The lovely ladies over at Historical tapestry are hosting the Historical Fiction Challenge for 2011. I read quite a bit of HF so how can I not sign up for this?
Here is the scoop:
Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. Write your review, go to the appropriate page at Historical Fiction and post a link to your HF review. Any kind of HF is accepted (HF fantasy, HF YA, HF mystery/suspense, etc). This challenge can overlap with others and runs from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
Choose which level you will participate at:
Severe Bookaholism: 20 books
Undoubtedly Obsessed: 15 books
Struggling the Addiction: 10 books
Daring & Curious: 5 books
Out of My Comfort Zone: 2 books
I am participating at the Struggling the Addiction level of 10 books. If I struggle that much then I will go over 10 but lets wait and see what happens.
Fore more information or to sign up, please visit the challenge home page here.

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