  It's a lazy Sunday here, and I'm glad.  Hope you are enjoying yours :)

 © Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

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Aw cutie pootie. I hope she's better soon.

I looooooooove how summer is flying. I'm sorta anti summer. But I feel ya. Time is zooming by.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
I like the summer but the heat has got to go. I've had enough. Spring and Fall are my faves. Have a wonderful week :)
It's a lazyish Sunday here too. I'm watching the O as you say, can we say it. Not sure about joinging your readalong, I'll keep checking back. I hope your puppy is o.k. Do give her some extra TLC for me. I know when my cat was done he just wanted his mom and his boy and there was no body else in his life.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
Thanks Irene. That's exactly it. We slept on the floor with her last night, and this mommy can't do too many nights of that anymore. I''ve always wanted to read Bleak House, so I figure this will make me finally read it. I bought the book at least three years ago.
Have a great week!
My daughter is totally immersed in Catching Fire too :)

awwww....I hope Kona feels better. When I had Diego fixed I felt sooo bad for him. It'll pass soon and she will be back to her old self again.

And "wow" about those knitting games...geesh. I do crochet while watching but it's not olympic related in any way :P

Enjoy your Sunday!
Hi! I so get what you mean by the easy-going blogging thing. There was a time when posting became borderline compulsive for me- and that took away the fun. So now I post whenever I like:)
As for the summer, I like mine hot! Must be a Canadian thing;
I wanted to read Written in Ashes- but wasn't sure..I guess I'll wait for your review:)
Have a great day!
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Hi Lucy! �How are you? �Hope�you are well. �I would love to send some hot weather your way! �and I don't mind the�occasional�snow storm either so remember me come winter.
I will keep you posted on Written in Ashes. �Definitely started out well, so that';s a good sign.
Take care and enjoy your week.
Thinking I just need to change my name to Readalong Trish. I'm up for Bleak House--bought a copy for a readalong last year and flaked out. I'll probably do my new favorite--reading and listening. I'm tackling North and South that way right now (as I did The Stand). And can you believe that Fizzy Jill has talked me into a readalong of IT?!

I hear you about the fall. We were 105 yesterday and just miserable. Elle was throwing fits all day and I'm positive it was because it was so damn hot outside (and in the house as we can only cool down to 78 inside). Hurry up cooler weather!!

I'm halfway through Catching Fire--started it Memorial Day weekend but put it down for The Stand and kind of forgot I was reading it! Glad you're liking it so much!
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
What's up�Read-along?! �I am the same because I feel I have these people depending on me so I must read it at all costs. �Crazy right?

Read along�of IT? �When is that starting? �count me in for sure. �That's the next and last King�novel I�will read. �I have to stop by Fizzy Jill's actually. �Ok I'll come up with something for Bleak House.

Aw poor Elle and you guys too. �The weather is ridiculous this�year. �I knew we were in for it from the mild winter, but still. �My heart goes out Elle. �I feel her pain.
And i need to watch the Hunger Games movie :)
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
I KNOW! �Me too. �Desperate to watch it. �just by seeing previews, I can't help but picture the movie people as I read. �
Summer is flying, that's for sure, but there's still all of August and I purposely refused review copies so I can catch up and read what I want. Written in Ashes has caught my attention. Will have to look into it.
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
There is something freeing about refusing review copies, isn't there? �I have become better at saying so to most requests too.
LOL can't believe you restrained yourself for so long, it's one of my favourite series but I must admit I was a little disappointed with Mockingjay.
Kona still looks a little sad, give her an extra cuddle from us and feel free to send some of that heat over here.
Have a wonderful week my friend :)
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Kona is a cuddler to begin with so she will definitely enjoy extra cuddles from you :)
I am almost finished Catching Fire and I just love it. �Especially the�part�where her wedding dress burns off and she is left dressed as a Mockingjay. �I was so excited on the subway that I think people moved over a seat. �I was�certainly�getting strange�looks. �Concerned I won't like Mockingjay either, but am keeping an open mind. �I may pick it up tomorrow at the library.

Have a�wonderful�week friend and warm thoughts your way!
Aw, poor Kona - it surprising how quickly they bounce back though, isn't it?
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
yes it is surprising. �If I had abdominal surgery I would be down for at least a week!
I'll give her some pets from you :)
Ahh, Kona! So, so sweet. Poor thing, but necessary. I am so behind in my blog reading is sad! This summer, while not going as fast as summers past (maybe it's because I am ready for Gage's bedtime an hour or two before he is ;)) but it has been eventful. I'm SO ready for fal and it's beautiful weather.
1 reply · active 656 weeks ago
I totally understand. �I just took a few days off from work and it was so nice not to turn on a computer. �Gage is such a cutie but I'm sure he would wear me out too.

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