In November 2009 I wanted to set some reading goals for myself and thought, "What a great way to set reading goals, AND create a challenge?" Hence, the 2010 Reading Resolutions Challenge was born.
Well, things did not go as well as I thought with both my goals and hostess abilities. In the hostessing department I sucked....completely sucked. My quarterly check-ups died after the first one. I do not have a good excuse, but the truth is I either forgot or was wrapped up in something else. Then I would remember and quickly forget again. Bad hostess!
As for my goals, well here they are:
Read the following books:
Bleak House by Charles Dickens - Purchased not read
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - Forgot
Middlemarch by George Eliot - Purchased not read
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood - READ...YEA!
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - forgot
A book by Hemingway - forgot
A book by Steinbeck - Purchased East of Eden not read
84 Charing Cross Road (added 11/22) - forgot
The Great Gatsby (added 11/24) - forgot
Do the following things:
Be more selective in accepting review books.
-meh, I was so so in this one. I have gotten more selective as the year passed.
Be more selective in joining challenges. (I get dazzled by pretty pictures/buttons)
- I have been more selective with this one. So far only 3 and that's all I plan on too!
Try to be more concise in my reviews. (They have gotten better over the past year, but there is always room for improvement.)
-Work in progress, but I did create Three Reasons Review which may help.
Be a better commenter. (Again, always room for improvement.)
-Definite work in progress, always :)
Read more from my shelves of books at home.
- Definite epic fail. I have added to the shelves and not read much from them.
In some ways I improved, others not so much. I did buy some of the books I want to read so that's positive. My apologies for those who joined expecting progress reports and such. However, the one great aspect was I met some new and interesting bloggers along that way, and that's always a good thing. Therefore this was not an epic fail just a considerable one. Besides 2011 is right around the corner.
The spirit of this challenge was to set personal reading goals and try to achieve them. Hopefully you learn something about yourself along the way. There is always room to try again so don't be surprised when the 2011 Reading Resolutions Challenges comes your way again :)

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blodeuedd 81p · 741 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
Staci · 741 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
Here's to great 2011 indeed my crafty girlfriend :)
Svea 22p · 741 weeks ago
Happy New Year!
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
I also want to read from my own shelves.� What's the point if I keep accepting review books and neglect the poor little dears on my shelf?
We can do it!�
Have a Happy New Year also! :)
kaye · 741 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
Juju · 741 weeks ago
jennygirl · 741 weeks ago
Teddyree · 741 weeks ago
Loved your "work in progress" and "epic fail" terms, and I'm totally with you on the readng off your bookshelf ... oh well there's always 2011 :)
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
bookworm · 741 weeks ago
Jennygirl73 95p · 741 weeks ago
Happy new year!
Gege · 734 weeks ago
And I was guilty for not updating you of my progress all throughout the year. And now, I'm so glad you sucked as a hostess. ;) Because I don't feel too guilty for having sucked in my resolutions.
Well, I did badly as well, but I have achieved a few, specifically 6 out of 10 goals. Here's to 2011! My goals are less complicated this time:
Jennygirl73 95p · 734 weeks ago
One of the classics I would like to finally read this year is Bleak House.� I may, I said may, start a read along some time in June.� I'll keep you posted if you're interested.
Good luck and and thanks for participating and stopping by :)