
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Aug. 22)

Hosted by Svea at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog
Hello Pumpkins!  How are you?  Hope this finds you well.  Well the summer is coming to a close and I must admit I am excited about fall.  I am so over the hot weather and sweating my ass off thing.  Plus I am hoping fall brings me better things book wise.  I have been in hit or miss thing with my book choices lately.  Some I didn't even finish and will become DNF reviews revealing the whys at some point.  I'm sorry, but I just refuse to finish books that I do not like.  Life is too short!

Tomorrow and Thursday begins the first discussion period for the read-a-long of
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.   It is being held over at the Classic Reads Book Club and Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? is the moderator/discussion leader.  It's not too late to join in on the fun.  This book is certainly a mind blower, at least for me it is.

In other bookish adventures, I did manage to get some reviews written and scheduled, despite my sinuses being blocked up to high heaven.  I think this past week of fun caught up with me.  I was down the shore last weekend, at work 6:30 am on Monday for a presentation with some physicians, crazy crap at work, and at the Phillies game Friday night.  Whew! Too much fun for this home girl, and now I am under the weather. 

Thoughts are not very coherent but I am muddling through.  Oh wait!  I am finally teaching a class in the fall.  YEA!!!!  I am very excited about it.  Not only do I finally get to teach, but the reimbursement may hopefully provide me with a return trip to paradise in the Spring.  Fingers crossed people!  I am also involved with revamping the program at the university, so that is quite interesting as well.  We can tailor the program to specific interests and hopefully make it more affordable as well. 

Well that's about all I handle at the moment.  Hope you have a pleasant week and enjoy whatever it is you are reading :)

Under the weather

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  1. Ooh the Handmaid's Tale is one of my favourite books! It is really scary but amazing!

  2. Congrats on teaching! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Yay for teaching! Classes start Monday for me, and I just love this moment - the moment of maximum potential where all of my students want to learn and are relatively brilliant. And The Handmaid's Tale is an excellent read.

  4. Congrats on teaching. I'll be lurking in your Handmaids Tale discussion group. Enjoy your week.

  5. I LOVE The Handmaid's Tale. How did I not know about this readalong? I guess I've just been MIA with moving and everything. Good luck with your class!

  6. I'm so ready for fall ... this hot weather is the pits.

    And I agree ... life is too short to read books that you don't like ... so why am I torturing myself with The Brothers Karamazov????!!!???

  7. Yay for teaching :) Hope your week is full of unblocked sinuses!


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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)