What’s up Wednesday is a weekly catch up event. I discuss anything that’s on my mind, or what may be happening in my life. It’s my take on “me time”. Feel free to join along in the comments or leave a link to your What’s up Wednesday post.
This week is about creepy reads, those books I am reading for October. I’m starting early because I recently started two books that I put down after about 100 pages. They just weren’t doing it for me. The first was The Book Thief. Many love it, I did not. Sorry! The second was The Reincarnationist. Again the main character was not doing it for me. I liked his past life scenes but when it came to modern day I just wanted to slap him like they did on Airplane! Therefore I started my first creepy read which is The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.
This book is amazing and yes it is creeping me out. I would highly recommend it. The rest of my list changed slightly, because I went to the library last night to pick up a book I requested. While I was there 2 more books grabbed my attention and I just couldn’t say no. Books are my crack so I indulged. The first is World War Z by Max Brooks. I have been wanting to read this for quite a while, and now that the movie is being made, The Walking Dead is coming back soon, It’s time for zombies my friends! The second which I am counting as creepy, although it is a courageous story is The man who broke into Auschwitz: a true story by Denis Avey. Need I say more? The third book I picked up so doesn’t fit with the rest is The Luxe by Anna Godbersen. I am one of the few people on the planet that hasn’t read it yet, so I grabbed it.
The other books on my creepy list, which is probably going to extend into November at this point is The Mysteries of Udolpho by Anne Radcliffe, and The Girl Who Would Speak for the Dead by Paul Elwork . Udolpho I volunteered to read for the Classics Circuit. Another one I have always wanted to try. The Girl Who Would Speak for The Dead was kindly sent to me by my dear friend Staci of Life in the Thumb. She enjoyed it so I’m sure I will too. I’m also going to try and squeeze in a short story, The Victorian Chaise Lounge by Margharita Laski. Natalie from Coffee and a Book Chick totally loved this story, well as much as one could like a creepy story, and sold me on it. This story is only 99 pages so I should be able to squeeze it in.
What about you? Do you have any creepy reads planned for October?
Juju@Tales of Whimsy · 704 weeks ago
I feel like I've been on a losing streak lately. Everything I've tried hasn't really jived. The good news: I'm re-reading an old favorite next so hopefully that will fix things.
Jennygirl73 95p · 703 weeks ago
TriniCapini 33p · 704 weeks ago
Hope you're having a wonderful day Jenny Girl! ;)
Jennygirl73 95p · 704 weeks ago
I am probably not going to post a review. �I already returned it to the library. �
I started out doing really well, liking the characters. �I even I liked the perspective of Death telling the story. �But it was Liesel that was boring me. �I guess I didn't have a lot of patience with the story and her character. Then one night I put it down, and thought "Do I care if I pick this up again?" �I said to myself, "No" and that cinched it for me.�
Maybe I'll give it another try in the future. �I have been known to do that.
blodeuedd · 704 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 703 weeks ago
Trisha · 704 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 703 weeks ago
Jackson's writing is amazing. Sucked me right in. Shame on me for not having read her earlier.
Staci · 704 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 703 weeks ago
irene · 704 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 703 weeks ago
stacybuckeye 71p · 703 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 702 weeks ago