Monday night I had to say goodbye to my furry baby girl, Lucky. She was almost 15 years old. Lucky had gotten sick, and had not eaten or drank any water for three days. She also wouldn’t eat her all time favorite, cheese. Lucky was a cheese ho, and this was our tell tale sign that things were not good. My husband and I had decided a while ago, that we wouldn’t put her through anything strenuous. Lucky had a fabulous life and it would be torture for all involved if we pursued anything. So Monday night, after spending the day with her we put her to sleep. It was the most difficult thing I had to do, and I am crying as I sit here and type this.
But then I remember all the crazy shit Lucky did over the years:
*Running down the hallway upstairs at full tilt and launching herself onto the bed sliding across, and almost going over the other side
*Our walks to the park to stalk the squirrels, her most evil of archenemies. Other archenemies included the vacuum and baths.
*Catching the ball in the house like a show dog, bending her body in unusual ways
*Hanging out under the Christmas tree looking at the lights
*Her obsession with cheese. Close the refrigerator door, and there she was appearing out of thin air looking for cheese
Lucky was an awesome dog. She comforted me when I was sick or sad, and would hang out with us every night. But as the years went by, we could see her getting older, and she slowed down, becoming a little senior citizen, quirks and all. You know those pushy elderly people at the bank an hour before it opens? Imagine that in dog form. Lucky even started looking for her night time cookie snack earlier, a la “the early bird special” so she could go to bed early.
We knew it was only a matter of time before Lucky would have to leave us, we just didn’t think it would happen so soon. So, with this post I say good bye but not forgotten to my Lucky Girl. She will never be forgotten.
(I haven’t felt like doing too much of anything lately, so please forgive me for not being around in the interwebs.)
espeutish 78p · 709 weeks ago
bookofsecrets 28p · 709 weeks ago
Briana · 709 weeks ago
stacybuckeye 71p · 709 weeks ago
margreads 71p · 709 weeks ago
Teddyree · 709 weeks ago
Kisatrtle · 709 weeks ago
Amy · 709 weeks ago
Nise' · 709 weeks ago
Marie · 709 weeks ago
blodeuedd · 709 weeks ago
It is so hard loosing a pet :(
Juju@Tales of Whimsy · 709 weeks ago
Darlene · 709 weeks ago
Heather · 709 weeks ago
Staci · 709 weeks ago
Coffee & Book Chick · 709 weeks ago
Your overview of all the wonderful and funny things Lucky would do had me laughing through my tears. She seems like a sweet one, and I am sending a hug to you right now.
~ Natalie
Bree · 708 weeks ago
Michelle 113p · 708 weeks ago
This was an absolutely beautiful tribute. It sounds like Lucky was lucky to have you too. My heart/thoughts/prayers are with you.
carolsnotebook 53p · 708 weeks ago