
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What's Up Wednesday: It's May and we finally have some winners

Hey, hey, hey!  It's May and where does the time go?  Hope this finds you all doing well and enjoying whatever it is that you're into at the moment.  I was about to apologize for my lack of blogging but to be honest, you know what's up.  Life gets in the way, too often, and I can't blog.  No more apologies from me people.  Life is too short for that.

The semester is over and I am enjoying the wee bit of down time I have.  However, Summer II session will be here before I know it, and I don't want to procrastinate as usual.  So, slowly but surely I am getting stuff together.  This will be the second time for this class, and I tweak it each time.  These classes are a learning process for me as well.  We are also trying to develop a few new exam prep classes and that has kept me busy too.  The credentialing exam is definitely a right of passage and I think this last group took it too lightly.  They certainly learned their lesson!

On the bookish front, I am steadily going through and trying to digitize  for free, my paper TBR stacks.  That's a slow process, but very cleansing and necessary.  I have some reviews to write and ones I've already written to post, but some days I just don't have the blogging mojo.  I come home from work and nestle in with the puppy and husband, quite happily.  And that's a good thing!

On the knitting front, I cast on for another sweater.  Here's the photo that just called to me:

It's knit from the top down with the lace part being picked up later and knit sideways.  I love it!  And I had the perfect yarn for it, Silky Wool by Elsebeth Lavold, in a teal like color.  The yarn is a dream to work with.

I also almost finished a shawl but ran out of yarn, which sucks.  It's Malabrigo which is always hard to match up.  The shawl is red but tonal, and I am 4 rows away from finishing.  I was thinking of maybe completing in black, but my friend has a another red yarn that may work.  This was a risk I took so it's not a complete surprise, but it still sucks!

On TV front, I don't have much to say.  We watched The Following on Fox, and only stuck with it because we started it.  Not impressed.  Won't be tuning back in again.  It felt like Keystone Cops and convenient happenings every week.  Shame cause it started so strong.  Love Game of Thrones each week, but otherwise nothing is exciting me that much.  On the networks, I like Elementary, Person of Interest, NCIS and oh my I think that's it.  Arrow I watch on Hulu.

Warehouse 13 just came back, but that's on a short leash with me, and Defiance...haven't watched this week yet, but I'm not invested in any of the characters or the story.  It's kind of boring and if this week doesn't wow me, it's off the list.  Orphan Black, not completely sold and am not sure why.
And as for Doctor Who, as much as I love it, I think I'm falling out of love with show runner Steven Moffet.  I feel like he is trying to be super crafty with the whole Clara thing, which reminds me of the River Song arc.  I thought that ended kind of meh, so I'm on the fence with this Clara thing.  Plus I'm miffed that Captain Jack won't be back for the 50th Anniversary, per internet reports.   Really Steven?  Captain Jack is one of the most popular characters from the series and probably worked with River Song but no appearance?  Just saying enough with the trying to be too clever.

Wow, let me tell you how I really feel!  Sheesh that's enough rambling from me for this week.  but before I go, here are the winners from April's Culling of the Book Shelves are:

1st place: Charlotte - Indiscretion
2nd place: Anita Yancey - Blood Line

Drop me a line ladies and thanks to everyone for entering.  The new one will be up tomorrow.

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