Publisher: Sorry, forgot to check
Genre: Fiction, children
Format: Hardback, 162 pages
Source: the library
From mousecircus.com:
"Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house . . ."
The door once led to a room, but when the old house was converted into flats the doorway was bricked up. That is, until the day a curious little girl named Coraline sneaks the key from her distracted mother, opens the door . . . and enters an alternate universe, where dogs eat nothing but chocolate, cats can talk, and she is greeted enthusiastically by her Other Parents.
Her Other Mother looks quite a bit like her own mother -- except for the long spindly fingers and shiny black button eyes -- but it's her disposition that is most remarkable. Where her real mother always seemed too busy for Coraline, her Other Mother is attentive and affectionate. She cooks delicious meals, showers the little girl with praise, and asks Coraline to stay with her forever.
But Coraline misses her real parents -- tiresome as they sometimes are -- and insists on returning to the real world. There, she finds her parents trapped in the hallway mirror, victims of her Other Mother's evil spell. Now she must take a dangerous journey back into the other world . . . or risk never seeing her parents again!
My Thoughts:
This was a cute little story. Coraline is an adventurer and as the summer wears on, she becomes bored with her surroundings and parents. So when she finds that secret door, it just calls to her. Coraline visits the Other house. complete with an Other Mother and Other Neighbors. Coraline contemplates for a brief moment what it would be like to live there. She quickly decides that her real life and parents are just fine, but encounters some difficulties when she tries to go back.
I could easily relate to Coraline because in my younger days, I would go on adventures when I visited my Aunt's house. She lived next to a cemetery, that was rather beautiful, and there were all kinds of little grottoes and secret places I could discover. That's what Coraline does when she is in the Other house, goes on a little adventure trying out this Other life. Coraline is much smarter than the Other Mother gives her credit for. And at the end of the story, I was quite impressed with Coraline.
The descriptions in the book were excellent. Gaiman just has a way of putting the reader into his story. And just like my friend TeddyRee, I will never look at buttons the same way again either. Creepy little things aren't they?
My Rating: 85/100

I have wanted to read this book ever since I read The Graveyard Book also by Gaiman. I want to see the movie too! I think my girls might be creeped out a bit by it though!
I like your review :) I read Coraline in June for the 48-Hour Reading Challenge, and I really enjoyed it.
I seems like everyone is reading Coraline right now - which is funny! I recently read it and saw the movie - very cute!
The button thing cracked me up!! :) I loved what you thought about this book. I read it a while back and now I want to see the movie version.
Will have to listen to this one soon. I have it on audio.
Oooh good review! I want to read this and see the movie!
Lol I truly must read this book :D
Gaiman is just so, weird, and I love it
OOh I have this one waiting in my tbr piles. I've read the graphic novel, but really want to read the book before I see the movie.
Love your review Jenny & LOL on the button comment, uggh makes me shudder. Hanging out to see the movie :-)
I keep reading so many good things about this one I'm going to have to check it out.
Gals:Thank you so much for stopping by. I def have to see that movie now. Gaiman has a phenominal imgaination.
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)