Hello dear readers! I hope this finds you all well and either happily reading, watching the Olympics (am I allowed to use the name of the event), blogging, and/or knitting on this lovely hot day. Can you believe its the end of July already?! I can and can't. I am tired of the brutally hot weather, as is everyone else I assume. I'm looking very much to Fall and not running my air conditioner. But as much as I enjoy the Fall, the summer flying by so quickly just blows my mind. I know we all say this every now and then, but seriously, where does the time go?
Anyway, on the reading front, I have several books going. First is The Stand for the Standalong. After I wrote the mid-way review post, about three days later the book just died for me. To the point that I was going to give up. But I didn't. I have skimmed along and have about 30 pages left to read.
Second I borrowed Catching Fire (#2 in the Hunger Games trilogy) from the library. I LOVE IT!!! I would stay home form work and read all day if I could. I should have never waited so long between Fire and Games, either. Fire does drop bits of info from Games but I had to sit and think to remember the details. I won't be waiting so long for Mockinjay I tell you now.
Third, I started Written in Ashes about a young girl named Hannah and her discoveries in the Great Library of Alexandria. Only about 40 pages in but quite good so far. Enjoying the descriptions of ancient Egypt, and Hannah is a sweet character so far.
I have a few posts to write for the blog, but otherwise all quiet on the blogging front. I am liking this easy does it blogging thing I have going on. Before I forget, anybody up for a Bleak House read-along? I'm thinking November to start and that's as far as I got. I'll keep you posted on the details.
On the home front, this weekend has been all about fussing over the puppy. Kona was spayed yesterday and we have providing lots of TLC. She was out of it last night from the pain meds, and today she has been sleeping most of the day, but her little eyes look back to normal, don't you think?
That's about it from me folks. It's a lazy Sunday here, and I'm glad. Hope you are enjoying yours :)
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