
Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Challenges

Here is an index of the challenges I am participating in, that end in 2010.

3/100 completed.
Click for my page.

0/25 completed.
Click for my page.

0/9 books read.
Activities a little more difficult to track.

Click for my page.

0/1 completed. Click for my page.

0/20 completed. I have lots to read but I'm starting with 20 because that sounds good. Click for my page.

1/12 completed. Click for my page.

0/6 completed. Click for my page.

1/6 completed. Click for my page.

3 romances read. Click for my page


  1. Good luck with all of your challenges...I like that you have an index for them. I found it so hard to keep track of challenges that I just another blog!! LOL!!

  2. I wish you nothing but luck and will be rooting for you all year long. Every happiness friend. You've been very kind to me and I'm all the better for it. Thank you and a Happy New Year to you.
    Warmest regards,

  3. Good luck with your reading challenges. I am thinking about the really old classics challenge.

  4. Yay! We're in the RYOB challenge together :)

  5. It's too funny that we're not doing any of the same challenges. Good luck with yours!

  6. Good luck and have fun with all these challenges (some look *really* challenging to me).

    The only overlap we have is 100+

  7. good luck!! i'm doing some of the same challenges as you! now that it's 2010, i can finally begin listing books--it's my first time doing challenges so i'm giddy with excitement :D

    thank you for all the nice comments. they all brought a smile. i hope you also had a great new year's eve jenny! and best wishes to you and your family this year!!

  8. It is amazing how many book and reading challenges that are out there!!

  9. Good luck with your challenges. I joined way too many this year. lol.


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)