
Friday, January 18, 2013

January 2013 Culling of the Book Shelves

2013 is a big year for me.  I’m turning 40 (gasp, swoon) the blog turns 5 in December, and I’m simplifying my life.  No more holding onto stuff I’ll never use.  And no more holding onto books that realistically, I’ll never get to, or I’ve read and probably won’t crack open again.  However, it doesn't mean someone else out there might not want these books, so my loss is your gain.  If you’re interested, of course.

This month I am offering up your choice of the following :

The Grail King and Deep Magic by Joy Nash (Two books together)
On the Run by Iris Johansen
Six Seconds by Rick Mofina and Murderers’Club by P.D. Martin 
(Two books together.  I received them together so I’m giving them away together.)
Cutting Loose by Nadine Dajani
A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi
The Recipe Club by Andrea Israel and Nancy Garfinkel

Here are the rules: 
  • U.S. addresses only and no P.O. Boxes.  (sorry!)
  • Leave a comment on this post with your email and your first and second choice of book(s)
  • There will be two winners: 1st place will receive their first choice of book, and 2nd place will also get their   first choice, unless it’s taken, thereby receiving their second choice of book.
  • Contest runs until midnight, EST, Friday February 1, 2013.

Good luck everyone J

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