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Friday, April 1, 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Linda Wisdom, author of Demons are a Girl's Best Friend

Hello dear Readers!  Please welcome Linda Wisdom, witchy author of the Hex Series, and the new book Demons are a Girl's Best Friend, the first in her new paranormal romance series. 

Welcome Linda,

1.) Congratulations on the start of your new paranormal romance series with Demons are a Girl’s Best Friend. What was the impetus for this new series or direction?

LW:  It was actually my editor who turned this in a new direction. The title for this book was originally The Best Hex Ever and another of my witch books. She liked Declan so much and with the book having a little bit of an urban fantasy feel, she wanted to change the look of the book and the title. I love the new cover and the best thing is the cover artwork is what I originally suggested. I still consider this my a part of my witch series, but with a new twist.

2.) I’m glad that Declan is a smoking hot fire demon instead of the usual werewolf or vampire. Is there is a particular reason why made Declan a demon or was it something you always wanted to do with a character?

LW: To be honest, I can’t say why Declan turned out to be a demon. I guess it’s because I did want to try something different and I wanted someone who would be equal to Maggie. I already used a vampire and Jake as the shifter, so time for someone new. Declan worked out from the first scene.

3.) Maggie the witch in Demons are a Girl’s Best Friend is quite sassy and I love that about her. How does Maggie measure up to your previous female characters? Do you find yourself channeling your inner Maggie on occasion?

LW: Maggie’s definitely more kick ass. She doesn’t worry about breaking a nail and shopping is way down her to-do list, but she’s still got the girl DNA and wants to look her sexiest for her guy. She’s strong, doesn’t back down, and she’s there for her friends. And she doesn’t whimper when her life is turned upside down by a mouthy teenager. I’m sure I do channel Maggie, although I wish I had her magickal skills!

4.) This is your second paranormal series, so do you keep records of the supernatural things you have created? Is there a supernatural lexicon or encyclopedia that helps you keep your worlds cohesive?

LW: I keep a list of the characters and creatures with their histories and what they’ve done in the books. It’s easy to do since I also use them in flash fiction on my blog. They hate to be ignored. :}

5.) How do you go about creating (writing) your books? Do you come up with the supernatural elements you want first, and then sprinkle in the romantic couple and mystery, or does all it just happen at the same time? (I do things in steps and wondered if it was the same for you.)

LW: I have the what if going on. Such as with Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend, I had the idea of using an ancient Mayan curse and linking it with the demons. Maggie had a short scene in Hex in High Heels, so I knew she’d be next, but that I’d be fleshing her out a lot more. I’m very much a pantser writer which can be scary at times. But my characters tend to chime in and tell me what’s going on next. I have probably a good 2/3 of the story figured out and many times I know the ending before the middle is strong in my head. My biggest challenge is probably figuring out which witch goes best for that particular story.

6.) When you are not busy creating spells and supernatural beings, what other things do you enjoy doing with your time? Any hobbies?

LW: Reading, of course, taking walks with my white mini Schnauzer, Barney, who will be showing up in a future book, and getting together with friends. I collect dragon, witch, and faery figurines along with Halloween Barbies.

7.) Since summer is coming do you have any wonderful vacation plans?

LW: Summer isn’t a good time for my husband to take a vacation. We’ll take day trips though. Living near San Diego gives us a lot of places to visit.

8.) What can we expect to see from you next?

LW: I have A Demon Does It Better coming next year plus I’m working on some young adult ideas and I’ve been putting my backlist books along with some original novellas up for Kindle, Nook, and at Smashwords.

Thanks so much for stopping by Linda.  I appreciate it :)


A Bewitching Woman on a Mission…

Feisty witch Maggie enjoys her work as a paranormal law enforcement officer—that is, until she’s assigned to protect a teenager with major attitude and plenty of Mayan enemies. Maggie’s never going to survive this assignment without the help of a half-fire demon who makes her smolder…

A Hotter-Than-Sin Hero with an Agenda…

Declan is a proprietor of an underground club and busy demon portal. No way he’ll allow his demon race to be blamed for the malicious acts of some crazy evil Mayans. But he’s already got his hands full when the sexy witch offers him a challenge he can’t refuse…


Linda Wisdom has published more than 70 novels with 13 million copies sold worldwide including traditional, paranormal, humor, action/adventure romance and romantic suspense. Her bestselling books have been nominated for RT Book Reviews awards and the Romance Writers of America Rita Award. She lives with her husband in Murrieta, California, where she is working on her next book, A Demon Does It Better (January 2012). For more information, please visit


Courtesy of the lovely Danielle at Sourcebooks, I have 2 copies of Linda's new book, Demons are a Girl's Best Friend, up for giveaway. 

Giveaway 411:

* Only open to addresses in U.S. and Canada.  No P.O. boxes please!
*  For one entry, leave a comment for Linda and way for me to contact you, ie email address.
* Earn an additional entry by stopping back on Monday to read and comment on my review of Demons are a Girl's Best Friend
* Deadline for entries is midnight, April 11th, 2011.

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Firedemon, that sure sounds interesting, I like a change :)
2 replies · active 728 weeks ago
I just have to say I love all your demons and witches and wonderful supernatural beings, and you write them with such a truly great sense of humor. Don't ever stop.
2 replies · active 728 weeks ago
Hi Linda, terrific interview. And it's a terrific book - Declan is definitely a hot fire demon.

No need to include me in the drawing since I already have a copy ;-)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Great interview, Linda!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Linda I REALLY love the male leads name :) and the interview was great, seem to learn something new with each one!

1 reply · active 728 weeks ago
Great interview Linda!!!

Love the cover and I have this one at the top of my TBR pile in my Kindle! Woot!!!

I hope it's a huge success for you!!

Lisa :)
1 reply · active 728 weeks ago
Hey Linda, great interview and the new book looks outstanding! I'll definitely add it to my TBB list!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
You know I'm a big fan of yours. This new series sounds like a winner to me. Sending tons of good luck! Amelia
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Hi Big Sis!
Just wanted to drpo by and say and good luck. Not that you need it. Declan is HOT.
1 reply · active 728 weeks ago
I'm looking forward to reading this one! Of course, I'm a big fan of witches...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Shannon :-)'s avatar

Shannon :-) · 728 weeks ago

Wow what a cover! Can you imagine having a back like that? :-)
I haven't read one of your books, but now after reading this interview I'm going to be on the look-out. They sound wonderfully fun.
1 reply · active 728 weeks ago
Great interview!
(not an entry)

How are you darling? Long time no see :) Missed ya!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
She sounds fun and her books do too! How did I ever miss them???
1 reply · active 727 weeks ago
wanda flanagan's avatar

wanda flanagan · 728 weeks ago

Hi Linda great interivew thanks for sharing with us today I love the cover for Demons are a Girls Best Friend.I am a huge paranormal fan and this is a must read for me .
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
They have Halloween Barbies?! Where have I been?
Thank you everyone for stopping by :)

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