I signed up to interview a fellow book blogger as part of the BBAW festivities this year. I am paired up with Sarah from A Devoted Reader
And surprise, surprise, she is from Australia! Really no surprise to me, because for whatever reason, I am drawn to Australians. Some of my most chatty blogger friends are from down under.
So with out further ado, I introduce you to Sarah.
1.) Besides, discussing books, were there any other reasons for starting your blog?
The only reason I started my blog is so I can bang on about books to my heart's content, and without boring all my friends and family. Blogging is an enjoyable way to participate in a conversation about what I and others are reading. That said, procrastination and sheer laziness mean I don't blog as often as I'd like.
2.) It looks like you enjoy reading the classics, old books, and some from the current year. Besides the classics, because I could certainly sense the attraction of those, what leads you to choose the books you do? Subject matter, stumble upon, etc.
I choose books based on previous experiences of an author's work, blog and print reviews and serendipitous book shop browsing. I love crime fiction, 19th century novels and short stories, and am ever ready to add to my collection of these as my TBR pile demonstrates.
3.) Who are some of your favorite classic authors? How about your favorite current authors?
A hard one! Today my favourite classic authors are Jane Austen, the Brontes, Anthony Trollope and Thomas Hardy. There are so many things I've yet to read though- if "favourite" can be for one book, I'd add Gustave Flaubert (Madame Bovary), William Thackery (Vanity Fair), Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina) ,Albert Camus (The Plague) and Joseph Heller (Catch 22) for starters. More contemporary favourites are Alice Munro, Jeanette Winterson, David Malouf, Shirley Hazzard, Ian Rankin and Peter Temple.
4.) Dog ear or book mark?
Bookmark. Always.
5.) Do you keep all the books you read or sell them to used bookstores or trade online?
I keep anything I've read and enjoyed so I can re-read and recommend/lend it to others. The odd book I don't keep goes to bookmooch or an op shop.
6.) Are you a friend of the library?
As a kid, I haunted my school and local libraries. Now that I have disposable income which I spend a la Erasmus, I have more books than I know what to do with and don't visit the library. If I did, I might end up being buried by books.
7.) Do have any other hobbies which distract you from your reading?
Reading is my favourite use of free time, so few things distract me from it. Like everyone else, I can waste an amazing amount of time on the Internet. I'm a big fan of cricket, so when watching that books are neglected. If it's a beautiful Summer's day in Sydney, I can't resist going for a swim. And when my eight-year-old brother James is over, we play many, MANY games on the Wii.
8.) What would be your ideal setting for reading your book for a couple of hours? Like a comfy chair or in the park or something?
I confess I love reading in the bath with a glass of wine. This combination has resulted in the odd disaster e.g. completely immersing Persuasion. I had to painstakingly dry each page with a hairdryer in order to read Captain Wentworth's letter. Of course, it was worth it.
9.) Coffee or tea?
Tea, although I enjoy a flat white from time to time.
10.) Is there anything you would like to learn, accomplish, or do better with respect to your blog?
First and foremost, I'd like to blog more regularly. As I write more, I hope to improve in style and clarity. Updike's rules for reviewers are something I aspire to follow. (Here is an alternate link to an article about Updike's rules for reviewers. I couldn't link to the original Sarah sent me)
Please check out Sarah's blog. She may not post regularly, but if you look at her list of books read in both 2008 and 2009 you will see why. Her list has definitely inspired me to branch out more into older literature, albeit at a slower pace.
I also plan to read up on both Updike and his rules. (No...I haven't read any Updike. And, yes, I know it is an injustice. It's one of my 2010 reading resolutions. Oh and I think I just came up with a possible challenge!)
Sarah, thanks again for corresponding with me and I look forward to chatting with you again in the future.
For more interview swaps, stop by the BBAW website for some links.

(Vintage photo found online at Chick57's photostream from Flickr)

I used to drive my family nuts about books. Lately my mom and sister have been reading more. Great interview.
Teaser 55
BBAW Interview
Sarah~ I love to read in the bath too! I am also a tea girl. Great interview and such a nice vintage picture Jenny.
I read in the bath but I've caught myself snoring and almost dropping my book in the water!!! This is a fun feature of BBAW and I enjoyed getting to know Sarah!!
Great interview. I'm a hot tub, wine, and book kinda gal. No accidents yet :) I'll have to look at the Updike rules. Now I'm off to see what you had to say...
LOL we Aussie book girls are a friendly bunch :-)
That was a fun interview, really enjoyed it Jenny. Can totally relate to Sarah, blogging so as not to bore her family to death lol. My family live under rocks as far as reading is concerned so yay to blogging and having great online friends to share with!!
Wonderful interview, I'll have to go check out her blog. I would love to spend a year with the classics and a pot of tea.
Great interview – it was nice to meet the both of you.
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)