
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Reflections (Jan. 3)

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. It came and went so quickly, but such is life anymore. Many bloggers are doing year end wrap ups but not for me. I have some posts I need to do to close out 2009, but no totals or tallies. And certainly no challenge wrap up, because I was a slacker doodle! I became side tracked with other things, and lost focus.

I have two book reviews for 2009, Hunger Games and And Only to Deceive. Two movie reviews, The Young Victoria and Miss Austen Regrets. Two old book reviews that were never posted for who knows what reason. And I think that's it for 2009. Oh wait, my museum trip with my mom. I was working on that and then cookiepallooza happened.

I intended to write these posts last week, but as you can see, I became obsessed with giving my blog a face lift. Thank you all for your awesome comments. I really appreciate it, because what may look good to one, may hurt the eyes of another. I really like what I have done, and think this will be it.

I also have many emails and commenters to get back to, as well as finish welcoming those who joined my challenge, 2010 Reading Resolutions. I'm making the rounds and do apologize for my tardiness.

I started reading the Epic of Gilgamesh, and it's quite interesting. I hope to finish the other half tonight. It's not very long.

So that's about it for me. I have some things I need to put back on the blog, like my blogroll, that I forgot to save. And general housekeeping, can't forget that. So I may be quiet this week, but it doesn't mean I'm not reading your blogs or any books.

So until next time, have a good week and happy reading :)


  1. I posted a few resolutions and maybe will post my top books for the year, but I can't do the stats either. Way too much work. Good luck with hosting your challenge and Happy New Year!

  2. Your blog looks great.. and I confess to being a slacker doodle myself. Keep up the great blogging and thanks for all the comments and blogger support in 2009.

  3. I like the new layout - it is very refreshing. Out of curiosity - how did you get those tabs at the top (home, review disclaimer, etc)? I have been wanting to do something similar but didn't know how, thanks!

  4. Happy 2010! I lool forward to another great year of blogging from you :)

  5. Your blog looks great! I have had the Epic of Gilgamesh for years now. Knowing that you are enjoying it, maybe I will finally crack it open.

  6. Loving the revamp, particularly the header pic.

    Have a wonderful New Year...may you discover fabulous new books!

  7. I like the look of your blog. Very nice - especially the 3-columns. One of my new year's resolutions is to find a way to switch from 2 to 3 columns! Happy New Year!

  8. Here is a little something for you! Come on over and check it out :)

  9. I loved And Only to Deceive! I also just gave you the Honest Scrap Award at my blog.

  10. Thanks guys! I aprreciate all of your kind comments :)

  11. I understand completely for I've been making the very attempt myself. All the best and a lovely weekend.

  12. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually, physically came and visited. I've just been stalking your posts through google reader and haven't actually taken the time to come and visit. The header is very pretty and the look is overall more streamlined and elegant.

    You got it though, you can't please everyone. My blog is a dark background with lighter text, which bothers some people, but I happen to like. I think plain ol black on white is more painful to the eyes than what I have. Yours is nice on the eyes. The soft yellow/gold works well.

    Out of all the other stuff you wrote, I don't know why, but the fact that you say the Epic of Gilgamesh is a short book has me giggling. I guess I think epic, i think long, although thats only one possible meaning. lol. What can I say, I am easily entertained.


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)