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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What's up Wednesday

What’s up Wednesday

(a new thingy I’m trying out)

Hey everybody! How are you? I hope this finds you well. The weather is gorgeous right now! Night and day compared to last week. I have been trying to make the Suddenly Sunday posts, but my schedule has changed and I now work on Sundays. Stinky I know, but we do what we must. By the time I get home on Sunday, the last thing I want to do is stare a screen and use a mouse. It’s easier for me to do personal posts during the week, hence What’s Up Wednesday? Also, truth be told, Molly’s recent post about having an event on your blog has had me thinking, so I figured this would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone. I can either post something personal, or discuss a subject that bugs or interests me, or really just post about anything. And then when I get time again, I can go back to Suddenly Sunday, and use What’s Up Wednesday For anything my little heart desires.

So what have I been up to lately? Not much aside from reading, working, sweating and going to the gym. This weather doesn’t inspire me to do much outside of that. As for reading, I have been quite selective in what accept for I review, leading to less pressure to get books read and reviewed. Unfortunately instead of reading my own books, I ended up requesting a few from the library, and now I’m trying to get through those. Two library books didn’t work for me so I returned them quickly. I’ll do a combined DNF post on them. I also wanted to read a Classic before Labor Day for the Classic Bribe but that’s not going to happen, so now my goal is to read it by the end of the year.

I am in a “clean up” kind of mood in many aspects of my life right now: the house, my knitting, my book reading, my desk at work, etc. so with regards to reading, I’m setting a schedule for myself. For October I am going to concentrate on creepy reads and after that it will be East of Eden by Steinbeck. I WILL read this book by the end of the year. I have other books I would like to “clean up” and read until then. At least this way I will feel as though I accomplished a few of my goals for this year’s Reading Resolutions.

That’s What’s Up with me right now. Next time I will try and post a picture of a knitting project I finished. I can’t get a goods photo of it, and that’s the hold up.

What’s up with you today? Anything exciting or that you want to share? Feel free to answer in the comments or leave a link.

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Not much going on at this end of the world. But I like you new post :D
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks Linda :)
I'm with you.
SO not digging this hot weather and totally in a clean up stage.
I'm only reading books I own. Not buying or checking anything out.
I'm also thinking of reading some witchy stuff for Halloween.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
I'm guessing the move made you re-evaluate your book shelves? It would for me, pkus I feel guilty since my books want to be read. We'll have to compare lists for Halloween reads.
We had some much needed rain today, that helped to cool the air as well. I am trying to get back into my normal reading rhythm, but with my neck/head issues flaring up it has been difficult. But life is still good!
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
A few days later, but we just had some rain too. Hope you are feeling better and glad life is treating you well :)
I aml enjoying my summer and finding my pool membership quite useful...
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Oh pool membership... I am jealous. I looked into one, but for just me and occasionally the hubby wasn't worth it.

Glad your summer has been good so far.
I loved this post. I always get that cleaning up feeling every couple of months or so. In fact, I cleared off a bunch of 'stuff' that needed to get done today and afterwards I felt really good. Should do that more for sure. I'm with you on that crazy hot weather...made me lazy big time. Nothing much up in my world. Just gearing up for my oldest son's wedding Aug. 28th and then he will be shipping out to Okinawa for two years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my youngest will be starting football two-a-day practices soon. And before you know it I'll be back to work, which honestly I'm looking forward to. I need to get my book/craft room cleaned up and organized. I'll make sure I get that done next week!!!

Have a great rest of the week my friend and I look forward to your knitting project photo!!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
So the 28th is the big's prayers for beautiful weather. Cleaning things up always puts me in a good mood, it's just getting in that mood in the first place. I will definitely post a photo.
You must read/finish East of Eden. I loved that book. Finally finished it this year. I've been working on it for 2 years. It is a book that I could definitely read again and again. And I'm usually not a re-reader.

I've been thinking about starting some sort of "event" too but I'm not sure if I could dedicate myself to a regular post. I think it would be fun to host with a linky thing. make me think more about it.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
It just takes that little seed of a thought, and before you know it, you have an event. Something that you would want to do every week, no matter what it is. maybe there's a book you want to read; you could start a read a long. Keep me posted.

I don't usually re-read either but some books have that "special"status for me.
I seem to be as busy as ever this summer, the heat is not helping. However, I too am not reading much off my shelf, again however, reading is suppose to be fun for me, so why put that stress on myself, there is enough stress around me with me adding to it.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Here, here Irene! Everytime I try to totally break away from review books, I find one that I would not normally read, and it blows me away. I must practice being super duper selective!

Glad your summer is going well even though its busy, and I agree with the heat. It suck the life out of you! Here's to fall :)
Love the post Jen, winter over here and it makes me feel like hibernating but after my hospital stay I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.

I have so much I need to do in the "clean up" stakes but my bedroom is having a clean up this weekend, everything out, carpets cleaned, waterbed ditched and new bed going in! Maybe that will inspire me to do a clean up in my scraproom lol. Looking forward to seeing your knitting project!

Take care ... hugs across the miles!
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Oh no sweetie! I hope you are feeling better after your hospital stay. I am so sorry I didn't know. My bedroom needs a super clean out like yours. I do it piece meal, and it's just not the same.

If I could send you our warm weather I would, but you guys get plenty of it on your own. Hugs and healing thoughts your way :)
I love personal posts and love the idea of doing them on Wednesday. Break the mold and find a way to make it fit your schedule!
2 replies · active 708 weeks ago
Thanks Michelle! I am going to really give this a go. Even if it's only a few lines or something.
I will certainly try. �Back to normal next week for sure :)
It's nice catching up with you and what's happening in your life. It's not all books, who knew? :) I'm so late reading this post that it's time for your next What's Up Wednesday!
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Oh that's all right.� Time has been getting away from me too!� I don't know what it is lately.
Hope you and the family are well :)

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