
Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 2013 Pin It and Do It Challenge

As I am sure you know, this challenge is hosted by Trish from Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity.
The link up page is here.

I didn't sign up for a level this time, because I already had some pins I had done in the past but never posted.  However I did a few new ones too.  So here we go!

In my efforts to be healthy, I wanted to try tofu.  Tofu is really not that bad.  Not pretty, but not bad.  It takes on the flavors of whatever you put it in.  So I decided to try Buffalo Style Roasted Tofu.  Sorry but apparently I did not snap any pictures, but click the pin to see what it looks like.

Here's my pin
And the recipe/website/pin I pinned

The tofu was not bad, however this was too hot for me.  I'm not that into spicy, and this made me sweat, probably because I used Tabasco sauce and hot sauce.  Oops!  I only used half the tofu, so I used the other half in a homemade roasted red pepper sauce over whole wheat pasta.  It was tasty!

The next pin was Healthy Cookies:

Here's my pin
And the recipe/website

Looks great, even my oven mitt is happy but these were horrible!  They tasted like baked banana and oatmeal.  I rather have an unhealthy cookie because you ain't fooling anyone with these.  I couldn't even give these away at work!

Next, up marinated chicken from the Food Network:

My pin
And the original recipe/pin

Yeah, yeah, yeah I should know how to marinate chicken, but I don't.  So I searched around and found this recipe.  This came out quite well, except apparently I'm not a fan of rosemary.  Otherwise it was delicious.

Lastly was a breakfast recipe, Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal:

My pin
And the original recipe/pin

There are several versions of this recipe depending on your choice of fruit.  I've tried mango and pineapple.  Both were awesome and provided a great change up for breakfast.  I would highly recommend trying this.

That makes four pins.  Not bad if I do say so myself :)

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