Today's musing is the following:
Have you ever finished a book, then turned around and immediately re-read it? Why? What book(s)? (question courtesy of MizB)
Well this one is easy...no. I have never immediately re-read a book. There are very few books that I re-read at all. Jane Austen and Gone With the Wind are my re-reads currently. And I don't re-read for several years. I'm actually due for a GWTW re-read, since I did some Austen last year. Oh wait, I'm thinking of a few more I would re-read but haven't done so yet: Outlander (books 1-3), and Harry Potter (5-7). No, I never read 1 through 5, and yes they are on my list.
There are so many books out there that I would like to read, but I will never get to them if I re-read books too often.
How about you? What books do you re-read?
I think I have only re-read about 2 books in my life: A Great and Terrible Beauty and one of the Gossip Girl Books. Like you I have so many things that I want to read that re-reading would take up too much time. The only time I have re-read was when I wanted to read the rest of a series and hadn't read the previous in a LONG time.
You are right too many books and too little time, you should she my tbr list!!!
That's the dilema! There are a few favorites that I re-read. I have been listening to some of my favorite books while I walk.
That's actually not a bad idea, because then you can save your actual reading time for new books.
I agree. There are so many good books it is hard to set them aside and reread - even if I really want to!
I know, I just hate to give up my reading time to reread books when there are so many books I still haven't even read once.
Nise, great idea about listening to books as a reread while walking.
I don't re-read a lot but I would like to start re-reading more. Not anything that I have read recently, but things I liked as a child and as a teenager.
too many books, too little time...say no to re-reading! ;-)
Hey Jen! Thanks for stopping by!!
I tend to re-read my favorites, like Pride & Prejudice. I dont immediately re-read a book though, I let some time pass. I'm way overdue for a GWTW re-read too :O)
I did re-read the HP books. I couldnt help it :)
I think thats so weird that you haven't read 1-4 of the Harry Potter Books ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog
Ohhh - great question (I don't normally participate in this meme, but can't resist!).
I have re-read quite a few books, but never back-to-back. I think the quickest I've re-read a book was probably the Twilight series because I'm having such a hard time reviewing them (love them, but don't think they should be YA).
:) Wendi
I've gone back and re-read a few of the books I absolutely loved in years past only to find that I didn't really enjoy them all that much upon second reading. I'd grown as a person, and my tastes had changed. I've decided not to set out to re-read any old favorites. I'd rather keep my memories of old favorites intact! :)
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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)