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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's Wednesday?

What’s up Wednesday is a weekly catch up event. I discuss anything that’s on my mind, or what may be happening in my life. It’s my take on “me time”. Feel free to join along in the comments or leave a link to your What’s up Wednesday post.

Weekly?  I have fallen off the wagon!  Gotta fix that for future posts.  Apologies for the late post.  I meant to do at work today, but had to empty my desk for exterminations being done overnight at the office.  Lets just say I quite a bit of flare on my desk, not to mention files and papers.  It's quite sad really.
Anyway, today is about knitting.  Yea!

First up is the SFBB, stupid effing baby blanket.  Why might you ask?  Well I am a selfish knitter, who likes to knit for themselves, and I don't mind the occasional project for others.  However, when one "expects" a blanket, and feels entitled, I get a little miffed.  A blanket is a big time commitment, and not an easy task, as you can see...

It won't cover the bed but it's good for the crib, car seat or carriage.  She was super appreciative, but I am  not a fan of blankets.  I also made her a bunny, because she wouldn't shut up about the last one I made for her son.  I ended up having the perfect yarn and it was a super fast project, so I didn't mind.

He is cute isn't he?  And his face came out nicely too.  I suck at faces.  All in all they were a hit at the shower, and the mother to be teared up so in the end,  I was happy to make her happy.  Even if I grumbled along the way :)

Comments (21)

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The SEBB is gorgeous. I love your language. You're a lovely knitter.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Thank you Irene :)
I love the bunny and know what you mean about entitlement. It certainly changes the project..
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Yes it does! The bunny I didn't mind so much though.
The blanket is gorgeous!
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Thank you Nise :)
Well, my darling that blanket is outstanding and gorgeous. I want one for my little baby Daisy! And a rabbit hat for myself!! :D I loved your grumbling.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
I do have a kitty hat pattern but I'm not sure we would look good wearing it. People would cross the street when they see us :)
LOL Jenny your post and grumbling cracked me up. The SFBB is absolutely beautiful, I'm putting my order in for one for our baby Bella and I'm sure she'd like a bunny toy too (she has had a tough life you know, and is more than qualified to some entitlement) hahaha I crack me up :))
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Bella would tear that bunny toy up! The blankets get caught in the dogs feet. I have a blanket my Lucky would lay on and as soon as she got up, she would get caught and it was hilarious. At least to us :)
@ Staci, get in line girl :))
You did a beautiful job on both projects. I am with you, I do my stitching because I enjoy it. When people start expecting stuff from me, it takes away the fun.

I once came across a site that sold hand knit and crochet blankets. They charged at least minimum wage for all the hours that went into the making. An afghan cost about $1500.00. Now imagine how much that blanket really cost.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Oh no I couldn't! A girl I work with keeps telling me to make sweaters and sell them but I'm not interested. However, she is so super nice that I may make one for her. Plus she's tiny so it may not take too long.
That blanket is gorgeous! I admire knitters, I find it so much more complicated than crocheting. The bunny is adorable :)
I know what you mean about people expecting handmade items. They don't always realize the amount of time, commitment and effort that goes into each project.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Thank you Naida! Now see I find crochet so much more complicated. I can't figure out the stitches.
Why do people think us needle arts folk can just whip out projects? I don't m ind if asked nicely, but when I do and it's not appreciated, it burns me up. This girl was very appreciative though.
That blanket is beautiful! I'd knit if I could knit like that.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Thank you Kathy!
The SFBB looks BEAUTIFUL!! And like you I'm kind of a selfish quilter. I'm supposed to be working on a quilt for my husband but instead I've started another project. He's so good about not complaining, though.

One day I'd love to learn to knit. The blanket is seriously gorgeous Jen
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Thank you Trish. I've toyed with the idea of learning to sew, but I have so little time to knit. My knitting friend also quilts. I love the fabrics and patterns, but I'm afraid the patience part is lacking :)
You could teach yourself to knit with Youtube videos. Seriously, not joking.
You are so awesome. Even though it doesn't fit Gage anymore, I still have the sweater you knit for him hanging in his closet :) That bunny is so darned adorable.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Aw Stacy, stop it! (blushing)
Babies grow so darn fast! Feel free to pass the sweater along to someone else. I wouldn't be offended. If I ever figure toys out, I'll be sure to send one your way.

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