
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Suddenly Sunday: Happy Easter!

Hello dear readers!  Happy and blessed Easter to you all today.  May you enjoy your day and what it brings.  For me I am going to dinner with my parents, and relaxing the rest of the day.

Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by SveaThe Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. 

I can not wait for spring to come and stay!  I am so tired of being cold and bundled up.  I know I shouldn't complain, but this past winter has been never ending.  Cold, windy, and not sunny, so I am ready for spring and summer.  Weather usually never affects me too much, but lately I haven't felt like doing anything!  Posting only when necessary, putting things off, even my reading from time to time felt meh.  I've read some really good books lately, but when I look at some, I just feel meh.  Hopefully, i will turn a corner this week and get back on rack.

Speaking of eclectic reading, I have been all over the place.  I am currently reading three books as you can see: The Princess Bride, Valhalla Rising, and The Chalice.  I've been savoring The Chalice, but I'll finish it up this week.  The other two are from my shelves and are my reading lists, Classics Club and The LOST Perpetual book challenge.  I don't accept many review copies anymore, because I would like to read the books I own.  I also have tons of books written down somewhere that I read reviews of and want to read.  My desk at work has tons of post-its in a pile with book titles on them.  My desk is pretty bad people.  So I've decided I would alternate my choices: request a book from the library, then  read one from my shelves, with review copies spritzed in, in between.

On another note, I haven't really paid attention to the whole Google Reader/Feedburner fiasco.  But seriously Google: why?  You created these products, they have exploded, and now they are going away?  WTH!  So I have jumped on the bloglovin' bus.  You can follow me by clicking on the button in the top left side bar.  I have to see about email delivery once feedburner disappears, but I'll do that another day.

Speaking of blogs, not sure if you have heard, but BBAW, Book Blogger Appreciation Week, is coming to an end.   Yes, it is sad, but I am happy because Amy is happy about it. It was a very difficult decisions for her and not one she took lightly.  Blogging should be fun and enjoyable and even though BBAW was her baby, it was a drain on her.  Life is too short for that people.  So please give Amy your condolences and warm wishes on being lighter and freer to enjoy everything this blogging community has to offer.  Amy's post is enlightening and makes one think about their own blog and how things have changed.

And with those thoughts, I leave you this Suddenly Sunday.  Enjoy your day, happy reading, and have a great week!

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