A lot of people, like 463 to be exact, participate in the Sunday Salon . This is a weekly post where you read your books throughout the day, jot down your thoughts, and then post about it. For me, Sundays are a time of reflection. A time to think about the past week and plan out the week to come. Although I like to be spontaneous, I do like having a plan or rough outline of what I will try to accomplish this week. I sketch out my work activities, so why not my blogging activities? Plus I thought this would be a good way to let people know what I have been up to with respect to reading.This post could also include my thoughts on stuff and anything cool I may have found cruising around the web.
No disrespect to the Sunday Salon or it's participants. It is a phenomenal blog event. I just wanted to do something different. I think this will work for me, and besides, I like being a little different. Feel free to join me.
So here are my reflections this week:
I am currently reading 3 books I committed to guest post about on Royal Reviews. They are due one week after the other. I don't mind, but I didn't realize this when I signed up for it. And actually, I may be able to use these books for some of my challenges. You know, those challenges I am woefully behind on. Oh well. I consider it lesson learned for next year.
So here are the three books I MUST have read and reviewed:
1.) The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
2.) Salt and Silver by Anna Katherine
3.) Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith
Once the reviews are posted there, then I can post them here.
Speaking of reviews, I have one unfinished review from June....yes June, that I still would like to post. I didn't finish the book, but I still want to post a review anyway. It was a ground breaking novel.
I also have to write a review for The Lie by Fredrica Wagman. I'm perplexed though, because I wasn't crazy about the book. Not sure what to say about it, so it makes it a little tougher.
Lets see, what else. Oh yes, currently reading Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick. I will have an interview with her on Friday, October 16th. Stop by if you can.

Very interesting retelling of King Arthur and his life. Much more realistic and gritty. I love Excalibur too, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the events occurred.
Otherwise, that's about it for me. I am trying to squeeze some other books in there when I can, but I can't always read more than one book at a time. Depends on the book and what I have going on in work. I read a lot for work too.
So, what do you have planned for this week? Feel free to join me, if you like. If not, that's cool too. Take care and happy reading :)

It does make it tough when a book did not live up to expectations or just feel flat for you. I wrote a review today for one that started out great but just lost me the last third of the book.
I have one of Anne Easter Smith's books on my TBR pile. Not sure which one it is, will check it out.
This week I can read anything as I have no committment reads, thats a nice feeling.
Have a great week.
I read Pendragon's Banner and rather enjoyed it. I look forward to the interview. The Lace Reader is on my TRB list.
I started doing something similar on Mondays, for pretty much the same reasons as you.
I needed a place to jot down my week and plan it out. Also, if I post about it, I am more likely to do it!
I like your random thoughts on what you're up to with reading this past week and upcoming. Good luck on those reviews!!
I think having a weekly plan is always a great idea! Sometimes I do similar things with the Sunday Salon. I interpret rather freely. :D
Pendragon's Banner will be up for me in a couple of weeks! I'm glad you are liking it.
Great post, I've seen Pendragon's Banner around the blogosphere lately so looking forward to your review and the interview.
Will keep an eye out for your reviews on Royal too :-)
I forgot to add....I've left you anopther award on my blog!
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Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)