
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Aug. 29)

Hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings from a Muse in the Fog

Happy Sunday and happy last week of summer! Yea!  This summer has come and gone so quickly, more so than usual I think.  I refuse to believe the age thing. (Time passes quicker as you age.)  I think the crazy weather this year had a lot to do with it.  Hopefully winter will be average this year, but before then, is the fall.  I love the fall with the crispness in the air, and pumpkins, and apples and cinnamon.  The fall has always been my favorite season. 

This week will hopefully be a quiet week as far as daily life goes.  Busy but quiet, and that's how I like it.  I almost forgot!  Went to the dermatologist for a follow-up and everything is good.  My face is healing beautifully, and it looks quite good.  See...

A small laser treatment in two months and I should be good as new.  I would have never thought this after all those stitches I had.  Apparently the man knows his craft and he is quite the surgeon.  And he's a nice guy to boot, so kudos to him.

In bookish news, on Thursday, September 2nd, I will have an interview with Justin Kramon the writer of Finny, which I enjoyed.  Here is a trailer about the book, and look for my review on the 1st.

Last week was the first discussion of The Handmaid's Tale and it was quite interesting.  I only wished we could do this in person because everyone has been such a delight to read.  All of the participants have brought insights I hadn't considered, and make me read the rest of the book with a different eye.  Yes, I am almost finished the book, because I had to know what happened.  I have about 25% left, and I am saving that for later, so my mind is fresh for the upcoming discussions.  I will post my thoughts each week, but if you wish to lurk along with the discussion, stop by the Classic Reads Book Club.

My new read is the Dark Moon of Avalon by Anna Elliott.  It is the second in the trilogy.  The first was Twilight of Avalon which I read and reviewed last year.  This trilogy is a fresh interpretation of the legends of King Arthur and Tristan and Isolde.  I like the direction Elliott has taken.  If you would like to read Dark Moon but am concerned because you haven't read the first one, I think you will be alright.  The prologue of Dark Moon gives the reader enough information to get into the story and some of Isolde's reflections in Chapter 1 shed light as well.  Although I would recommend Twilight of Avalon because it was such a beautiful read, and will give you emotional insight into Isolde and Tristan.

Elliott has also written a short story available for download on her website titled, The White Queen's Secret.  I haven't read it yet, but I understand it is an in between story, but not something you necessarily have to read to follow the Avalon story.  I think this short story will give you a taste of Elliott's lovely writing.

As for the rest of my reading schedule, I am not sure what to pick up next.  I have two library books I would like to get to, but I also have review commitments to meet.  Speaking of which, I know I said this at the beginning of the year, but obviously I didn't follow my own advice.  I have got to be super selective when it comes to accepting books for review.  I have had quite a few duds this year, and I think it's because I became dazzled from being solicited.  No more I say!  I will only accept books which I absolutely must read, or from those sources I trust.  How else am I ever going to get to Mount TBR or those library books?!

Well that's it from me for now.  Please enjoy  your week and for those int he U.S. the upcoming holiday weekend.  And don't forget to enter my contest for 151 Followers.  You have until September 13th.
Take care and happy reading :)


I am an Amazon Associate.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

151 Followers Contest

A while back I saw I had 150 followers.  I was very excited and tickled pink.  I figured a contest would be perfect, but I got side tracked.  Well lo and behold, I have 151 followers and I thought this was too perfect.  You see, back in the day 151 Rum was my beverage of choice.  Yummy!
Alright back to the contest.  There will be three winners, with #1 having first choice, #2 having second choice, and #3 having third.  Here is the list of choices from my gently read pile of books:

A Cottage by the Sea - ARC
The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder
The Language of Trees
Making of a Duchess -ARC
Prima Donna
Shadow of the Swords
Shattered Mirror
Uncertain Magic -ARC
The Wolf of Tebron - ARC

These have all been read and reviewed by me on this blog, so search for the title for more info to see what interests you.

Here are the rules for entry:

*Open to all readers, including international peeps.  [I always feel bad for you guys so I figured what the heck.  May take me longer to mail it, but I couldn't leave you out :)  ]

*Leave a comment with your email address please

*Deadline for entries is September 13th, 2010, midnight, EST.

Thank you all for following my blog.  I truly appreciate it.  Have a great day and good luck!


I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Handmaid's Tale Readalong, Monday, Week 1

I am participating in the discussion of The Handmaid's Tale by Atwood over at the Classic Reads Book Club.  Questions are posted Monday and Thursday.  Today is discussion 1 of Sections I-IV and here are the posted questions with my answers.  Please stop by the full thread for other insightful answers. 

1.) Aunt Lydia says, “In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from.” (24). Freedom from what?

Freedom from: for me it means freedom from thinking and making any choices. Apparently you people couldn't do it correctly before so now you are free from making any further mistakes. We know what is right or wrong and will do it for you.

2.)Why didn’t people protest more when their rights were taken away?

Why didn't people protest more? I am not sure about this. As someone else suggested maybe the freedoms were taken away gradually so no one noticed. (Remind you of anything currently?) By the time anyone noticed it was too late. I think that society was too complacent and not interested in government so that religious factions were able to slowly take over. The society was too busy trying to be cute, pretty, and reading for knowledge. Knowledge is bad, because it means you question others, and this crazy gvmt doesn't like that.

3.) Why does Offred tell the interpreter for the group of Japanese tourists that she is very happy as a handmaid?

Offred said that to fit in and blend in. She had to or else risk of being banished or beaten I presume. I don't believe she truly meant it.

4.) Is any symbolism jumping out at you yet?

Symbolism: the only thing for me is the red. Sorry! They like to say the red is for being handmaid and special but I think it is also meant to be like the Scarlett Letter. They are dirty girls because they have had or will have sex. This is very oppressed society. The Wives are dressed like nuns or virgin Marys because of the blue. The Officers remind me of German soldiers. Sorry to say it but I think gestapo when they describe the Eyes, the officers and the guards. Plus under Hitler there were no questions asked and they controlled the media, just like this society. The simulated sex, means that sex is dirty, bad, and shameful.

5.) Did anyone else look up ‘Nolite te bastardes carborundorum’? What do you think it means?

Didn't look up the words but Heather said it translates to “Do not let the bastards grind you down.” So in essence hang in there sister. You are not alone in this tragedy. Some sort of resistance must be in play.

6.) What did you think of the scene where the mom takes the daughter to the book burning for the pornography? Is it ever okay to censor?

Religion has become an even bigger part of society with more impact. I thought it was sad that books are being burned because it implies that one segment of society feels it knows best for all. That is not the case in my opinion. If you don't want your child to read or learn something, then it is up to you to censor your child. Not the children of your neighbors. If you don't like the community you live in, then move.

Absolutely loving this book and I can't believe I waited this long to read it.

I copied and paste this after I answered on the readalong and I must admit these are very thought provoking questions.  The censorship question has tons of reason why you should or shouldn't, but it's this free speech and discussion that I value most.  Which the society in the book does not have.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Reading Resolutions, Wish I Read That

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Review: Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart

Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart
Publisher: Egmont USA
Genre: YA, historical fiction
Hardback 192 pages
Book Source: Winsome Media Communications
My Rating: 97/100

From GoodReads:

Could any two sisters be more tightly bound together than the twins, Katherine and Anna? Yet love and fate intervene to tear them apart. Katherine's guilt and sense of betrayal leaves her longing for death, until a surprise encounter and another near catastrophe rescue her from a tragic end. Set against the magical kaleidoscope of the Philadelphia Centennial fair of 1876, National Book Award nominee Beth Kephart's book conjures the sweep and scope of a moment in history in which the glowing future of a nation is on display to the disillusioned gaze of a girl who has determined that she no longer has a future. The tale is a pulse by pulse portrait of a young heroine's crisis of faith and salvation in the face of unbearable loss.

My Thoughts:

I'm not sure how to review this book because there are elements of the plot I do not want to give away, but I will try my best. This is the story of twin sisters Katherine and Anna who are so close, and yet so far apart from each other. Like most twins they are opposites. Katherine is grounded, more responsible, whereas Anna is dreamy, dramatic, living for today. They love each other yet, they are starting to drift apart as they get older. They are misunderstanding each other, not communicating very well at all. Sure they may speak their minds, but they don't comprehend or see the situation from the other's point of view.

Then tragedy strikes. Anna dies and Katherine is left behind, wondering, thinking, blaming herself for things that are out of her control. How Katherine deals with this grief is the main theme of the novel. I completely empathized with Katherine because I view her as the "mom" in the twins relationship. In any groups of friends, especially girls, there is always one girl who is the "mom". She keeps everyone in line, pulls them out of trouble, follows the rules, basically the conscience of the group. That is Katherine, so imagine how she felt when her sister died on her watch. The grief, let alone the self blame is overpowering for her. How can Katherine go on? But she does, the universe tells her she is not at fault, not to blame for Anna's death.

This book is full of love, loss, guilt, and peace. This is a tall order to fill but Kephart's writing brings it all together into 192 pages. Yes, 192 pages can you believe it? Kephart weaved all of these elements together with wonderful descriptions of Philadelphia in 1876, during the Centennial Fair. It could be because I live in Philly, but I was immediately drawn in because of her descriptions of the city, where the landmarks have not changed. Plus the excitement of the Centennial was palpable to me. The exhibits of new inventions, like the telegraph, and foreign countries like Paris, and such, the world was growing and changing so quickly. Anna and Katherine were growing and changing just as quickly. The Centennial and the sisters are alike in that respect, so I think the Exposition is the perfect setting for the story. Plus it demonstrates to Katherine how much life and the world has to show her.

The only aspect I didn't quite get was the title, Dangerous Neighbors. Even as I sit here now, I'm not sure how the title ties into the story. I may need to be bonked on the head with the answer dear readers. Please feel free to bonk away. All in all, this was an enjoyable book and I certainly look forward to reading Kephart's back list.

For more about the author and her books, please visit her blog at
Beth has created a teacher's guide you for this book:

Thanks to Nicole from Winsome Media for my ARC.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction,

I am an Amazon Associate.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Aug. 22)

Hosted by Svea at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog
Hello Pumpkins!  How are you?  Hope this finds you well.  Well the summer is coming to a close and I must admit I am excited about fall.  I am so over the hot weather and sweating my ass off thing.  Plus I am hoping fall brings me better things book wise.  I have been in hit or miss thing with my book choices lately.  Some I didn't even finish and will become DNF reviews revealing the whys at some point.  I'm sorry, but I just refuse to finish books that I do not like.  Life is too short!

Tomorrow and Thursday begins the first discussion period for the read-a-long of
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.   It is being held over at the Classic Reads Book Club and Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? is the moderator/discussion leader.  It's not too late to join in on the fun.  This book is certainly a mind blower, at least for me it is.

In other bookish adventures, I did manage to get some reviews written and scheduled, despite my sinuses being blocked up to high heaven.  I think this past week of fun caught up with me.  I was down the shore last weekend, at work 6:30 am on Monday for a presentation with some physicians, crazy crap at work, and at the Phillies game Friday night.  Whew! Too much fun for this home girl, and now I am under the weather. 

Thoughts are not very coherent but I am muddling through.  Oh wait!  I am finally teaching a class in the fall.  YEA!!!!  I am very excited about it.  Not only do I finally get to teach, but the reimbursement may hopefully provide me with a return trip to paradise in the Spring.  Fingers crossed people!  I am also involved with revamping the program at the university, so that is quite interesting as well.  We can tailor the program to specific interests and hopefully make it more affordable as well. 

Well that's about all I handle at the moment.  Hope you have a pleasant week and enjoy whatever it is you are reading :)

Under the weather

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Real Life in Books: Philadelphia's Centennial Exposition 1876 from Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart

The backdrop for Beth Kephart's novel Dangerous Neighbors is the Centennial Exposition of 1876.  What was the exposition all about?  Lets find out, shall we?

Opening Day
The Centennial Exposition was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, essentially America's Birthday. In 1876 it was held in Fairmount Park with special buildings for different exhibits, and direct railroad lines to allow visitors easier access to the fairgrounds. One of the main attractions was Machinery Hall, where working models of steam engines were displayed.  The fairgrounds covered 450 acres and cost more than $11 million dollars to build.  Countries from around the world contributed to the exposition. This was a time of great change and growth throughout the world, so can you imagine what it must have been like to wonder the grounds and feast on sites most people would have never been able to see?

Machinery Hall

This link will take you to the main website of the Centennial Exhibition Digital Collection provided by the Free Library of Philadelphia:

This link is found under Tours and provides a click-able map of the fairgrounds, which will then display photos taken back then of various things and exhibits:
Memorial Hall
The sheer amount of buildings constructed for the fair was astounding.

Memorial Hall to the left is still standing today.  It was recently renovated and converted to hold the Please Touch Museum, a place where kids can explore and touch tons of things we see in everyday life.  You must have a child to enter.

There are so many links and sites out there on the exposition, but one I had to include was this one dedicated to Office Equipment and Supplies at the Exposition:
Cutting edge technology included the telephone and typewriters.  This picture below is from the website and I just love how America the Beautiful is depicted:

So this is where Wonder Woman got her inspiration :)

Since the Exposition was the backdrop for Dangerous Neighbors, I wanted to provide you with a little more information.  I hope you find these photos and facts as interesting as I did.  

For more information on the Exposition either check out the links above, or this excellent entry in Wikipedia.

And my review for Dangerous Neighbors will post later this week.


I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Review: The Wolf of Tebron by C.S. Lakin

The Wolf of Tebron by C.S. Lakin (Book 1 Gates of Heaven Series)
Publisher: AMG Publishers/Living Ink Books
Genre: Youth fantsy fiction, Christian fiction (??)
Paperback, 248 pages
Book Source: Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists
My Rating: 85/100

About the book:

Following in the footsteps of fantasy greats like J. K. Rowling, C. S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lakin tackles the ancient struggle of good versus evil in her multi-part “Gates of Heaven” series. The first installment, The Wolf of Tebron, follows a young blacksmith’s journey to rescue his wife who is held captive by evil forces. During his travels, Joran befriends a powerful wolf who encourages, protects, and sacrifices his life to save his human friend. An allegory of God’s unconditional love, The Wolf of Tebron features quotes from the Bible and famous thinkers such as G. K. Chesterton, and relies on biblical messages of hope, faith, and redemption to drive the stories and characters.

My Thoughts:

Joran is a happy little blacksmith until one day he has an argument with his wife Charris, and subsequently kicks her out of the house, sending her to visit her family in another village over the mountains.  Only Charris doesn't make it there.  She disappears along the way, and it is up to Joran to figure out what happened.  Joran begins to have dreams of Charris, being locked up in a castle, guarded by the Moon.  Then an odd woman from the village speaks in riddles to Joran.  Joran is thoroughly confused and missing Charris.   

Joran sets out to travel the same route as Charris, and early on befriends a wolf, named Ruyah. Ruyah decides to accompany Joran on his journey to find his wife, wherever it may take him.  The pair decide they must journey to the Moon for answers, followed shortly thereafter by journeys to the Sun and the Wind.  Surely these powerful forces or beings can offer some assistance!  Those riddles come back to haunt Joran, and he realizes he must solve them  if he is ever to find Charris.
The story was interesting, but it soon became repetitive and boring.  Joran complains like a child the whole time.  He totally annoyed me and I honestly don't believe he deserves Charris.  Ruyah, the wolf on the other hand was my favorite.  Although some of his advice along the way required some thought, overall I enjoyed the wolf's character and his end of the conversations.

This title is considered Christian and youth fantasy fiction.  The Christian themes I understood easily, but Joran's behavior seemed extremely childish and young, so I'm not sure what ages youth is supposed to encompass.  For as childish as Joran's behavior was, again some of the advice dispensed by the wolf was on the adult side of things. 

This book is compared to some quite prolific writers, like Rowling and Tolkien, but I would hesitate to put them in the same boat.  I've read both and I don't believe this title is as well developed as the other two.  The battle of good versus evil is present, but that's about it.  Therefore, I am on the fence with this one.  There is certainly something good here, but it needs some oomph.  Although, could my feelings of meh be because the intended audience is much younger than me?  Not sure.

So that's why I went with a middle B grade, because there were some aspects I enjoyed such as the characters of the Sun, Moon, and Wind, but the journey in between...not so much.

For more information about the author, please visit her main website and also the Gates of Heaven site.

Thanks to Lindsay from Phenix & Phenix for my ARC.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+

I am an Amazon Associate.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Review: Georgette Heyer's Regency World by Jennifer Kloester

Georgette Heyer's Regency World by Jennifer Kloester
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Non-fiction
Trade paperback, 416 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks
My Rating: 90/100

Millions of readers love the outrageous lifestyle, fashions and capricious escapades of the elegant bon ton that are the hallmark of mega-bestselling author Georgette Heyer’s historical romances set in Regency England. Jennifer Kloester has created the ultimate reference guide to the world of Heyer’s dashing characters, from the entertainments they frequented, the parties and seasons they celebrated, to how they ate, drank, dressed, socialized, shopped and drove their carriages. An utterly delightful read, beautifully illustrated and compelling in its historical detail, it includes an appendix of popular slang terms, and a time line of important political events of the Regency period.

My Thoughts:

This book is exactly what the blurb above says it is.  Everything you ever wanted to know about the Regency period is described in this book.  What they ate, the major social players, different types of carriages, places of interest, how they dressed, everything is in this book.  Each chapter covers a specific topic, and beautiful pictures or sketches accompany some of the descriptions.  One of my favorite sections was the skinny on the infamous Almack's.  There were 7 women or patronesses who were responsible for setting the tone and allowing admission to this prestigious club.  I always wondered who these women were, and Kloester gave me the necessary information.  The birth of Almack's back in 1763 and how it evolved is also described.

There was also a section on etiquette with a sample listing of some of the rules.  Sheesh!  I hope I never accidentally wake up in the Regency, because I can't remember names very well, let alone rules.  I like to break rules anyway, so I am sure I would have been cut in society eventually. 

The book reads very well and not like a dry, boring non-fiction book.  It was easy to pick up and down and since it wasn't a "story" I never lost my place or forgot what was occurring.  One thing that did annoy me after a while, was Kloester's reference to people or events in Heyer's novels when she described or explained something.  I understand that this work relates back to Heyer's novels, but these were particular books I never read.  It also seemed like Kloester was referring to the same five books time and time again.  I didn't actually keep tally, but lets just say that Cotillion, Friday's Child, and A Civil Contract are moving up on my reading list.  Fortunately, there is a handy appendix in the back listing all of Heyer's novels which I will be sure to refer to in the future.

Overall this was a great read and would make an excellent reference for anyone wishing to know more about the Regency, or who may plan on writing a Regency novel themselves.  I would also recommend memorizing the etiquette list as well, you know, in case you suddenly find yourself in Regency England.  One can never be sure :)

A big thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my ARC.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+


I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Review: The Language of Trees by Ilie Ruby

The Language of Trees by Ilie Ruby
Publisher: Avon A
Genre: Fiction
Paperback,  368 pages
Book Source: TLC Book Tours
My Rating: 95/100

About the book:

Devastated over the breakup of his marriage, Grant Shongo returns to his hometown of Canandaigua Lake, a little community where everyone knows everyone’s business, though they may pretend not to. Living in isolation at his family’s old cabin, Grant begins to wonder if he isn’t being haunted by the spirit of Luke Ellis, a young boy who mysteriously drowned one night in the lake. Grant is drawn back into the world when a young man, Lion, pleas for help to find his missing wife, Melanie. Theories abound about her disappearance — has she skipped town like she used to on a drug-induced relapse, or could something far more sinister be at play? Is her abduction in any way related to her brother’s death all those years ago?

Sparks fly when Grant’s first love Echo returns to town, and with the chance at enjoying life again, the pair becomes hopeful about nursing old wounds together. But will uncovering the truth about Melanie’s disappearance threaten their blooming happiness? As the past inexorably draws Grant and Echo in, long-buried secrets will surface that will affect everyone involved in the rescue effort for the rest of their lives.

My Thoughts:

This summary only hints at what this book is about.  This story is so much more.  Yes, there is the mystery of how a little boy drowned in the lake, but in order to solve it each character in the story must reconcile their pasts with the person they have become.

The chapters are character oriented, and each and every character is complex.  Although the story takes place in the present, as the events unfold, the characters relive or remember the events of the past.  You learn about each character with these past events.  These passages make you feel as though you are a bystander in the memory of the person who is relieving the moment.  These moments are what made them, who and what they are today, in the present.  Each character must forgive themselves for their past.  Let it go.  Accept what they are or have become and move forward.  Otherwise, you are not living life as you should. 

With respect to the mysterious past drowning and current disappearance, there are events in this book that I did not expect.  I actually gasped out loud at times.

I hope this review does justice to this book.  It was so not what I expected, and yet I enjoyed it so very much.  Ruby's writing enthralled me.  Between the plot, the characters, and the air of spiritualism lent by the Seneca Indian elements, Ruby grabbed me and never let me go.  This book is not my normal genre, and I am so happy I took a chance and read it.

I read and reviewed this book as part of the book tour by TLC Book Tours.  Please visit the home page to see other blogs that are part of the tour.

[Edit after posting]
oops!  Here's the link to a trailer for the book: trailer link

A big thanks to Trish for asking me to join the tour.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+

I am an Amazon Associate.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Places in Books: Girls Normal School from Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart

I am currently reading Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart (due out Aug. 24, 2010). It takes place in Philadelphia, my home town, in 1876; the year of the Centennial Exposition. The main characters of the book, Katherine and Anna, attend the Girls Normal School. Well this totally brought a smile to my face. Why? Because I graduated from Girls Normal School. Therefore, I thought I would give you some background on this extremely unique school and why it will always be a piece of me.

Girls Normal School now known as the Philadelphia High School for Girls, aka Girls' High, is one of the oldest, single sex, public high schools in the United States. (Supposedly there is a school in Baltimore that is older, but whatever, Girls' High grad here.) It was founded in 1848 and it is a magnet school. To be accepted, you must either have a certain GPA or pass a test. From day one, girls are told that they will go to college. That is why you are at Girls' High. It is not the place to mess around. If your grades are not maintained you will be forced to leave, anytime, regardless of what year you are in, Junior, Senior, you're out. If I remember correctly, my class started with about 425 girls, and graduated with 276. Some leave because of grades, some because it is tough starting out with little or no friends. Girls from all over the city attend, and in most cases, your grade school friends attend the local school. Luckily for me, even though I am friendly and out going, the part of the city I come from automatically made it easier for me to make friends. Besides, no one messes with a South Philly girl, that's just the way it is ;)

Due to the school being around for over 150 years, there are a lot of traditions, and they are not broken. One of my favorites was Zero Day.  This was the last day of classes for Seniors.  You are allowed to dress up however you wish, preferably in a costume or goofy, and carry signs proclaiming you are Senior and it's Zero Day.  In homeroom you are given a bagel tied with ribbon that you hang from your neck.  As you go through your day, at the end of each class, you take a bite of the bagel.  This signifies you are done, finished with that.  sounds corny, but it's pretty cool to see that bael missinng pieces, and everyone wants to be a Senior on that day.  So when it's finally you're turn, you go all out. 

One of the most significant and beautiful traditions occurs at graduation.  For the ceremony,  we wore white dresses and carried bouquets of red flowers. No cap and gown. There was one class, I believe it was 1976 that wore cap and gowns and it is said they have regretted ever since. True or not, the graduation tradition maintains the sense of family and sisterhood that is fostered from freshmen year. Those traditions that seemed so corny freshmen year, are so beloved and cherished by the time senior year rolls around. Girls' High was and, I hope still is, a unique place to attend high school. I made some wonderful friends there and learned so much about myself; to be an independent and successful woman. Just because you are a woman, doesn't mean you can not achieve the same things as a man. Sounds feminist but it's not. It's more about conquering your own fears and being the person you know you can be. The school motto is Vincit qui se vincit (she conquers who conquers herself), and it is quite true.

I could go on and on about more traditions and such, but I won't. I just wanted to highlight this place because Kephart mentioned it in her book and it tickled me pink.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Aug. 1)

(Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.)

Well hello my friends!  How the heck are you?  I am doing well.  Sorry for the late Sunday post but the weather was just absolutely Gorgeous today, so I had to take advantage of it. 

I am back in the saddle.  Between my face (which is doing 1000 times better than when last we spoke) and the brutally hot weather, well lets just say I wilted.  I am ready for Autumn my friends.  We have had 6, count them 6 heat waves in a row.  One day it felt like 114 with the humidity.  My central air has been running full tilt, and some days it just couldn't keep up with the weather.  I usually take things in stride, but it was becoming too much.  I couldn't do anything, didn't want to do anything, because it was too darn hot!  But the weather has changed, or least we have had a break for the heat, and things are looking up.

I even joined a gym.  I changed my work hours, and go straight after work.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200, because otherwise, I wouldn't make it back out of the door.  So far so good at the gym.  I like it, and I feel better.  Now if I could just step away from the ice cream....

As for reading, my books lately have been so-so.  Some are quite good, and others begin strong and then begin to bore me.  I thought it might be because I must follow a schedule; can't read anything on a whim due to commitments.  I don't think that's it though.  Some are just not for me.  I did manage to get some reviews written, now they just need to be edited and typed.  So that is good.

Otherwise, not that much else is happening.  Work never ceases, and the house has not yet learned how to clean itself.  I have started watching Rizzoli and Isles on TNT and love it!  The back and forth sarcasm is my favorite.  Warehouse 13 also started back up on Sy-Fy, another one of my favorites.  T.V. and air conditioning my friends, the tools of survival for heat and humidity.  Books too, but they have to be good ones.

So, until next time, happy reading, stay cool, and stay sane my friends :)


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