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Friday, March 30, 2012

Fitness Friday: Breakfast Ideas

Friday Fitness is a bi-weekly event here at Jenny Loves to Read

Happy Friday Everyone!

Hope you are well and trying to meet your fitness goals.  For me, I am meeting part of my goals.  Cardio consists of walking the dog, which I do at least a half hour everyday after work.  Weekends it's an hour or more since I'm home.  That's great.  My free weights I did once last week and that was it.  I can't seem to wake up early enough in the morning to get them done.  Hope to be better at that this upcoming week.

As for my eating habits, I'm 50/50.  I do well at work and then when I'm home I tend to fall off the wagon.  Part of it is that we need to go to the grocery store big time.  So if the hubby says lets order out, it doesn't take much for me to say sure!  We discussed this and we both know we need to change, but with the other things going on it's tough.  I meet with the Nutritionist on April 13th, so until then, trying my best.

Breakfast seems to be my best meal of the day.  I usually have oatmeal, consisting of this recipe called overnight oats.  I saw the recipe on a healthy eating blog called Peanut Butter Fingers .  It's written by a young woman named Julie, and she has all kinds of good stuff on there, like workouts and recipe ideas.  It's her overnight oats that I usually eat in the morning.  It consists of oats, almond milk, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, and some fruit.  Here's a link to the basic recipe.  I usually eat half of it early, and the other half mid-morning.  The key is the chia seeds.  They help to firm up the concoction overnight, and they are healthy for you too.  They are noticeable to the eye, but when I eat them I don't notice them.  I get my chia at a nut store called Nuts to You.  I think they may be local to Philly, but check Amazon or  a Whole Foods near you.  Heck the regular supermarket may have them now.  Dr. Oz loves them too apparently.

There are two other food ingredients I would like to try incorporating into my diet are lentils and chickpeas.  Lentils I can make into soup, but I'd like to expand my horizons.  Chickpeas, I tried roasting them before and that didn't work out to well. I am also not a fan of hummus.  Limits my options I know.

Do you have any suggestions for chickpeas or lentils?  What are your favorite healthy items or breakfast ideas?

That's all I have for now.  Hope you have been doing well with your fitness goals and I wish you continued success in meeting those goals.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a fitness expert. Anything I post on here is from my own experiences or from books, magazines, or websites I have read. You do what you will with the information I provide.
© Jenny Girl - 2012 "All Rights Reserved"

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It sounds like you're doing well Jen and that's just great! It'll all come together in time. Small steps are much better because people have a tendency to actually stick to their plan then.

I love chickpeas. I put them in a lot of stuff like salads and I especially like them in chili. You can also make healthy dips with them too. I used to roast them and I liked them but I haven't done them in ages.

Hope you have a great weekend! Give Kona a hug for me!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Thanks Darlene. The dip is a good idea. Something for veggies maybe would be good.

Kona loves to cuddle so consider it done!
I don't have any advice.
But you know what's healthy that I tried this week?
I toasted them and then cooked them in the rice cooker.
I'm totally a quinoa convert.
3 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Quinoa, is another thing I keep seeing everywhere. I have to pick some up and try it. Toasted then cooked...makes little crunchies I guess? I don't have a rice cooker though :( I just have to pick some up and try it :)
Yes do!
It's delicious.
I toasted them in a dry skillet for five minutes (before putting it in the rice cooker) and it made it taste nutty.
Definitely experiment with it.
It's pretty awesome.
I just got "Quinoa The Everyday Superfood 365" from the library.
Oh that sounds like a fun book! Let me know how that book works out.
You have so many great links to check out! I always start my work day with oatmeal and fresh fruit so your oatmeal recipes are something that I will be looking into for sure! I do really good during the week too but weekends are so tough for me! I need to get off my fat a$@ and start walking the dogs. My puppy is right now driving me crazy with her hyper state so maybe if I walked her she would be tired and sleep!?
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
What up my friend? Hope you are well. Kona is also super hyper so I know EXACTLY what you're going through. I just found out that oatmeal recipe is probably a lot of calories as well, so make it and eat half one day and half the other. Divide it up. Not something I thought about before. Whoops!

and as for weekends...I suck on weekends. I have no will power and my hubby isn't the healthiest eater. I do better at work during the week. Thank god I don't work from home :)
You are doing far better than I. I start my day with oatmeal as well, but apparently Dr. Oz says we should eat it at night as well for a good nights sleep. My downfall is bread. I love it. I need to move a little more as well, just as soon as my hip stops causing me all kinds of pain.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I also love bread. There is an Italian bakery right down the straight, and you can smell the bread every morning. God I love bread.

I hope your hip is better soon Irene. Achy joints are no joke. Take care and mend quickly.
Doing well Jen :) I love Greek yoghurt, that's brekky for me quite a few mornings a week and I love oatmeal, especially in winter. I'll have to check out that recipe. Im not allowed to have too many lentils, I think it's the potassium, no good for kidney/hypertension problems but I do add them to stews occasionally & a chorizo, lentil & sugarloaf cabbage soup I make. ( sounds gross but it's really tasty)

Cal & I have been doing vege juicing for about 6 weeks ... feel very virtuous. Celery, apple, lettuce, carrot, apple & the occasional beetroot. Next thing is more greens :)

Keep up the good work my friend!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Oh yes too much potassium bad for the kidneys indeed. Veggie juicing for 6 weeks? I bow to your endurance and will power. You're the second person I know of that's doing that. Although I'm curious I don't think I could do it.
As for greens I do like broccoli, very much!

I will and more power to you my super healthy friend :)
Way to go Jenny, it sounds like you are doing good :)
Thanks for the blog link, I'll have to check that out.
As far as chickpeas, have you tried putting them in a salad? Either leafy greens, or I've also chopped tomatoes and onions and tossed chickpeas in with some olive oil and vinegar. It makes for a nice summery garden salad. I love it. I also put some salt and pepper to taste.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Thanks Naida.
The tomato, onion salad with chickpeas is a great idea!! Chopped fine with some herbs olive oil an garlic...yummy! Thanks for the great idea :)
I only have lentils in soup as well. Elle's baby food book actually has a recipe for a lentil dish that I've been meaning to make but it calls for red lentils and I only keep the green ones at home. Probably no difference.

Haven't tried chia seeds! I really like the steel cut oats that I've been doing in the crockpot but am out this week so back to instant oatmeal. Maybe this weekend I can whip up another batch. Breakfast is one meal that I don't like to skip!!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I've only seen red lentils occasionally. I like steel cut oats, because they have that extra chew. I recently bought oats that are more "whole" looking than the big container of Quaker, and they have more chew as well.
I was never a big breakfast person in my younger days, but now I am cranky if I go without :)
I like to use chick peas when I make curry. They add a nice consistency to each bite.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
Now curry I'm not too crazy about. �But I did just discover Trader Joe's Tomato and Basil hummus which is delish :)
I'm going to look at your oatmeal recipe. I need something I can prepare when Gage is in bed. __Gae loves hummus. Can you believe it? There are so many different kinds so I'd recommend trying a different flavor. We both like the red pepper hummus.__I've only had lentils in soup too, but would love to find another way to enjoy them.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
I just can't do hummus! �There's something about it that makes me go bleh. �I will email you the oatmeal recipe. �no worries. �Make it the night before and it's ready int he morning.

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