Publisher: Avon A
Genre: Fiction
Paperback, 368 pages
Book Source: TLC Book Tours
My Rating: 95/100
About the book:
Devastated over the breakup of his marriage, Grant Shongo returns to his hometown of Canandaigua Lake, a little community where everyone knows everyone’s business, though they may pretend not to. Living in isolation at his family’s old cabin, Grant begins to wonder if he isn’t being haunted by the spirit of Luke Ellis, a young boy who mysteriously drowned one night in the lake. Grant is drawn back into the world when a young man, Lion, pleas for help to find his missing wife, Melanie. Theories abound about her disappearance — has she skipped town like she used to on a drug-induced relapse, or could something far more sinister be at play? Is her abduction in any way related to her brother’s death all those years ago?
Sparks fly when Grant’s first love Echo returns to town, and with the chance at enjoying life again, the pair becomes hopeful about nursing old wounds together. But will uncovering the truth about Melanie’s disappearance threaten their blooming happiness? As the past inexorably draws Grant and Echo in, long-buried secrets will surface that will affect everyone involved in the rescue effort for the rest of their lives.
My Thoughts:
This summary only hints at what this book is about. This story is so much more. Yes, there is the mystery of how a little boy drowned in the lake, but in order to solve it each character in the story must reconcile their pasts with the person they have become.
The chapters are character oriented, and each and every character is complex. Although the story takes place in the present, as the events unfold, the characters relive or remember the events of the past. You learn about each character with these past events. These passages make you feel as though you are a bystander in the memory of the person who is relieving the moment. These moments are what made them, who and what they are today, in the present. Each character must forgive themselves for their past. Let it go. Accept what they are or have become and move forward. Otherwise, you are not living life as you should.
With respect to the mysterious past drowning and current disappearance, there are events in this book that I did not expect. I actually gasped out loud at times.
I hope this review does justice to this book. It was so not what I expected, and yet I enjoyed it so very much. Ruby's writing enthralled me. Between the plot, the characters, and the air of spiritualism lent by the Seneca Indian elements, Ruby grabbed me and never let me go. This book is not my normal genre, and I am so happy I took a chance and read it.
I read and reviewed this book as part of the book tour by TLC Book Tours. Please visit the home page to see other blogs that are part of the tour.
[Edit after posting]
oops! Here's the link to a trailer for the book: trailer link
A big thanks to Trish for asking me to join the tour.
2010 Challenges Met: 100+

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Awesome review. I enjoy hidden mysteries :)
I like the hidden mysteries as well, great review, thanks.
Not what you expected and still you like it. It's good when that happens
Great review. I like unexpected happenings too!
Thanks gals! I love it when I try something differnet and it works out :)
Great review!
It does sound like a great read. Its true to move forward, we have to let go of the past.
When a book makes you gasp that says something...I want to read this one!
Great review Jen! I've been interested in this book for a while. I may have to read it!
I'm a sucker for trees so the title and cover grabbed my attention right away. Looks like one I need to add to my wish list.
Great review, this book sounds really gripping!
Your review must do the book justice, I was immediately intrigued ... straight onto my wishlist. Thanks Jenny
I know how hard it is to write a review of a book you really really liked, but I think you did a great job! Thanks for being on the tour. :)
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Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)