
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Aug. 29)

Hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings from a Muse in the Fog

Happy Sunday and happy last week of summer! Yea!  This summer has come and gone so quickly, more so than usual I think.  I refuse to believe the age thing. (Time passes quicker as you age.)  I think the crazy weather this year had a lot to do with it.  Hopefully winter will be average this year, but before then, is the fall.  I love the fall with the crispness in the air, and pumpkins, and apples and cinnamon.  The fall has always been my favorite season. 

This week will hopefully be a quiet week as far as daily life goes.  Busy but quiet, and that's how I like it.  I almost forgot!  Went to the dermatologist for a follow-up and everything is good.  My face is healing beautifully, and it looks quite good.  See...

A small laser treatment in two months and I should be good as new.  I would have never thought this after all those stitches I had.  Apparently the man knows his craft and he is quite the surgeon.  And he's a nice guy to boot, so kudos to him.

In bookish news, on Thursday, September 2nd, I will have an interview with Justin Kramon the writer of Finny, which I enjoyed.  Here is a trailer about the book, and look for my review on the 1st.

Last week was the first discussion of The Handmaid's Tale and it was quite interesting.  I only wished we could do this in person because everyone has been such a delight to read.  All of the participants have brought insights I hadn't considered, and make me read the rest of the book with a different eye.  Yes, I am almost finished the book, because I had to know what happened.  I have about 25% left, and I am saving that for later, so my mind is fresh for the upcoming discussions.  I will post my thoughts each week, but if you wish to lurk along with the discussion, stop by the Classic Reads Book Club.

My new read is the Dark Moon of Avalon by Anna Elliott.  It is the second in the trilogy.  The first was Twilight of Avalon which I read and reviewed last year.  This trilogy is a fresh interpretation of the legends of King Arthur and Tristan and Isolde.  I like the direction Elliott has taken.  If you would like to read Dark Moon but am concerned because you haven't read the first one, I think you will be alright.  The prologue of Dark Moon gives the reader enough information to get into the story and some of Isolde's reflections in Chapter 1 shed light as well.  Although I would recommend Twilight of Avalon because it was such a beautiful read, and will give you emotional insight into Isolde and Tristan.

Elliott has also written a short story available for download on her website titled, The White Queen's Secret.  I haven't read it yet, but I understand it is an in between story, but not something you necessarily have to read to follow the Avalon story.  I think this short story will give you a taste of Elliott's lovely writing.

As for the rest of my reading schedule, I am not sure what to pick up next.  I have two library books I would like to get to, but I also have review commitments to meet.  Speaking of which, I know I said this at the beginning of the year, but obviously I didn't follow my own advice.  I have got to be super selective when it comes to accepting books for review.  I have had quite a few duds this year, and I think it's because I became dazzled from being solicited.  No more I say!  I will only accept books which I absolutely must read, or from those sources I trust.  How else am I ever going to get to Mount TBR or those library books?!

Well that's it from me for now.  Please enjoy  your week and for those int he U.S. the upcoming holiday weekend.  And don't forget to enter my contest for 151 Followers.  You have until September 13th.
Take care and happy reading :)


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  1. I have been lucky, well not with one, at least I finally managed to say no for real. So hard to say now, I am too nice

  2. I think I closed the window before it accepted my last comment...ugh!

    Anywho, back to what I was saying...your face is looking awesome! Your doc sure knows what he's doing!

    I just finished Dark Moon of Avalon and LOVED it!!! I second your comment about not having had to have read book one first, although I did and it was great to immerse myself back into the world of Elliott's Trystan and Isolde!

    I love that she put out a short story on Dera, whom I liked in TOA.

    Oh...I love Fall too - it can't come fast enough this year!

    Have a great week lovey!

  3. Oh last week of summer..... I know its true but i hate to think about it.

    The Witch Queens Secret looks good.

  4. Oh wow, your doc did a fantastic job!

    I plan to do nothing but read this last week before my fall schedule begins on the 7th.

  5. I've really been trying to ignore the end of summer. I always miss it so much. :)

  6. A. Yah! I'm so ready for summer to be done :)
    B. Good luck with your treatments darling! *hugs* I can only imagine how hard this must be on you.
    C. Finny sounds different. I look forward to your review.

  7. Oh and of course, you look fantastic!

  8. Jenny, You look fantastic. It's amazing how well it healed, and I'm very glad for you b/c you were a real trooper.

  9. I just love the Finny trailer. Can't wait to read your interview!

  10. Yes...looking beautiful girlie!! So happy for you! I can't believe that the summer is almost over too! Back to school next week for me and the boy. I'm really going to cut back next year on books from outside sources too. So far I've been doing pretty good with saying "NO." I just want to read my books next year..that would be a novel idea!!

  11. I am so ready to be done with this heat - spring and fall are my favorite seasons. If it could be 60-70 degrees year round I would be happy, but that will never happen living in New England!

    I have been getting better at saying no to books. It really has to be something I wanted before I got the offer, or they have to really blow me away. I don't want to get too bogged down to not get to my own stuff.

    And by the way, your face has healed so well! Congrats!

  12. I cant believe summer flew by so fast.
    Glad your healing well!
    The Anne Elliott books sound good.
    I know what you mean, I need to be more selective as well when accepting books for review. It's hard to say no.

  13. I have been blessed with the most awesome reads, I can hardly believe how many 5 star books I've read. Hope with being more selective, your run improves :)

    WOW your face looks fantastic, if I didnt know where you had it done I wouldnt know by the photo. Hope you and yours are doing well in everything else xx

  14. I only just saw this post tonight--somehow missed it in all the book launch crazies! But thank you so much for the lovely words and for spreading the word about the free short story--aren't you the sweet one! I'm so happy you're healing so well, too, that's wonderful and happy fall to you, too!!

  15. I know I'm late, but just had to say that you are looking fabuous! Glad it looks like you will be good as new.
    Oh, and fall is my favorite season too. Love the colors, the leaves, and the crisp air :)


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)